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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. Dude! 1984 was one of Van Halen's best albums!
  2. Gaelic is correct and Gaelic covers both Scotland and Ireland. I just have a Scottish bias.
  3. That's Scotland, laddie!
  4. We should stop calling him McJesus. Why not McMuhammad, or McBuddha? Maybe McGod is a better choice.
  5. I never took a physics class in my life, but I love watching those physics shows. I just watched an Einstein show I'd seen before, but I had a new thought this time. In a nutshell, his Theory of Relativity gets into gravity/warping of space-time, etc. The only way to prove Einstein's theory back then was to observe where the stars "near" the sun appeared to be during a total eclipse of the sun. The other part of my thought is that astronomers say we have really cool eclipses here on earth, because between the size and distance of our moon (from earth), it's kind of a perfect fit for our sun. This allows for the sun's corona during total eclipses, and allows us to photo the stars near the sun during a total eclipse. If the moon was smaller, the corona would be too prevalent/wide to be able to see stars on the edge of the sun. If the moon was bigger, maybe you could get around the whole blotting out the sun thing (I'm way out of my league here), but it seems to me it would be much more complicated to validate Einstein/Relativity if the moon was bigger. So what if we didn't have this perfect Goldilocks sun/moon set-up? Where would we be now? No man-made satellites? That alone is pretty heavy. and if anyone mentions intelligent design I will track you down and poop in your yard
  6. Another point about ROR that isn't brought up much. Is he soft? Of course not! Then how in the world does he manage to only go to the box like once a MONTH for his entire career? (no once a month jokes, please!)
  7. Great call. Scariest for me was Jaws (I was only 12). Sleepless for a week after that. The Exorcist is probably #2. Edit - parents made me watch Wizard of Oz when I was like 4. I hate that movie to this day.
  8. Google "puking pumpkins" images. It's good for a laugh if nothing else.
  9. X is right. Roth's are great. You can't pull $ out until age 59.5 (without penalty), but when you do, it is tax-free. You can keep a Roth open until age 70.5 and I plan on leaving as much money in there as possible until age 70.5 to maximize my tax-free gains.
  10. X should be the max percentage your company will match. My employer matches up to 5%, so I'd be leaving money on the table if I was contributing anything less than 5%.
  11. That's totally a matter of what you're comfortable with. If you don't like the stock market, consider bonds or fixed interest. The important thing is to start setting aside money now.
  12. Compound interest my man. Take it from a 51-year old. Start now.
  13. Start by deciding to set aside 3% of your salary pre-tax to the strategy of your choice.
  14. I'm a Dem so I don't mind paying my share of taxes, but I also like the idea of financial security. That's why I watch CNBC every weekday morning and have for years. As a network, they definitely favor the GOP, but more to the point, they are just pro-capitalism, and why shouldn't they be? They don't care about social issues or evangelism or any of that other stuff. They are pro-business - period. So within this context, Becky Quick (moderator in the middle) and Carl Quintanilla (guy on the left of the panel) don't make a big deal about it, but they usually push back a little when the conservative rhetoric gets a little overboard on CNBC. I'm a little surprised they were chosen and given such latitude, because those two are sharp, and they aren't going to ask easy questions.
  15. I'm guessing you haven't been to a Leafs / Sabres game in awhile. Leafs fans are idiots.
  16. edit - wrong thread
  17. I get your point, and don't necessarily disagree, but if you're going to use a different team as a comparison for something good, PLEASE don't let it EVER be the Cubs. They are the epitome of failure, maybe even a symbol for everything that is wrong in the US, or possibly an indication that life itself is a waste of time. Way over the top, I know, but when you fail for 107 years, unlimited hyperbole is allowed. I hate the Cubs. Did I mention that earlier?
  18. What's with this knife nonsense? Carson must be anti-2nd Amendment.
  19. I'm seeing BUF at about +140. http://www.vegasinsider.com/nhl/odds/las-vegas/
  20. "You f##ked up. You trusted us."
  21. Yup, and he would leave willingly. Pretty funny that he'd be a more viable Democrat than GOP'er today.
  22. The beer age here in NC was 18 back when I was 18 (21 for liquor), but it changed shortly afterwards. I seem to recall Raygun telling the states they could have whatever age they want, but if it they didn't pick 21 they would get 0 federal highway funding. Although I have no reason to doubt that insurance lobbyists were behind it all. Come to think of it, that was a pretty Fed-heavy, non states-friendly approach by the new godfather of conservatism. Edit: looks like it was states could lose 10% of highway funding, not all of it.
  23. It reminds me of the Doomsday Machine in "Dr. Strangelove" (1964). The Russians invent the Doomsday Machine which essentially kills the earth for 93 years if the US nukes the USSR. Only they don't tell anyone, because they want to announce it at the May Day Parade (a commie thing, not Brad May). Then some wacko US general starts WWIII and we all die.
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