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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. He does not ever back down from his position on ANYTHING! An interviewer once asked what is biggest regret in his life was and he said something like a 'misspent youth', meaning he regrets he got caught driving drunk. You bet your boots! The Devil's got the 10th ring of hell all set up and waiting for him, and only him.
  2. Okay, I deleted my Schoenfeld vote, but I don't think that makes me indecisive. I mean I could be wrong, but if I had to do it over in a parallel universe, maybe I wouldn't have changed my mind...or maybe I would have...I think...sort of.
  3. BagBoy

    College Football

    They aren't allowed to have a championship game until they get back to at least 12 teams. Since Baylor and TCU are the best remaining teams left, why not match them up together in a bowl game? I would love to see that game, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were a better game than the first 2 playoff games.
  4. holy heck - do my eyes deceive me? I thought I saw Stafford score.
  5. Matrix, I'm very concerned about you. I sense a lot of anger from your posts, and I'm worried you will have a serious analism, and let's face it, we can't have that, or else the leftists win. An analism, you ask? That's when the poop vessels in your head rupture and your brain becomes flooded with poop. Stay safe, my brother.
  6. Geez, you don't have to jump down his throat. It's not like his dog took a big runny dump in your yard and he didn't clean it up.
  7. Beliveau was the epitome of class, both on and off the ice. I was very lucky to see him play at the Aud a few times as a youngster.
  8. Peca is the only non-generic Sabres jersey I own. I loved that guy, but when he held out it really rubbed me the wrong way.
  9. That's certainly a much more uplifting philosophy than that of original sin. Mainstream Christianity is overrated.
  10. Not only was the chokehold unnecessary, it is prohibited by the NYPD. I'm no lawyer, but if a cop uses a prohibited technique that directly results in injury or death, isn't that criminal negligence?
  11. Understood and agreed. My problem with religion is not that we can't prove god exists, but rather the inflexible, toxic dogma of the righteous.
  12. How do we know the Big Bang was indeed "the beginning"? Who is to say the universe hasn't contracted down to a tiny dot and then expoded out an infinite number of times? No scientist worth his salt would ever say that without concrete proof. This is one reason why I don't like religion. Proof is not a requirement for the devout. They need only be sure of their convictions, and the facts be damned if they get in the way of their dogma. Religion is borne out of man's unwillingness to say I DON'T KNOW. Let me take you to a scene in old Scandinavia..... ----[sven and Broomhilda hear a terrifyingly loud clap of thunder.] --BROOMHILDA: What the heck was that? --SVEN: Well.....It was um errr ahhh.....Thor, the mighty thunder god, yeah that's the ticket, Thor. --BROOMHILDA: Why did he make that horrible sound? --SVEN: Well.....he's um errr ahhh just saying that, well you know, that we better sacrifice some children or things will get worse. --BROOMHILDA: Okay, which one should we kill first? I have a coworker who is great, thoughtful, intelligent guy. He has chosen to believe that the Bible should be interpreted literally, and that anyone who does not accept Jesus as their savior will burn in hell for eternity after they die. I asked him 'what about poor babies that die before they are able to comprehend and accept Jesus, let alone speak?'. He just shrugged as if to say, 'yeah, it sucks for them'. I asked him 'what about people isolated in remote jungles who have never had the ability to learn about Jesus?'. I got the same response. So in a determined effort to understand, he has adopted a philosophy where his god takes innocent babies and sends them to hell for eternity through no fault of their own. That is not a god. That is a devil! I happen to believe that Mary Magdalene was not a ###### and was actually Jesus' wife and they had kids together. Good thing I'm not a bishop or I'd be out of a job. I also believe Jesus did some very bad things in his younger days (didn't we all?), but this is also blasphemous. To me religion should be about love, and that's all. How can it possibly ever get to love, when it can't even get to truth?
  13. ^^ Yup. Same thing with Don Edwards. The guy won a friggin' Vezina with us.
  14. I loved the Don's back in the day, just like most every Sabres fan then. I voted for the Tyler's.
  15. Here in NC on cable, I don't get as many home feeds as I'd like. It didn't used to be his bad. It also seems like we never get Buffalo ads when it is the MSG feed. I actually miss those ads.
  16. Any word on the attendance there in Detroit?
  17. Amen. Weak indeed. I think if Obama single-handedly cured cancer tomorrow, the GOP would call him a job killer for putting all those oncologists out of work.
  18. Probably from drinking too much fracking-polluted water - it's all part of Pegula's plan to get the Sabres on top at any cost.
  19. Myers has the hockey IQ of Max Afinogenov - and that ain't a good thing.
  20. I'm relatively new here, but I'm pretty sure my politics does not exactly jive with yours. However, other than the loathing Clinton part I agree with literally every word of your post. Maybe I'm too cynical, but with the 2 parties having such a monopoly on corruption politics, I just can't see a future landscape where any signifigant number of politicians have any of the integrity you mentioned above. If you know how to get the US out of this funk, I'm all ears.
  21. I would go one step further and say that every politician lies to the people. Truer words were never spoken about the dialogue in this country. It's been going on at this unacceptable level for the last 20 years or so now. Remember the good old days when the Dems and Repubs in Congress would battle during the day, and then they would go out that same night and get hammered together and have a great time? I miss those days, because they respected each other, no matter how much their opinions differed, and they could get things done as a result back then. Today? Not even close.
  22. Dude, why so cynical? It's not like Udall's some jabronie who knocked up your kid sister.
  23. I live in NC. Photo ID is not required this election and there was even a sign that said so right at the entrance of my polling station. So when I checked in, the lady asked me if I had photo ID. I said yes I do. I had no intention of providing it and she didn't ask me to. I really didn't give it much thought until later. I'm a registered Dem in a Repub district, and the more I think about it the more peeved I am becoming. I should have said I didn't have photo ID. That would have been more interesting. The Dems will lose the Senate. This website has been virtually perfect over the last few elections -> http://electoral-vote.com/ Kansas is tied, Georgia will probably need a runoff. Other than those 2, I'd be willing to bet that all the other races finish as they predict.
  24. Looks like we've got the NESN feed here in Center Ice land. I really like Andy Brickley, but I just can't stand that pencil-neck twit Jack Edwards. I think I'll mute the game and crank up the Velvet Underground.
  25. Regarding the Senate races: Here's a site I have been following since at least 2006. It updates pretty much daily, and historically it has been deadly accurate. Keep it bookmarked for 2016, because they will track the presidential race by state, also. http://electoral-vote.com/
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