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Everything posted by Sidc3000

  1. That’s a logical assumption. It could also be as simple as just giving him quick updates. Also talking to Terry, does that mean on the phone, an email, text msg? People are reading into that comment.
  2. Juat because he talks to him daily ( I believe Beane has made the same comment) doesn’t mean that Pegula is telling him what to do. If football isn’t Pegula’s “first love” why is he talking to Beane daily? That comment very well could have been Adams trying to convince the fans that Pegula actually cares. Harrington is reading into a comment with no evidence. I know Pegula is very invested in the Bills because you see him in the locker room regularly. When has anyone seen Pegula in the Sabres locker room?
  3. Exactly, where. I have seen people constantly say that but I haven’t seen any proof of it other than maybe Paul Hamilton say Terry cares about the team.
  4. I would think all owners hire the GM. Who would if it isn’t the owner? the biggest “meddling” he has is cutting costs and keeping them on a very strict budget. That is why the team sucks. The way I read that article was that Terry doesn’t care much about the team. So much that the agents see how much he doesn’t care.
  5. And that’s why i feel the Sabres were a means to an end. Now they’re just taking up space in his portfolio. He has gutted it to bare bones to help fund other ventures, mainly the Bills. Now that he has other investors for the Bills, let’s see if he actually puts anything into the Sabres. I’m not holding my breath
  6. Meddling in certain aspects or players is totally different than controlling day to day decisions.
  7. Remember it was three years before he bought the Bills.
  8. Good question. We don’t know. I believe he’s more visible with the Bills than the Sabres only because he’s seen at several games, he’s in the locker room for post game speeches, etc.
  9. I honestly never understood why everyone thought he was intimately involved in every single decision. Keeping the team as young as possible, hiring only first time GM’s/coaches, and having the GM’s on a very strict budget shows he doesn’t care much about the Sabres. His 100% focus is and will be always with the Bills. He knows that they can keep the Sabres fans believing enough that they will still pay so they can keep the lights on at the arena.
  10. It’s going on 5 years and they’re basically in the same spot
  11. You just put words in my mouth since I said nothing about trading anyone. Keep watching through your rose colored glasses and hoping that talent is going to fix the incompetence of the front office.
  12. Most of, if not all of them, will not be on this roster at the of the season. Either they will be traded or go to better teams when their contracts expire. The only way to get vets long term is to over pay them because of the incompetence of the front office and ownership. Obviously Adams won’t overpay. He’ll let them walk away and sign a couple more vets to one year deals because he wants to stay young.
  13. How long does everyone have to wait 3,4,5 more seasons? We’ve waiting for, soon to be 14 seasons. Remember this was the season everyone expected them to take that step, instead they’re in 29th place and staring down a top 5 draft pick AGAIN! That makes it, what, 10 season being in the botttom 10 of the league. Just because the team has talent doesn’t mean the team as a whole will get better. They had a much more talented young roster that eventually walk away because of front office mismanagement. They saw that things were not improving and nothing has changed since those trades except they are winners and the Sabres are losers. What vets? Who wants to come to the Sabres?
  14. Here are some positive thoughts: they’ll most likely finish in the bottom 10 of the league for the 11th time in 14 seasons what are some of your positive thoughts?
  15. 😂 maybe if the Sabres gave me anything to be positive about. The Sabres are last in the conference and 29th in the league. There us nothing positive about that
  16. That 13 game losing streak is because was because of Dahlin was out. Blows my mind that this team is so mentally weak that having one player out made them lose 14 in a row. Vets and kids alike.
  17. At least there is a winning team in this organization. All these players will fall off the face of the earth when the make the Sabres roster.
  18. I honestly don’t think Adams will trade him for fear of him blossoming somewhere else.
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