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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. Yup, and now that so many people are eating opioids, there's actually a new drug to help with the resulting constipation. In Vincent's case though, he was actually locked and loaded. He was just too dumb to remember to take the gun into the john with him. Butch used Vince's locked and loaded gun to finish him off because he left in the kitchen. So getting back to opioid constipation, I read a book back in the 90's ("Homeboy" - Seth Morgan). The author talked about a guy who had been doing smack for eons (and been constipated the whole time) and I think he got busted, so his habit was cut off. So then there is this glacial effect of 20 lbs. of very densely compressed crap trying to make its way out of him. They had to operate. That means cutting his sphincter open so there would be enough room to remove the crap. The Chinese have a term for that. They call it the Yenshii Baby.
  2. ^^ Things did work out well for The Wolf after that scene, and for Jules. Vincent, not so much.
  3. Yup. In the immortal words of Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction....
  4. Well done, my man. Yuri would be proud.
  5. Sounds like Donald Trump in his younger years. At least he beat Allen West. But, yeah. Why lie like that? No way it doesn't catch up with you.
  6. Nice article on Iceland after the Portugal match & Ronaldo being a prick... http://www.wsj.com/articles/icelands-plucky-soccer-team-is-a-mystery-to-no-one-1466125442 GO ICELAND !!!
  7. Cool ! Iceland gets the lowly English ! That's very winnable ! Winner of Wales / Northern Ireland going to the final 8. About 12 people worldwide predicted that, and they're all in asylums.
  8. Iceland is a country near the top of the world with a population of only 331,918 (CIA Factbook), that is basically just a little rocky mass of cooled lava, and yet they are poised to make the knockout round of the Euro Cup. Only Austria stands in their way. GO ICELAND !!!
  9. This is where I'm at. Well stated Liger. Qwk and Dudacek, I feel you, too. I'm just not ready to take ROR out of the face-off circle yet. We were a very schitty team for way too long over the last few years at face-offs - like pathetically worst for most of that time frame. ROR is just too good at the dot to take him out, and Sam is not even close to 50% there yet. If Bylsma wants to play ROR at wing, but let him take draws, I'd be okay with that to an extent, but there are drawbacks with doing it that way. Also, ROR is so good defensively, and all things being equal, you would rather have that type of player in front of the net in the defensive zone than on wing. One thing about Sam that I don't think has gotten enough press is how surprisingly good and clever he was right in front of the net in the O zone this year (especially last half of the season). He had some sick tip-ins and passes down low. It never occurred to me that he would finish this year with more goals than assists. He did that as a winger. I don't think he could have done that or gotten more overall points at center this year. He eventually belongs at center, but on this team not quite yet.
  10. NCAA College World Series started today which is a very good thing. ESPN has decided to display a real-time imaginary strike zone for every pitch. That is not a good thing.
  11. Dammit, Claude. The last thing I wanted to do was buy what sounds like a very dry (though insightful) book. Now you have left me no choice. I'm ordering it now.
  12. I'm not emotional about this at all. Perhaps I should not have used the word hate. I was at best using it too loosely. But nothing he does, or says, or doesn't do will ever seem to satisfy you. I don't have a problem with that, until it impacts your ability to keep common sense in your arguments. And yes, my examples were intentionally hyperbolic. It was just to make my point.
  13. Oh please. Your ideological myopia (your term) against Obama is so complete that it impacts your ability to make cogent arguments. You rail against him for doing one thing, and when he does the opposite, you rail against him for that. You hate him. We get it. It's okay. You're not alone. Just don't let it cloud your common sense. I hated GWB almost as much as you hate Obama, but I didn't waste my time complaining about the color of his tie or his backswing on the links. I also tried to not criticize him for things I know nothing about, like how to manage national security. Me whining about that kind of stuff would have just made people completely disregard all my opinions, even the ones that might have some insight or validity to them. I get the impression that if Obama single handedly cured cancer, you would call him a job killer for putting oncologists out of work.
  14. So you are mad at Obama for not using the term "militant Islam" and thereby potentially alienating an entire religion, but you're also mad at him for mentioning successful missions to kill known terrorists, because that will help terrorist recruiting. What am I missing here?
  15. This is a wonderful sentiment. We should all take this to heart.
  16. Based on an interview with his ex-wife I saw on CNN a few hours ago, that's a serious maybe. She said when they got married, he confessed or admitted previous lifestyle stuff to her. I'm butchering the details here and she was intentionally vague, but it seems like there might be something to this. Edit - one thing she was very clear about was that he had some serious mental issues and was abusive to her.
  17. Trump also used the "word" bigly today. Apparently this wasn't the first time. B-I-G-L-Y
  18. Hats off on the "Yuk and Yikes" phrase. It really hits the nail on the head. You should copyright it !
  19. You have the same level of empathy as a sociopath.
  20. Thank you. I now have a headache, but I still appreciate it! Oh come on, man. Stop fooling yourself. There are morons everywhere.
  21. Wrongly labelled photos, agreed. The interwebs ain't perfect, especially with past stuff, like from before it (the interwebs) even existed (except in Al Gore's imaginationland). I was six years old during those 2 games in 1971 and only had one hangover to my name back then. Away teams never wore white. I might even have been at that game with Gordie in red.
  22. yup. Wiki's got Wings @ Sabres Jan 7, 1971, but also has Sabres @ Detroit Jan 9, 1971. Home team was always in lighter jerseys back then.
  23. Taro and PA (to a lesser extent - lol) are correct. I was at the occasional game at the Aud 1970-72. Home team always wore white back then. edit--except LA Kings who wore yellow, but home team always wore the lighter jerseys.
  24. You opened a can of worms with the bolded. Can you explain?
  25. I voted for Bernie and I'll never regret it. But I agree with this 100%. Bernie didn't win, but he accomplished a lot. Doing something as silly as running as an independent and encouraging his supporters to not vote for Hillary would be unforgivable. I just don't see him doing this. He specifically said yesterday he will do everything he can to keep Trump from winning. This election cycle has been insane, so predictions are folly, but unless Sanders comes out and specifically says he'll run as an independent, this is a NON issue.
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