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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. last time I knew, it not a deal till pen hits paper, sad but true money talked and Babs walked, it's not the first time a verbal deal has fell thru and it's not the last, such is the way of the world, a man word in this day and age is always secondary to a signed contract,
  2. it will be a sad day when RJ no longer calls Sabres games, I for one have been blessed to here his calls and antidotes :P
  3. oh well, there is always barber college
  4. doesn't matter who he is being compared with, weighing in at 290, now that would be the "ultimate" tank
  5. all the better more thug girth to embrace, blue and gold faithful go over to the dark side, what a great story line for next season
  6. why not, after a get a generational player at any cost attitude season, bringing in a disliked Bruin thug would be par for the course, fans of the blue and gold would embrace him like the long lost black sheep relation and cheer for him to boot
  7. I often wonder what it would have been like to be born rich instead of good looking, but we all have our own crosses to bear
  8. Ryan rips Brady on throwing out first pitch, someone needs to remind him off seasons don't count, maybe that lesson will be taught later on this year, as for Thurman, he must have forgot what a moody cuss he was when he played, what the H ell going on around Buffalo teams, is there a push to change the teams name Buffalo Rippers, I wonder I really do
  9. that would be a "gloried" day indeed, hope I get to witness that event :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  10. Nolan taking over with Oilers, I could see that as a real possibility, on the other hand, isn't it odd that Arizona hasn't fired anyone, could it be finishing 29th and not 30th saved someone's job
  11. who it will be, don't know, but you can bet that he will come with puppet strings attached
  12. could not have said it better, Nolan a class act from A to Z, and throwing anyone under the bus, is just not his style, cheers to you Ted and all the best in your future
  13. one thing is "for sure" who ever it is will have a "huge" bulls eye on his back, and better hope a "huge" check will cover the risk of failing to get this team to the cup and winning it
  14. mutual agreement would have been nice, and if the why was so "obvious than why didn't it happen sooner
  15. it's not about being fired, it's about how and why he was fired
  16. Memo to GMTM, "Karma is a real bitch", hope you remember that when it's your time in the barrel, I for one will not shed a tear on that day, thanks TN for your time here and hope that you have better tomorrows in the future
  17. don't know if he would or wouldn't, but it would be a kick in the nads to GMTM if he did don't you think, college players staying in school and getting a education, now that's not a normal choice with all the one and done going on these days
  18. I stated a thread way back in Jan, on how long Nolan would remain the HC, well the answer is in, just can't wait to see who the "big" name coach is going to be, first the Bills, now the Sabres, and the trend continues, I am for one am sorry to see Teddy go, and wish him well were ever he ends up
  19. speedy recovery Webs, your warrior effort has been much appriciated
  20. turd uniforms, hope this is not a indication of how the boys will play tonight
  21. first day to a new year in MLB, spring in the air, there is nothing in the world like opening day, here's hoping "old blue eyes" will be singing at the end of the game
  22. Patty a warrior to the end
  23. Sabres are a "Gimme Shelter" away from tying this game up
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