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  1. He has been absolutely horrid at home all year. Should the "sabrehood" sweatshirt have...a hood?
  2. I'm surprised you could see anything with your head so far up your rectum.
  3. You seem to be the sort of guy who would try to watch the game through a 12 year old flip phone.
  4. I pay for the Internet I use to pirate the stream though. Where do you get your free Internet from?
  5. It's all the stress and distraction of playing at home though. 🙄 He's figured out how to get paid to watch this dreck. We pay for the privilege. Who's dumber?
  6. Oh, I forgot they played early today. Wonder how it's going.
  7. My issue stems from one of those Sabres produced videos. Multiple players identified Mitts house as the place they all go to play. Dahlin moved out of that house and immediately improved. The team stinks at home and has done so for awhile. It's not about the video games per se. If we identified that Mitts and a group of other important players were closing down bars every night at home then playing poor hockey afterward we'd have no problem pointing that out. So they aren't closing down bars, but they're up until 4am playing COD with Mitts and the boys instead, then playing poor hockey at home. Maybe I'm wrong and this isn't what's happening. Maybe they are all acting like responsible adults at home. Normally I'd say it's young kids out partying too much, but it doesn't seem to happen on the road, or in obvious places like Las Vegas. You know what doesn't travel with the player? The nice gaming PC.
  8. He went to the room, but yeah he milked it. The only guy who consistently steps up for people gets run and you're ok with NOBODY standing up for him in a game they were going to win no matter what. Ok man. If there were ever a team and a situation where you could do something and not worry about consequences it was just then. The children weren't interested. And we talked about playoffs for this team. If you can't stand up to the Blackhawks in January how on Earth can you deal with the Bruins in April? Sometimes you have to take the first step. They didn't. Again.
  9. Today's game sucks. They posture and preen.
  10. Well, did they do what you said either? Seems to me that guy walked out scot free.
  11. Then drop the mitts and start throwing hands.
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