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Everything posted by Sidc3000

  1. 🤣 THE Aaron Dell. 10-3 Sabres
  2. Nope there shouldn’t be any consequences for losing in the NHL. According to some, its full acceptable for a NHL team to lose
  3. so its ok to accept losing in the NHL? My comment had absolutely nothing to do with contract structure, draft, etc
  4. True. Unlike the Bills where losing was never acceptable and I think that was the difference with how quickly the Bills turned it around. 🤔 we’ll see about that
  5. Thank you for articulating my feelings & thoughts better than I did. Great analogy with McDermott.
  6. I don’t see him doing that. The plan is for them to develop in the NHL. Who would he bring up to replace people?
  7. They are also waaaaay more expensive and when you’re on a tight budget, you get what you can afford
  8. We all know know what Adams is doing is different. At least some of us know he’s doing it differently out of necessity not because it’s a proven method. I don’t know a lot about other teams rebuilds but how many other teams have brought up all of their top prospects at once to develop them in the NHL? If this has been done before, what was the team’s success? I’m not going to get excited about it until they turned the corner or should I say IF they turn the corner. i do think Adams has gotten lucky by capturing lightning in a bottom with Tage. Tage alone may be the sole reason the team changes its trajectory. If it wasn’t for him, the Sabres would most likely be at the very bottom of the standings.
  9. The injury is playable compared to other knee injuries. It will require surgery but it can wait till after the season. I’m sure Miller was going by what the doctors were saying but Beane convinced him otherwise, especially since now that Rousseau is heathy. Since he is older I’m sure it’s best for him to rest it the next four weeks so he can survive a long playoff run.
  10. Isn’t that what the NHL wants, a crap ton of goals? I think Adams is content with mediocre to average goaltending for the foreseeable future until a prospect like Levi is ready for the NHL. Whenever (I should also add IF) that happens. They will certainly win some games by scoring a lot.
  11. My patience has worn thin. I honestly think this was a way to conduct extreme cost cutting measures and disguise it by marketing it as youth development. That then buys Adams some time by holding fans hope at bay for a little while.
  12. Ok, what’s available?
  13. Nope it seemed to work out
  14. I believe there was argument in a thread today that winning face offs dont matter
  15. Sure. What the hell 🤷‍♂️🤣
  16. How many goalies go straight from college to the NHL?
  17. He‘s getting burned for being way over aggressive
  18. because the goalie way overplayed it by a mile giving Tage all the time and and space in the world
  19. Is this the Avs backup?
  20. You may be lucky to get 5000 with the Bills playing tonight
  21. i couldn’t say this better myself! I’m also one who won’t let this organization pull the wool over my eyes again.
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