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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. happy dance, happy dance,
  2. Risto entertaining, that's a big 10 4
  3. tonight not a total loss, Touch down Jesus is going home, but would have been happier if Sabres came all the way back, but half a loaf is better than none
  4. Locker room not sending the message I hoped for
  5. can't catch a break Sabres playing like HC, and ND not getting their butt kicked
  6. Sabres play in this game so far, reminds me of a one legged man in a butt kicking contest
  7. maybe he out from a delayed audio ear infection from the neg. noise pollution coming from select members of arena crowd
  8. happiness over a injury, this could be a new all time low,wow, as forgive and forget, I forgive, but at the same time I don't forget, not sure if I am in the majority or minority, I just am
  9. you belong at the head of the line, your faithfulness to the team is noted and appreciated, at least by me :thumbsup:
  10. never played at higher level in sports, but I know this losing sucks, and having your nose rubbed in it is worst, but some just don't get that, and never will
  11. don't know if this needs to be repeated, but if rooting for the Sabres to win every game they play is wrong, that I don't want to be right, "to thy own self be true" and that is the way I will stay
  12. yes I have, and they also are not playing at the moment like a team trying to finish 30th
  13. Razor's "brain dead" assessment of Sabres play in the 2nd period, is echoing in the canyons of my mind, and no Enis so far in the 3rd, can it get any worst
  14. with every yin there is a yang, so the world turns, so with that the hope is a highly spirited and well played game, will watch as I always do and root the same as I always have, I know not what feelings lurk in the heart and soul of others, only my own, and for that and only that is what I am responsible for
  15. big oaks sprout from little acorns, with the increasing popularity of women's hockey, especially in the Olympics, putting a team in a hockey crazy area like Buffalo could be a major win/win for everyone
  16. would be a better story if it was Razor he got into with, as for free drinks, he would have to had been a real high roller to get comp on drinks, latest update he bit a cop, now that's a no-no ,no matter who you are
  17. just read Coyote's radio announcer got arrested at a Buffalo night spot last night, could it be he pissed off the wrong Sabres fan
  18. to" thy own self be true", defies logic, well so be it, and when did logic become a requirement to be a fan, passion yes, logic?
  19. but if we had someone to score the winner in 50 games, now that's something I could get on board with :thumbsup:
  20. you ask the question, yet you know the answer, a leopard never changes his spots , hope this will be the last time I need to address this, but I truly doubt it
  21. this may be the largest viewed game of the year. don't need to state my opinion on outcome, shoot that's well known, just drop the puck, play the game. and when the smoke clears, let the ranting begin
  22. Babcock sure did earn brownie points last night, or was it a gold star, either way GMTM put one in the plus column for him
  23. didn't like the result, but I will applaud the effort put in tonight
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