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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. Just out of curiosity, let's say the two of you don't like the outcome of the prez election and choose to move abroad. Which countries would you consider?
  2. I'm heading to Canada in 2-3 years no matter who wins, but that's just to be closer to family, not any type of political/social statement. Being a natural born Canadian citizen, it will be much less complicated for me than for a non-Canadian citizen. And I'll be in St. Catharines, so just a hop, skip and a jump to the FNC.
  3. In the spirit of a Gordie Howe hat trick, can we say last night was a Robin Lehner hat trick? He got a shutout, a scrap and 1st star.
  4. When I saw this post I immediately thought of the "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" scene in The Shining...
  5. Anecdotal story about a concussion: My brother was skiing with some friends and skied straight into a tree head first, lost consciousness, got hauled off by ambulance to the hospital. Concussed, needless to say. My mom arrived at the hospital about 2 hours later. She said he was himself, was coherent, and didn't seem groggy. But he was 100% adamant that he didn't ski into anything, and this whole business of him being in the hospital was just a big preposterous mistake.
  6. I hope he doesn't choose Ville Leino!
  7. That's a good question. I wanted him to talk about how blatantly partisan this GOP response to the SCOTUS issue is, and then leave it at that. He doesn't need to even acknowledge Trump and Cruz exist.
  8. Very interesting. In my job there are examples where I literally use a "randomizer" to return a number between 0 and 1 (with many decimals) to help ensure "proper" distribution.
  9. I'd like to see Obama nominate someone, because that's his duty to do so. It should be someone relatively moderate and uncontroversial. This is the best way to make the GOP look bad. Obama does his part and tries to meet in the middle politically by selecting a moderate. Then the GOP refuses to allow the Senate to do its duty. Obama should take a few good swipes in the media at the GOP for a week or so, and then move on. Now Bernie and Hillary on the other hand, those two should go full force bananas on how partisan the GOP is, and do so until the election is over and beyond. And what if the Dem candidate wins and the Dems get +4 net Senate seats? The Bernie/Hillary can nominate literally anybody 50 Dem senators approve of (VP would break the tie). Like I said earlier, they could nominate OBAMA himself!!! This is one hell of a gamble the GOP is making, and they did so without taking much of any time to reflect beforehand.
  10. My understanding is that in most or all of the EU countries where extended maternity/paternity leaves are available is because they are financed by the federal government. Obviously that's not a big selling point for people who already think gov't here is too big. But the point is that these countries aren't saddling all the costs on small business. Even socialists know that wouldn't work.
  11. Well this is not what I wanted to hear, but thank you for the insight.
  12. I don't necessarily doubt this, but wouldn't it be a political blunder, assuming Obama chooses a reasonable candidate? Also, isn't just a majority required? Then Obama would only need to convince 4 Repubs (providing all Dem's approve). In addiditon, the more time the GOP Senators defending their seats have to be in DC, the less time they will be able to campaign at home.
  13. Methinks the GOP may be backing itself into a corner here with its stance on replacing Scalia. What if they obstruct into the next term? The country will see this for what it is loud and clear (can you see loud and clear? oh well.), and the media and Dems will mention it every other syllable. So what happens then when the GOP loses the Senate and the Prez? The next Dem prez may choose an even more progressive judge than Obama does, and the Dem's will have enough support in the Senate to okay him/her. Hell, he/she could appoint Obama himself! Dangerous game indeed. If I were Obama, I would look for a relatively moderate, half-black, half-Latina lesbian. Let's see the GOP alienate damn near everyone that already doesn't trust them.
  14. Three things on Scalia news. I wouldn't be surprised if the lunatic fringe goes full force speculating that the Obama/Hillary/Socialist/LGBT conspiracy made this happen. You know who is really sincerely going to miss Scalia? Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Totally different leanings, but they were very close pals. Not even kidding. Since it was a hunting trip, any good detective would want to question Dick Cheney, but I'm pretty sure he's innocent on this one.
  15. You bring up a good point, Beer. We have ROR, Eichel and Reinhart. If they are all expected to play center, maybe Matthews isn't really as good of a fit for BUF than he is for many other teams.
  16. So EDM would need to send more assets to ARI to even it out? Or vice-versa? I don't have a good feel for what to expect from Matthews.
  17. I was talking with an Edmonton fan pal of mine today. He said the radio guys up there have been talking about what EDM would do if Matthews fell in their lap. They obviously need D, not forwards. Arizona, even more than everyone else, would love to have Matthews (home town boy would mean extra fans), and he'd probably be happy playing at home on an up and coming team. So the question is: if EDM gets Matthews, would it be an even trade to ship him to ARI for Oliver Ekman-Larsson?
  18. I give more of the "credit" for Rubio's performance to Rubio himself, or maybe his staff. You can't repeat something verbatim 5 times, especially when you already got called out for it on the 2nd time, the 3rd AND the 4th time. That's just dumb and it gives me no confidence that someone who does that could possibly handle the presidency. If Bush and Kasich were quicker thinkers than Christie they would have called him out. Christie also made a fool out of Rubio on 2 occasions in the prior debate.
  19. That's right! If I remember correctly, he clanked the crossbar on shot 1 and then went 4-4. The breakaway he missed was totally cheese for the cameras. He looked good.
  20. I went to a Niagara Ice Dogs game on New Year's Eve and they were wearing these. They lost that game (deservedly). https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0HYhTuCUAAvK5d.jpg
  21. apologies if a version of this has made the Bills thread. NFL Bad Lip Reading... (there are other ones on youtube, too.)
  22. I started skiing around 10, also. I'm no thrill-seeker either, but after seeing Franz Klammer's run in the Downhill in the 1976 Olympics...It was 100% "Take It to the Limit" for me (homage to the Eagles song that was unavoidable at that time). For me at least, that was one of the greatest Olympic moments ever. My dad and my younger brother used to take slalom lessons, but I couldn't do it after that. I was 15. I just wanted to smoke cigarettes on the chair lift going up, and then get to the bottom like there was no tomorrow.
  23. It dozen matter.
  24. I missed the first 45 minutes, but I'm glad I watched that much. I thought all 3 Fox moderators did great. They were all very professional, very prepared, and didn't back down after asking lots of pretty withering questions. Trump may have been right in avoiding this debate! For me the whole Trump's-not-there aspect just made me realize how greasy Cruz is. That, and Megyn Kelly is definitely no bimbo.
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