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Everything posted by Sidc3000

  1. I want an embarrassing 10-1 blow out loss. Their psyche is already shot. They know they’re nothing but losers. I want a totally embarrassing 10-1 loss. Ovi get 4.
  2. He’s driving with Adams because he promised to cut costs and Pegula developed him over the years. That is a problem with Terry, he can be loyal to a fault.
  3. Yes now. Maybe just maybe note Terry will put some money into the Sabres. 🤞 Listening to the post game and reimer was speechless for a long moment. Lindy is so frustrated with this team. You hear it in his post game comments. I’m sure he is at loss for answers on how they can be so inconsistent. when your young core has learned only to lose, what do you expect? They know they’re out of it after the 13 game losing streak. Why bust your ass when you know you know nothing is going to be done to you. I’m wondering if Lindy has orders not to punish these guys because the only player that was in the dog house for a bit was Quinn. This is what Terry should do but won’t. Have a presser announcing an aggressive plan to make this team competitive next season. - first by putting players on notice, publicly. They are not safe and he expects consequences for horrible play. This organization will not be a safe space anymore. - infusion of cash into the organization to rebuild the front office and operations - with some of that money, announce the search for a President of Hockey Operations from outside the organization I know none of this will happen but a boy can dream, can’t he? 😂
  4. The stadium is $560 million OVER the initial estimate. That is all out of Terry’s bank account. https://apnews.com/article/bills-stadium-cost-pegula-8c56fad9d970f2b17429d3ae779f70ba
  5. Quote of the Fu(king season! Thank god someone in this organization said it. "We have to come to the realization that we can't be a young team anymore." - Rasmus Dahlin Even the players are realizing that this young team thing doesn’t work. I have a feeling there is going to be some very strong works for the GM at the end of season sit down with his leadership group. Unfortunately it will go in one ear and out the other.
  6. Because he’s the heir apparent. It’s was plainly obvious when they hired Ruff and made Appert his assistant that he would be the new HC after Lindy retired. He’s not going anywhere. What other GM worth a damn would want to work for the Sabres
  7. But I’m sure there will be something positive that happens with the Sabres during the game 🙄. I’m tired of looking for positives. The only positives I want to see is in the standings since we haven’t seen that in, what will be, 14 years. I want them to lose the rest of the season. They don’t deserve to win anymore games PHEW! I needed that vent I feel better now it’s still nice to see them win but it’s a moot point. Their psyche is shot because of all the losing
  8. How is this a false narrative? Don’t you think most players who have the required time or age would have one? If you have one wouldn’t the Sabres be on it? If I was the team steward, I would be pushing it constantly
  9. Is there, really? Anyone who could be consider a “veteran” has, at a minimum, a modified NTC.
  10. He’s paying them for what he thinks they will develop in. Adams won’t change
  11. Did cozens earn his pay day? Adams isn’t paying what they have done, he’s paying them so they dont do better somewhere else Bridge deals real done exist much anymore. At least not in this team
  12. And I don’t see Adams doing that especially since he has to work on deals with Quin, Peterka, and Byrum.
  13. That actually looked like a real power play system. I’m glad they have finally given up on that drop pass BS.
  14. It was painfully obvious they are weak minded when they lost 13 games in a row because their captain was out of the line up. Absolutely mind boggling If he can keep selling the future, there is always suckers buying it
  15. Smartphones started the constant dopamine push. Online betting is just taking advantage.
  16. He’s a UFA so there is no guarantee of him staying
  17. This all started because of a GIF of someone slamming a door.
  18. Maybe, we won’t know unless he doesn’t get traded. If he doesn’t resign with the Sabres then we know really what he was thinking. that could also just be his normal demeanor. Doing his best and working hard coulD just be him. he could also be working hard to show other teams what he can give and maybe get traded to a winning team. Professional athletes didn’t work hard their whole life to be part of a solution, they want to win.
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