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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. I got the March reference, but what makes you sure it's 79 and not 80? I haven't given it much thought. But yeah, that show is great. Only 2 more episodes. They announced season 3 will happen, and hopefully it will be virtually unrelated to the other 2 seasons, just like the first two are. Your boy, Ed, really is the shiznit. The Butcher of Luverne really is "actualizing".
  2. When you get a Gordie Howe hat-trick, you're supposed to actually win your fight.
  3. Bob Costas needs to be retired a decade ago, the sanctimonious "sports-journalist" mouthpiece of the worst network on TV.
  4. Neo, I'm totally not trying to be trite, and I'm sure it's not a quick or easy read, but maybe try the Quran (hope I spelled that correctly). Needless to say, our friend in Nova Scotia is much more capable of answering this question for you than I will ever be.
  5. Alarming Aussie arachnid attack and amusing aftermath... http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/26/asia/spider-mistake-domestic-violence-australia/index.html
  6. Last time around Iowa chose Santorum. Different strokes for different folks.
  7. ^^ The whole spectrum's shifted left? Perhaps you could elaborate on this on a bit, because I don't even remotely see it this way. Heaven help any organization where Cruz and Fiorina are half of the top 4.
  8. Flyers fans used to call Hitchcock "Orca", even before they fired him.
  9. When Celsius hit Canada in the mid-seventies, I asked my grandmother (not a math person) if it complicated things. She said no way, Celsius is easy: 30 is summer 20 is room temperature 10 is spring/fall 0 is freezing -10 is winter
  10. This reminds me of the Cam Newton celebration "controversy". His response was 'if you don't want me to celebrate, don't let me score.' Well, if you don't want the GOP to repeatedly be "victims" of 'Gotcha', then tell them to stop doing and saying all the dumb things that make it unavoidable for the media to call out, no matter how liberally biased you think the media is.
  11. You're not out to lunch on this one at all, and I can prove it in 2 words - Patriot Act.
  12. Mustn't forget Saskatchewan.
  13. Winnipeg is in Manitoba. #pedanticgeographer
  14. Nice post! You referenced the Hegelian dialect, so I'm guessing you are no welder! Philosophy is not my cup of tea (but I'm not a welder either), but the Hegelian dialect really is a beautiful idea. It seems to be a very powerful force in how damn near everything happens. I learned it as thesis / antithesis / synthesis where synthesis eventually degrades into thesis, or status quo or stagnation, so the cycle never ends. Good call.
  15. I know vaguely of all the skullduggery that happened in the smoke filled backrooms of conventions decades/centuries ago, but in today's day and age, doesn't it all just get down to how many delegates you win in the primaries? How could they just throw in Romney that late? Asking seriously here how that would work.
  16. I totally forgot about this. Hilarious stuff!
  17. deja vu all over again
  18. Reinhart will be fine
  19. Queue Queen...bump, bump, bump, another one bites the dust! Jindal quit the GOP race. edit - scooped by Neo!
  20. How in the heck will they fit Val Kilmer into a fighter jet? Dude is Jabba the Hut junior. I have been advised to plead no contest.
  21. The random thought thread?
  22. Yesterday I heard the 25% loss in territory on TV. The person who mentioned this said that in large part ISIS made the attcks in Paris precisely because they were losing credibility as they were being pushed back.
  23. ^^ great post Otto.
  24. "Using the Beta Capsule, Hiata becomes...ULTRAMAN!" I remember it from channel 29, also. I loved that show.
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