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Everything posted by Sidc3000

  1. I hope the capitals broadcast shows the moment of silence
  2. I know the EMS crews have protocols and their own medical direction but they had higher level of care on the field with them. I would think the doctors on the field would control the care and when to defib.
  3. I’m sorry if this sounds bad but life has to go on. Playing could be a type of therapy for any sabres player who may know Damar. It will take their mind off of the tragedy for 60 minutes. Personally I’ve had espn & nfl network on most of the day hearing about the tragedy over and over. I need this game to take my mind off if it. I just wished i had bought tickets to tonight’s game so i could be there to support the Sabres and the Buffalo fans
  4. Well it looks like the Sabres struggle going against similar young, aggressive team
  5. I guess it’s really hard to type UPL. 🤣
  6. Wtf. Tage is now getting too cocky. Stupid ***** play
  7. Why did so the Sabres just stand there at the face off
  8. I guess the officials must have decided that it was way too blatant to call that non-call
  9. Ahhhh the zebras trying hard to give Boston the advantage
  10. I’d say the Bruins controlled the first 10 and not as much the second 10.
  11. Because we have younger players Who haven’t fully developed yet.
  12. Exactly. Without a big guy who can throw down, there is nothing the Sabres could do
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