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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. I feel the same way. Not to get all philosophical, but we do it with regard to our religions. Christians try to be as good as Jesus, Muslims try to be as good as Muhammad, etc. You just need to do the best you can, not be perfect. From a more utilitarian standpoint, ending slavery in the early 1800's was a utopian idea. Women voting was a utopian idea at the turn of the century. Civil Rights was a utopian idea, getting to the moon (and back) was a utopian idea. But people made all of that happen anyway.
  2. LOL
  3. I like Bernie, too. I'm a lib so no surprise there, but I usually take a more pragmatic approach to who is "more electable". Lately I don't care about that. Bernie is passing the smell test, for me at least, and he doesn't have any known skeletons in his closet. Bring it Bernie! I'm voting for you!
  4. ^^ Obviously, I know eff all about how it really happened, but I blame Cheney way more than Bush. edit - response to Neo's post
  5. I'm with you on it being a bad war, and I get that you're being - let's say Machiavellian (if not cynical, or both) - in saying 'masterfully played'. And it's easy for me to say over a decade later, but we really goofed on the Iran piece of this puzzle. We created a much more influential Iran by removing Iraq from the balance of power equation in the Middle East. For poop's sake, how could we not anticipate this after actively supporting Iraq in the 80's to actually fight a brutal war with Iran? As you said, the real enemy was terrorism. With Iraq castrated, Iran has been much more able to focus on sponsoring terrorism. This is where we are now. Doubling down by rejecting the recent nuclear agreement with Iran is not the answer. imo we need to approve this deal. Two wrongs don't make a right. We've had enough of this idiotic John Wayne mentality when it comes to the Middle East.
  6. Totes Hillary --oh wait, wrong thread...never mind.
  7. This thread should be required reading for Sociology students. Not even kidding.
  8. OMG - Family Ties flashbacks here. Alex...Is that you?
  9. These are always fun. http://www.isidewith.com/elections/2016-presidential-quiz?from=8v289s7sR Answer a survey to see which prez candidates you align with. This survey seems pretty good, especially if you answer the extra questions. Also, if a simple "yes" or "no" doesn't feel right, click "other". Most "others" I clicked had a lot of relevant potential responses pop up after clicking it.
  10. Yes. If I was purging.
  11. I don't suppose you could provide some tangible proof of this, could you? Sarah Palin talking about "death panels" doesn't count, by the way.
  12. Regarding the Sandra Bland arrest, you need to watch it again, because the cop was an as$hole the entire time. First off, he pulls her and then doesn't even get out of his car for almost 7 minutes. He then says, "Okay, ma'm. (Pause). You seem upset." No explanation for why he pulled her. She calmly explains that she is upset because she was trying to get out of his way, and then stops talking. He says "You done?". She calmly explains that he asked her if she was upset and so she explained why. This cop was 100 percent unprofessional during this entire incident. If I was in her shoes I would have been furious. Then again, I'm white so he wouldn't have baited me.
  13. It's a South Park reference. Otherwise I think we all agree. From imdb.com The latest South PArk episode has the boys being angry with loud harley davidson riding bikers in their town.Being kids, they refer to the bikers as "f*gs".However after they spray paint the word, the homosexuals think it is about them and the boys try to have the meaning of the word changed.The episode basically revolves around the use of the word among different generations and wither or not it is acceptable to use it.That's South Park pertaining to modern culture, as usual.There is also a hilarious scene featuring Emmanuel Lewis(Webster), as the editor of the dictionary.Overall, it is a fairly funny, entertaining and good episode.
  14. ^^ YOUR reality and actual reality...the difference is quite clear to me.
  15. JJ, I don't know why this is so difficult for you. Your quote above is blatantly racist. How do you think a black person (or person who is black) would feel when reading that?
  16. Aren't we all on our keyboards here? My throne is in my bathroom btw. I get your point about Sicily and the mafia, but they are Italians, just like South Carolinians are American. You did not catch my Bulger reference correctly because the Irish "mob" for lack of a better term came to be well before the Civil War.
  17. So, I’ve learned a few things today. Sicilians are not Italians. Whitey Bulger is darn near 175 years old. “The Left” has done a miserable job of getting me and my “leftist” friends to go to war for texting rights regardless of circumstances. And to think that all this time I have been staunchly against texting and cell phone use by drivers. Well, I guess that’s understandable given that the left is wasting all its energies... on a mission to control every aspect of JJ50’s life that affects absolutely nobody but him. I readily admit, and sincerely apologize for the fact, that my post here (so far) is indulgent, but at some point, silliness needs to be addressed for what it is. I guess if I’m apologizing it is primarily to two posters here. I think it’s fair to say Neo is a bit to the right of me and Yuri is a bit to the left. I have yet to see either of them ever indulge in the swamp warfare that does nothing but aggravate the widening chasm between the left and right. Quite the opposite, they have encouraged objective and open-minded thought on the issues of today without in any way sacrificing their principles. In fact, they make it look it easy, so it shouldn’t be such a stretch for everyone else. Having said that, I humbly submit the opinion that there is indeed a racism issue in this country, and there always has been. I would also say that it is actually getting better all the time. I could make a bunch of horrible analogies here, but suffice it to say that as the issue gains exposure, and becomes more accepted for what it is, there is a certain amount of pain and discomfort for those who are only beginning to realize it. This is normal and this is good. This is how we make progress.
  18. I totally agree. This could get very entertaining. The ghost of Harold Ballard is alive and well!
  19. Thanks to you and Josie914 for the links. Apparently he's not quite as moderate as his reputation - big on fiscal conservatism. http://thinkprogress.org/election/2015/07/21/3669240/kasich-announcement/
  20. I've been sort of overwhelmed by the complexity of the Iran deal to the point where I just didn't know what to think. Then I heard that Iran is giving up 100% of its medium enriched uranium and 98% of its low-level enriched uranium. Even disregarding all the other aspects of the deal, how can anyone think this is a bad deal for the west? If we didn't do it, they would keep all that uranium. How in the world could we be safer without this agreement?
  21. So Kasich threw his hat in today. I don't know much about him, but from what little I read about him today, he seems pretty reasonable and not very devisive. Anyone have any insights or opinions about him?
  22. Same here. Also, I don't understand the talk of moving Carolina. They are a stable franchise.
  23. I avoid Florida like the plague, and my parents are there 7 months a year!
  24. then at a minimum Detroit has to move to the Metro. Personally I'd like them back in the west where they have well established rivalries with CHI, MINN, STL, COL.
  25. So let's say LV and QC get clubs. How do you configure the divisions? You have to ship Detroit back out west, don't you?
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