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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. So THAT'S how the zombie apocalypse starts! I have been wondering about that!
  2. Barney Miller is definitely one of my all-time favorite sit-coms. I recently finished watching the first 4 seasons of Barney Miller and it still resonates very well (of course I'm biased). It didn't seem dated even though it was 40 years ago. Well, the clothes now seem dated, but even that is a plus at this point. I became a Barney Miller fan at my grandparents' house. One evening as a 10-year old I came running into the TV room saying or asking something right when the show was starting. They both "Shushed" me vehemently. They had never "shushed" me before. I knew right away they really loved that show and so I shut up and lay down on the floor and watched it with them.
  3. To this day my dad is still apoplectic about Nixon. You'd think after Watergate, impeachment, resignation, David Frost interviews, death, 40 years, etc. that he'd be over Nixon by now, but no... He has had a VCR tape of a Watergate documentary for 20 years now and it is always near the TV. I shudder to think how many times he has watched it.
  4. This has got to be like the 17th time his death has been reported.
  5. Oh come on, man. These stats actually tell us less than nothing if we slavishly worship them without thinking critically about them. Do you really believe that forwards reach their peak at age 23 and then it's all down hill from there, as your charts suggest? If you do, you're the only one. You have to ask yourself what factors may be influencing this data. Maybe one-dimensional offensive forwards tend to be released after showing for a few years they can't be effective 2-way players. Maybe the smart previously one-dimensional offensive forwards have learned to become effective 2-way players by age 24. Also what's with the shots/scoring chances anomaly at age 33-34? Does this mean we should expect all 33 year olds to suddenly become more effective for the next few years of their careers? That makes no sense. Heaven forbid, but maybe this anomaly is telling us that shots is NOT a good way to determine how effective players are. Egads! Hockey is the same sport it was before analytics. Then, just as now, if you want to come to a meaningful conclusion, you ask smart hockey people who are close to the game and the league, not pencil-necked math geeks (like me).
  6. OMG Marion Barry had an extremely effective snow removal policy, just not the type of snow we're talking about here.
  7. cringeworthy... https://youtu.be/qf9CLuf0_cE http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25458013/look-oilers-f-matt-hendricks-protective-cup-destroyed-by-slap-shot
  8. I went to UNC (Chapel Hill) as an in-state resident during Reagan's heyday. I remember one semester my TUITION was $225. My books for that semester cost more than that! How the hell did we get from there to here?
  9. No love for McGinn?
  10. I absolutely believe that both of these points are not only correct legally, but also the right policy from a common sense perspective. That's why I don't agree with McManamon's conclusion.
  11. That's an awfully rigid interpretation, and based on the 1790 statute he mentioned I don't think it's the proper interpretation. Just from a common sense perspective, this means anyone born to US parents on a foreign military base are ineligible. Children born to diplomats serving abroad are ineligible. I think it's painfully obvious to everyone these days that we don't have enough good presidential candidates. Why would we want to do something to arbitrarily decrease the number people eligible to run?
  12. My understanding is that he did not have to become naturalized when he moved to the US. Therefore he was always a US citizen. I can't stand the guy, but I don't think this is the way to take him down. But here's a thought. His dad was a Cuban citizen. Doesn't that mean he's also a natural born Cuban citizen? We don't want one of them in the White House, do we? I'm surprised Trump hasn't used this yet.
  13. I'll give it a stab. Trump was effective. He was well-prepared. Cruz got the most air-time. He had some pretty funny zingers, but more like zingers that a jerk would say. Cruz is apparently far more interested in being Commander In Chief than President. Rubio was practically manic. He went way overboard with the "let's be passionate" angle, and came off looking like a 1st year rookie. He ain't ready for the big time, at least last night he wasn't. Christie is a good debater. He humiliated Rubio on 2 seperate occasions and enjoyed it. Bush is a wallflower, although he is easily the sanest of the bunch. Why the other 2 were even on the stage is beyond me.
  14. You got that 100% right! That movie really is that good.
  15. I like Rand Paul better than all 7 of these guys combined.
  16. Fat, stupid, selfish, lilly-livered, willfully uncoachable, prima donna, no concept of defense or team, locker-room cancer, Dallas Cowboys loving, Christmas hating, halitosis breath, puppy torturing, Backstreet Boys fan, Satan worshipper...wait...what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Phil Kessel.
  17. I've been doing a lousy job of drinking enough water at work lately, but Like Bio, I think this conversation might be the exact kick in the ass I need. I'd like to think I have a reasonable pain threshold, but I don't want any part of this kidney stone business. Scary bad to be sure.
  18. Even carbonated beverages like beer and seltzer water?
  19. Is that the main cause of kidney stones, not staying properly hydrated? Does diet or genetics enter into the equation?
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12KHcSQiVz0
  21. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/tnawa2/key-and-peele-obama-s-meeting-with-republicans
  22. Well stated! Very well stated!
  23. Good one! I can live without Fox News, but they have a rich history of top rate comedies like The Simpsons, Arrested Development, Washington Redskins football, Sean Hannity, etc...
  24. Here is some food for thought for anyone on the fence regarding Clemson/Alabama. http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/outkick-the-coverage/the-ten-dumbest-fan-bases-in-america-1-the-alabama-crimson-tide-102913
  25. And the affluenza twit and his mom-of-the-year candidate were reeled in yesterday. Karma fighting back.
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