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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. I'm pretty sure I'm oversimplifying things here, but the US is famous for giving people a second chance. Take a look at your voting ballot if you don't believe me. The bar is actually kind of low. All you need to do is apologize sincerely, and be a little bit less of a dick going forward. I get the distinct impression that the average citizen does not believe that Mitchell has checked either one of those two boxes. That's on him and his advisors/family, not "cancel culture".
  2. No. Just a measured response.
  3. If I put myself in Mitch Miller's position, and then imagine someone kicking the ***** out of me for what I did, I think I might have learned my lesson and stopped being quite so much of a dick. I know this sounds like somewhat of a Neanderthal attitude, but in WWII, we didn't take Japan and Germany to court when they acted up, we (The Allies) kicked their *****, and they have been behaving very well ever since. I know the kid Mitchell was bullying was not capable of defending himself, but I also know there were plenty of people who knew what was going on, didn't like it, and did nothing to stop it. Maybe if someone layed a beatdown on Mitchell, not only would the bullying victim be a happier healthier person, but Mitchell would be, too.
  4. The outside looks like a good place to stab the people deserving of it to me.
  5. Man, that new SoFi Stadium in LA is sensational. I guess with a cost of $5 Billion+, it ought to be, but it is.
  6. If COVID spreads via airborne transmission, does that mean you can get it from farts of a contaminated person?
  7. State Trooper....
  8. The title track from Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska...
  9. Great song! Bruce Springsteen was a big fan of theirs. He credits them a lot for the feel and sparseness of his album Nebraska. Bruce also let out lots of those whoops that Suicide was famous for on Nebraska.
  10. The NFC East is a collective 2-13-1 against non-divisional opponents. At this rate, they may send a 6 win team to the playoffs.
  11. Damn good and confusing are the exact correct descriptions! I got through season 1, but I had to rewatch some episodes to make sure I understood what happened (or what was happening, or what would happen). I haven't ventured into season 2 yet, but I will, and when I do I will do it with flow charts of how how everyone is related to one another, and also previous plot twists There are links that provide this info, and rightly so. One thing I have to say about watching this show in English is that the dubbing is terrible. I'm sure the literal translation from German is good, but the dubs are delivered so emotionlessly. It's like people are just reading the translations with no context of the plot/characters, etc. I would have much preferred subtitles, but oh well.
  12. The Tampa Cup reminds me of the NCAA basketball situation for Virginia. In 2018, UVa was the top seed and became the only #1 seed to ever lose to a #16 seed (and didn't just lose but got hammered). Just like Tampa got swept by Columbus last year. UVa responded by winning the NCAA title the following year, and now Tampa did the same thing.
  13. So true. Many sacrifices were made by those players, coaches, staff, etc., and it definitely improved the standard of living for NHL fans enduring the age of covid.
  14. Way to go Tampa! They were the unquestionable favorite last year and lost spectacularly to Columbus in the 1st round. They did such a great job of vindicating themselves as true champions this year. I can't even imagine how satisfying that must be for their players and coaching staff. Way to go Tampa!
  15. No surprise but the Patriots cheat again and get away with it. Newton runs to the goal line, and doesn't get the TD. Belichick throws the challenge flag just before the next play. The refs don't see it. Then Newton scores on the following play and the Pats scramble to pick up the challenge flag and the refs totally miss it. Pete Carroll and NBC saw it though. As many times as the Pats have made the league look like dupes with all their underhanded *****, you'd think the NFL would be watching them like a hawk 24/7. Oh wait, I just remembered who the commissioner of the NFL is. My bad.
  16. For the same reason we North Americans are not very good at accepting cultures that are foreign to us. For example, Kucherov is not pronounced KOO-cher-ov in Russian, It is pronounced koo-CHAIR-ov. And the Russian president's name is not pronounced PU-tin, but rather poo-TINE, just like the wonderful Quebecois snack!
  17. Is it just me? I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy about seeing college and now pro football games with people in the stands. I applaud the NHL and NBA for doing such a good job with their bubbles. MLB even with no fans has been a very questionable decision Covid-wise. Now football players are not only travelling, and with no bubbles, but are playing in stadiums with fans where proper social distancing and correct mask usage is a crapshoot at best.
  18. "Devastating" as Kathryn Tappen just said.
  19. Cirelli! That guy has been really good in this series.
  20. Re: the bolded, I can relate. I have always tried to limit crap possessions, but now that I'm getting ready to move it has become evident I have entirely too much ***** that I absolutely don't need. I'm going to donate the stuff that somebody else will consider useful to Habitat for Humanity. The rest is going into the trash or recycling bins.
  21. The Coyotes were accused of conducting illegal pre-draft testing for more than 20 prospects from the Canadian Hockey League. According to sources, CHL teams accused the Coyotes of putting draft-eligible prospects through physical tests, which is not allowed before the NHL scouting combine. --from ESPN--
  22. ^^ You two convinced me to start watching Hannibal. I watched the first 3 episodes today. No plans to bail on the remainder at this time.
  23. My Bruins hatred was somewhat dormant vs. the Canes. It's back with a vengeance now.
  24. I should have said marginalized instead of victimized, so good job to bring that out. Yes we (The Sabres) suck, so I get your point, but I don't think you are getting mine. What if the comment was about Buffalo in general? Or your family? You would not blow it off then. Because then you would feel marginalized and rightly so. I will try one last time to make you understand that the real issue here is not that society has become overly PC, but rather that most people are becoming more empathetic regarding the marginalized, and even more importantly, that this is a very good thing. Fighting it is not.
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