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Everything posted by woods-racer

  1. Of course! I can't believe I didn't think of that.
  2. I'm missing something, It usually takes me a while to decipher Yuri's sayings, I thought I understood this one, and it was a positive thing. But then NS had this and I'm once again needing a translation....
  3. I'm alright with those scenarios. I was assuming that it was being implied that inserting Meszaros was trying to improve the chances of a CHL win, which I will say is much better with Meszaros, but I was hoping that wasn't the teams reason behind the move. I still have some fan dignity, and I need to deal with that during the Tank.
  4. Why Zadorov? They can't be sitting him due to his play in Montreal, can they?
  5. I wasn't questioning the realities of the tank, logically it's the path with the greatest chance of success, my wavering was whether I could keep faithfully watching such a down and out team. They are wearing down my good karma, then, Connor spoke to me while driving.....
  6. Connor McDavid just did a live interview this morning, if any one can find the audio and post it it's a great interview. Rocket 101 Erie, PA 9:00 am If you can't, he is a great young man. When asked about playing in Buffalo earlier this year with the Erie Otters and the Sabres fan base hoping the Sabres are able to draft him.. "....that be cool !, I grew up a Bills fan, the Pegula's are great owners, they treat their players great, they really got something going with the Harbor Center, and the hockey facility is great...." I listened to the whole interview, this was not scripted, this was just an 18 year old letting everyone know how he felt. The recent win against the Hab's had me wavering on the Tank, but his 10 minute interview hardened my resolve, I really like this young man.
  7. Sorry, even if you strip a leaf fan naked and drag him behind a snowmobile around the great white north, still, NFG. Their Leafs fans. My Dream, April 1st 2015, Sabres will win to mathematically eliminating the Blow Leafs Blow from the playoffs. Thus relegating them to hockey purgatory of picking a draft pick that should keep them average.
  8. The good part of the Islanders tank is I can openly root for the Islanders to loose and loose big. The part that is foreign to me is rooting for teams I hate way more than the Islanders...Filthadephia....Boston...and the worst..Shitzburg. Put I will try and catch those games and hope The Isles loose.
  9. ESPN would really have scrape the bottom of the barrel to find someone as opinionated and ignorant as Millbury doing intermission updates. I'm sure they will find someone with a mullet, not sure if they will find anyone less successful in hockey than Millbury, and consider them an expert.
  10. The boys made me feel good.....even better
  11. What..What? Your official coming out of the..................bathroom. Finish the thought, don't leave us hanging!!!
  12. No, have you seen the skittles Super Bowl commercial? Weber used the skittles arm wrestling move on that check, it's settled.
  13. Islanders lost, and Blackhawks are down by 3 goals, fun night.
  14. Know what you mean, but if NY wants to really help, how about Meth and Heroin NY Quits commercials.
  15. In truth, Sabres games are about the only hockey games that I've watched that a fair share of the commercials are for another city beside the home city that cable feed is meant for. Never watched the Penguins and sat through Philly commercials, it's just a little different, like the NY Quits commercials, different.
  16. Myers play much in the second half of the 2nd period?
  17. Nothing like them on Root sports, which is the Penguins version of MSG
  18. Now, those NY Quits commercials are bad..
  19. Sorry, have to disagree, I like Ray. On the ice pointing out the obvious, talking like he's drinking a beer with the viewers..
  20. Suban is a dirty French ######... sounds like horror
  21. Holy crap...this is fun!! back and forth play with Sabres scoring.
  22. How many 2 on ones can you give up before the game is a blow out...
  23. Meyers is a marked man...Rob Ray I think he's just been an easy target,
  24. Meyers is seeing little birdies.
  25. Sara Diamond, a pretty young lass, but not the best singer...
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