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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. When considering the Fermi Paradox, one of the most important factors to consider is how insanely big the universe is. The Milky Way alone is over 50,000 light years across. So if the speed of light is indeed the limit of how fast one can travel, then right then and there you can immediately discard the notion of creatures from every single other galaxy in the universe as ever having a viable chance to visit earth. There are over 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, but only creatures from our own would have a chance to visit us, and even then they would need to be relatively "close" from a Milky Way perspective.
  2. "I could care less" is another one. When someone says that, they are saying the exact opposite of what they meant to say, which is "I could NOT care less." And melty is not a real word.
  3. Thank you for the bolded!
  4. As a Sabres fan, just like everyone else here, I have hated Marchand as an NHL player. But as a Canadian, I love him in a team Canada uniform. The guy is a proven winner. Eichel is not. If an Eichel trade becomes necessary and this trade is an option (with the proper additions) then we'd be idiots to not consider it.
  5. IF it's a given that Eichel must be traded (which I don't believe), how about sending him to Boston for Marchand? Obviously Jack is younger with upside so maybe Boston has to also throw Grzelcyk into the mix. Boston gets Jack's potential. Sabres get instant grit and leadership which we all know we so desperately need. Marchand has been a dirtbag on the ice for most of his career, but he can play the game, and he has largely eliminated the silliness from his play in the last few years. Mofo will probably play healthy well into his 40's, too.
  6. ^ Very well stated. I was thinking along the same lines, except for the licking part!
  7. I want the Bruins out ASAP, but if I'm being honest, I'd rather have Marchand deliver a nice heavy cheap shot on Wilson.
  8. Rebuttal: Cake is groovy and hilarious.
  9. Ohio State fans are even more angst ridden than Sabres fans at this moment. #2 seed Ohio State falls to #15 seed Oral Roberts!!!
  10. I just stumbled upon this song today...
  11. It's legal here in Ontario, too. I was able to order 7 grams online for the equivalent of $31 USD (includes tax), and have it delivered to my house for free. This is cheaper than anything I've gotten from the black market for at least 30 years. The variety to choose from and the quality of product are outstanding. I think the low cost is the province's approach to making the black market no longer viable. I wouldn't be surprised if they jack up the prices once they figure they have dealt a substantial blow to the black market. That would be consistent with their alcohol policy which is to make it at least twice as expensive as alcohol is in the US.
  12. The Shining The Usual Suspects One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Psycho
  13. Apocalypse Now Reservoir Dogs Once Upon A Time In The West I also love Repo Man, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and Office Space, though I wouldn't expect anyone else to consider them as top 10 material.
  14. I think you might be mixing up these 2 teams. 1999 we were the #7 seed and had no offense to speak of. 2006 we were only 3 regular season points from being the #1 seed and had a dynamic offense. For me at least, 2006 was tense because we had an excellent chance to get to the finals. Then when all the top 4 seeds in the West lost in round 1, it was like the seas had parted for us. And then came the injuries and the Canes series. Also, in 1999 we swept #2 Ottawa and then beat the Bruins and then the Leafs. That was pure unanticipated joy! Like it literally couldn't have been a better scenario for Sabres fans.
  15. Wow! All this hate for Milbury! I think he's a great commentator...
  16. Yes, it is real. I remember it clearly. He was at a pre-Halloween party, hence the costume.
  17. I bought that book 20 years ago and finally read it last year. It is quite good.
  18. UNC basketball got a little bad press a few years ago. That was then. Then came the multiple NCAA investigations. Then came NOTHING in terms of scandal or penalties for the BB program.
  19. LOL. The border is pretty much already closed, at least for non-Canadians in cars (not sure about planes). I arrived there at 6:30pm on Wednesday and there was one lane open and it had no cars in it. Outside of the commercial trucks, I was literally the only one crossing. Surreal.
  20. Moving does suck. However, as of Tuesday I will be completely moved up to Canada. The completion of this process will not suck.
  21. It was an incredible catch. I'm just not looking forward to "You Got Mossed!" going absolutely out of their minds about this catch, and not just for one week either.
  22. Yeah, I worry about the kids, too. Initially I just thought that their education would suffer. But 8 months of abnormality for a kid, with "normalcy" being months if not a year or two away has got to be freaking devastating for a countless number of them regarding being socially effective going forward. I can't imagine what this thing would have done to me when I was 12 or whatever age back then. But there still has to be a responsible level of containment in public policy. Finding the optimal balance is the challenge here (Captain Obvious told me this, so it must be true). The only way to get there is objectivity, and we as the USA absolutely SUCK at objectivity.
  23. If I'm interpreting you correctly, you are saying that mental health cases in the public at large are increasing ~20% whether individuals are positive for COVID or not? That sounds reasonable to me. I can also understand that people with pre-existing mental issues would be much more susceptible to relapses and/or increased symptoms even without any actual COVID exposure. But a few things stand out to me. First, this was an Oxford University study. Obviously Oxford is not some hack university releasing questionable data for some sort of political or social agenda. Secondly, they mentioned dementia has become a more likely outcome. I'm no doctor, but isn't dementia a more internally driven degradation of the mind? I know I'm oversimplifying here but people pre-disposed with dementia are probably going to get it anyway. So if that % of people suddenly increases, might that not be from external sources (the virus itself)? People prone to just depression, anxiety or insomnia might be more prone to have elevated levels of their conditions due to current affairs (stress, nerves about the news re:COVID). My last point is that even if no COVID-related mental issues whatsoever actually result from the virus itself, we just can't ignore the fact that COVID is very adversely impacting people vulnerable to mental health issues.
  24. One more reason to take COVID a little bit more seriously... https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-mental-illness-int-idUSKBN27P35N
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