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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. 66.7% #pedanticmath You mentioned gridlock upthread. I must admit the sequester (sp?) is kind of okay with me the way it has played out. Military spending is down and social programs are cutting some fat. Sure, there are some programs that have taken hits that deserve better, but overall maybe it's a good thing. A horrible reflection on politics today, but under the circumstances maybe it's best to have this shut-off valve.
  2. No, you're thinking of Jack Edwards.
  3. I agree Potvin knows his stuff, but I think Potvin is a psychopath. He beat his wife and he was a stock-broker. And you are so right about when something bothers him. A few years ago I was watching a game where he completely lost his mind about a "bad" call. He started acting like a petulant 9-year old, and stopped commenting on the game except for drippingly sarcastic remarks about how every subsequent call/non-call was ridiculous. Then he just got so disgusted that he stopped talking altogether for minutes. He left the poor play-by-play guy all on his own. It was so awkward for the play-by-play guy I was probably blushing. I was actually surprised he didn't get canned for that. I would have fired him for that (unless he knew my address).
  4. nice...
  5. Irregardlessly [sic] of the final result, Ennis should be one of the 3 stars tonight.
  6. Ennis has tons of heart so far this year
  7. Great song/band, Neo! I let the youtube feed continue and it went to Police and Thieves afterwards. Probably my fave Clash song. To all, how about that Canadian election? Harper got his ass handed to him.
  8. I think the specific tribe thing carries some weight. Florida State Seminoles. There is no issue whatsoever on either side of this coin. It's all love on both sides. and this is petty...but the Cleveland Indians logo/mascot should have been deemed offensive decades ago.
  9. It should go. I have first cousins, etc. who are native. They don't lose sleep over it, but they'd like to see it go.
  10. Washington fan here (moved out of BUF in ’73 as an 8-year-old so never “bonded” with the Bills). I know it’s a little frustrating being a Bills fan this year, but I would trade places with you in a second. Pegula owns the Bills. We have no reason to doubt he wants to do all the right things for the Bills. Daniel Snyder owns the Redskins. His ego makes Nero look like Mother Teresa. He is more of a narcissist than Donald Trump and that ain’t easy. This is the guy who dictated that the Redskins get Deion Sanders for a cap-busting cost at the point in his career where as a punt receiver balls were literally hitting Sanders in the facemask. Took years to recover from that. Snyder did the same thing with the Albert Haynesworth debacle, and then the whole RGIII thing was like déjà vu all over again. Being a GM for Snyder is like being the president of Vichy France! I think it was last year when Wash played the Rams (the team Wash got RGIII’s pick from), and at the beginning of the game the 6 captains the Rams marched up to mid field for the coin toss were all acquired as a direct result of that dumbass trade. Insult to injury and yet I actually laughed, because I knew how much Snyder would be having a meltdown about it. Snyder is the guy who regularly has Redskins fans ejected from home games if they did anything at all to bug him. When banners at home games starting getting critical of him? No problem. Banners were then no longer allowed. Don’t even get me started on the whole “Redskins” controversy from Snyder’s viewpoint. Even an idiot like me knows that if you say ‘we’re gonna change the name next year’, then everyone buys tons of Redskins stuff now before it’s gone, and then tons of the new stuff the next year, and you ALSO get a PR “win”. But not Snyder. Nobody tells him what to do. Washington will never win while Snyder’s at the helm, and Snyder will be the owner of the Redskins until he dies, or is caught with a dead woman or a live boy (or both). Even then, I think Wash may already be in curse-worthy territory a la Ballard’s Maple Leafs or the Cubs. In summary, being a Bills fan may have its bumps in the road, but it could be worse. It could be a LOT worse.
  11. As someone said upthread, you really can hear the emptiness.
  12. OMG. You're right.
  13. Kane makes a nice clean hit and pops the glass out - no penalty, no injury, no more 1st period.
  14. I don't think that's true for most of us down here in North Carolina. Certainly not for me.
  15. I work for a Dow component and I can guaran-goddam-tee you that my company absolutely, positively favors off-shore jobs over American jobs. It has practically been our raison d'etre for the last 10-15 years. That's why I refer to myself as a corporate , because I do unpleasant things for unpleasant people, and it largely involves moving jobs off-shore. And when I finally check out, my job will go to India. Fact. I get your point about the fact that companies today will do what is necessary to satisfy shareholders. I live it every day. But do we really have to essentially sell our souls every time there's an opportunity to earn an extra 12 cents? My employer, who I loathe, used to be a large source of pride for me 10-15 years ago. We actively hired minorities, the handicapped, gay/lesbian, etc. back then because we knew these people would be especially grateful and work very hard, and that's exactly what happened. The problem there was hiring people in India and The Philippines only costs half as much. Quality. morale, workloads, and "the brand" have all suffered immeasurably since then. It is a short-sighted, cowardly approach by a company I will never own stock in. You know, aside from the fact that bad things are happening as a result of this new uber-aggressive-consequences-be-damned bastardization of capitalism, what irks me the most is all these little 12 cent benefits aren't even going where they are needed most - to the very people who have taken this new reality right in the jaw. The blood that corporate America is squeezing from the turnip that is the USA is all going to the people who least need it. I have no damn problem at all raising the taxes for the wealthier, even if it includes me, which it should. The wealthy have paid much higher tax rates in the past and not only did Communism fail to raise its ugly head here in the USA during those times, but we were a better country back then than we are now.
  16. Back in the day when Dems and Repubs could be civil with each other, William F. Buckley (a famous conservative back then) moderated one of the Dem debates, and it went over very well.
  17. Thank you for bringing up the dot! Ever since we let Gaustad go, heck it's a wonder we won any draws at all since then. This team is not lame at face-offs. Okay, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement, but it's only been 3 games.
  18. I think it's important to understand how many tenths of a second Tyler took before forming an opinion. Tanking.
  19. Bogo = Drogo
  20. Here's one option... Warning - over-the-top "leftist" email I just got... How about we treat every young man who wants to buy a gun like every woman who wants to get an abortion – mandatory 48-hr waiting period, parental permission, a note from his doctor proving he understands what he’s about to do, a video he has to watch about the effects of gun violence, an ultrasound wand up the ass (just because)? Let’s close down all but one gun shop in every state and make him travel hundreds of miles, take time off work, and stay overnight in a strange town to get a gun. Make him walk through a gauntlet of people holding photos of loved ones who were shot to death, people who call him a murderer and beg him not to buy a gun. It makes more sense to do this with young men and guns than women and health care, right? I mean, no woman getting an abortion has killed a room full of people in seconds, right?
  21. So, I’m just throwing this out here on how to reorganize topics in a more user-friendly way. Subforums already exist here. Maybe we could add a few more and broaden them out a bit. Btw this “idea” of mine is pure plagiarism of the last Sabres forum I was on (before it died) http://www.sabresjunkie.com/forum/index.php Below - the far left categories are sub-forums and the indented ones below those are sub-sub-forums. Every sub-forum would also have threads that were independent of the sub-sub-forums. The details below are unimportant, but does the overall concept work? Sabres hockey *Amerks/prospects *Ideas for trades, GM moves, draft picks, etc. *Injuries Game Day threads NHL/hockey Other Sports The Lounge (all off-topic stuff) *Drinking/eating *TV/movies *Music *Politics *Random thought thread
  22. Special K?
  23. I think "Hosier" means someone halfway Canadian and halfway from Indiana.
  24. Evolution is the fact that I can't grow grass in my front yard, but it's unstoppable in the cracks in my driveway. If a wall has been hit, it's not evolution. I know what you mean though. There is a certain lemming-like mentality becoming more prevalent.
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