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Everything posted by Sidc3000

  1. Biz Nasty is at the game and feels the same as everyone.
  2. Well the Sabres can’t score if they don’t get SOG
  3. The goalie was able to play the ***** puck
  4. This announcer is very boring. I can’t believe I actually miss Dan and rob
  5. Mind boggling that some people can’t see what’s right in front of them. It’s be very obvious that just about everything that has been done since Adams became GM has been cost cutting. I honestly don’t see them spending anytime soon
  6. “Economic, Efficient, Effective” Noticed economic is first. Those three words is 1000% a directive from Pegula. Has Adams made some bad decisions, yep. He’s a first time GM so I expect him to make wrong decisions. Pegula will only hire first time GM’s because they’re cheap. Did he fail to find high quality coaches or did he make sure his coaches were best economically? Lindy is absolutely an economic hire. They got him at a discount because he is still being paid by NJ.
  7. You honestly think Bettman gives a ***** if the Sabres win or not? The league made money off the team this whole time. It shows how gullible the Sabres fan base is. We’re going to give you the worse possible team for over a decade and you will still pay to watch them.
  8. I get what people say about giving it time. The Blues took a couple months to turn things around the season they win the cup but that was also mid-season coaching change. The Sabres had training camp to begin to learn his system. I will give them to the first week of November before I will completely write off the season.
  9. What makes you believe that the Pegula’s would consider a POHO? What in the 10 years they have owned the Sabres is a sign?
  10. So people want Adams fired now? lol that’s funny. Who are they going to get to replace him? No real GM wants to work for the Sabres, especially for the price I’m sure Adams is getting paid. The Sabres are a money pit for the Pegula’s and they’re trying to put as little into it as humanly possible. I wonder when some fans will start to realize that the “youngest team in the league” thing is getting old? Like I’ve said before, it’s just an excuse. It’s an excuse for the organization as a whole to ice an inferior product. Lindy isn’t going to fix anything. He was a nostalgia hire to get older fans in the building and a bridge to Appert. Which will be another brand new to the NHL HC for this organization. until the Pegula’s get serious about spending money on the organization (which probably won’t happen) or the sell the team, nothing is going to change. New roof , new scoreboard, updating alumni plaza… All relatively cheap (or necessary) but also just lipstick on a pig in the hope they bring a few extra dollars into the organization. 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣
  11. When will fans understand that there will never be panic in this organization under Pegula. He only cares about the Bills
  12. Accountability was empty words. Lindy never benched Samuelsson after he lost the game with a “hockey suicide” penalty.
  13. But the Pegula’s don’t want that or they would have. Instead they hire discounted homers that make fans feel good. Pegula’s are trying to keep the fans and bay for the longest they could and it has seemed to work. They don’t deserve our patients anymore.
  14. How many times do we have to hear this? I’ve heard this season after season for the past 5 or 6 seasons. Nothing is going to get better when you have to same person or family calling the shots. as Journey said, “don’t stop believing”. i have.
  15. He should have been in the press box. So much for accountability
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