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Everything posted by Sidc3000

  1. Love the positivity. If Detroit's defense is as tight as reported, then Detroit is wining
  2. I just posted something in the GDT thread. First, the Sabres don’t want to ride Anderson and squeeze out every last bit of energy he has. Anderson doesn’t want the Sabres to do that. When he agreed to return, I’m sure playing time was discussed and the agreement was that Anderson would get adequate rest. It takes longer to recover as you age, even from day to day work. It took him a long time to recover from his injury last year and I’m guessing he contributed the injury, in part, to his playing schedule and not being able to rest his body adequately. The bottom line is, the Sabres will not be riding Anderson like they would a hot young goalie so this is a totally moot point.
  3. So what? Anderson wants to be able to play the whole season and not get hurt AGAIN. recovery takes longer as you get older. Look how long it took him to return from injury last season. I seriously thought he would have retired after that injury. The amount of play time was the agreement that adams agreed to for Anderson to return this season.
  4. Just out of pure curiosity, does Tampa regularly shoot from the right side of the goalie or is that UPL’s vulnerable side? They second & third most of Tampa’s shots were from his right side.
  5. He tried for Murray but the Sabres were on his NTL. I have a feeling the Sabres are on alot of players NTL and that’s why Adams has decided to go with the total youth movement because he has no choice.
  6. How the hell did they not know there was 6 players on the ice for like 20 seconds
  7. So all this chatter for the rumor that Adams kicked the tires on this kid. I would be shocked it he made any significant move like this. i guess we’ll see
  8. They’re not cheap, per se. I’m sure the team was hemorrhaging money and had to reorganize to try and slow the bleeding. if the team wasn’t consistently at the bottom of the league it would be different
  9. Yes and I think we’re going to have mediocre to average goalies until levi or portillo develops which will be at least 3 years if they’re extremely lucky. That’s if they even sign with the Sabres. if they don’t, I worry that Adams hits the panic button and overpays for an average goalie.
  10. I understand the development of the young players but If it wasn’t for Tage in beast mode, i would confidently say that the Sabres would be firmly in last place.
  11. Could you imagine how bad this team would be, points-wise, if Tage hadn’t developed into the beast he has.
  12. I agree with both the comments. It is interesting and fun to watch these kids develop. Adams is trying his own Beane/McDermott philosophy of “Trust the process” which was annoying when McDermott would repeat it constantly but it worked out for the Bills. We have no choice but to sit back and watch what happens. I’m still somewhat skeptical of Adams future plans and his ability to build this team up. as for goaltending, I think Adams is going to ride or die with Comrie/UPL once Anderson retires (assuming at the end of the season). At least until they develop a better goalie. I do hope he has a contingency plan in case Portillo and/or Levi decide to stay for their senior year & go to free agency afterwards.
  13. Wow what the hell was that Tage!
  14. I would be happy starting with sustained pressure
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