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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. I like MacKinnon a lot.
  2. Making your own spaghetti sauce does take awhile, but it is well worth it. My two pieces of advice on that process are to 1) make a boatload of it and freeze the remainder, and 2) drink while you're making it!
  3. Leon can play!
  4. In news that will surprise absolutely no one, SEC fans are complete morons. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2016/09/georgia-fan-goes-nuts-destroys-apartment-after-big-fourth-down-touchdown
  5. Or how about under 21 from EVERY country?
  6. Give Swamp secretary of housing and urban development. If we all had Polish Porches, we'd probably all be happier!
  7. That's not fair. I trust my dog way more than I trust the corporation I work for (or any of the others for that matter).
  8. Yes. ROR probably won't get one of the 3 stars tonight, but he has been really solid.
  9. Well, that's both of them, now innit?
  10. Okay, the suspense is killing me. Which one?
  11. Wow. That Namath/Kelly commercial was pretty good.
  12. Dude! Phenomenal post! LBJ had a few warts, but even as a liberal, I would take him over JFK every day of the week. Kennedy talked a good game about civil rights, but LBJ made it happen, knowing full well that he was exhausting damn near all the political capital he had to do it. He knew what he was doing would effectively throw any prospects of a run in '68 (as an incumbent no less) under the bus, but he did it anyway. That guy had balls of iron. Incredibly under-rated as a prez. Now I have to give you the same spiel I gave Claude when he finally convinced me to read Haidt. Damn it, Neo, the last thing I want to do is read some 4-volume biography, but now you leave me no choice.
  13. I think Miller was the last one in 2010 Olympics. Unless I'm forgetting somebody, the last Canadian Sabre was Ducky in 1991 Canada Cup.
  14. Yes. And here's what puzzles me. SabresFanInRochester shows up here out of nowhere, 6-guns a-blazing, and suddenly nFreeman becomes the voice of reason and tells him to simmer down. Smokescreen?
  15. PA, you know I'm on your "team", but Hillary did mess up when she made that comment. If you are running for prez, you don't want to alienate 49% of the people. After all, if you win, you'll be responsible for 100% of us. OTOH, maybe a 3-day ban was overboard, but I'm glad you're back.
  16. SabresFanInRochester, wouldn't Johnson be a better fit for you than Trump?
  17. How about Austin, Texas?
  18. Why didn't she just watch it and turn the volume off? I do that with Dick Vitale all the time.
  19. I'm not an Auston Matthews fan, granted, but when I see a picture of him I have a negative visceral reaction, and I finally figured out who he reminds me of. It's Jack White who I also don't like. He's a musician for those wondering.
  20. What the heck are they gonna do for national anthems for this game?
  21. Indeed, and I do not begrudge them for their choice at all. It was simply a matter of survival for them. Also, they were very far from being cooperative allies from the German perspective. The Finns and Germans simply had a common enemy in the USSR, nothing more.
  22. Finland hates Russia way more than Sweden in more recent history. They very begrudgingly sided with the Nazis in WWII because they could not abide by the USSR under any circumstances. Kind of reminds me of our choice for prez.
  23. The Goose is gone. Gaustad retires. http://www.tsn.ca/predators-c-gaustad-announces-retirement-1.563354
  24. Entirely possible, but I would bet a whole dollar on Team NA to win this game, any day of the week. That's how confident I am !!! Although Matthews will probably end up with a plus/minus of -2 or -3.
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