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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. Ain't that the truth !
  2. Oh heck, yeah. I have 3 different credit cards and they all pay me back. If you can pay your credit card bills off in full each month, they are actually giving you money you wouldn't get otherwise.
  3. Yup. If someone in Philly considers him/herself a Sabres' fan, more power to them and welcome aboard! It wouldn't make any sense for anyone to insist that person is a Flyers fan.
  4. I'm quite sure I'm over-simplifying things here and there will be perfectly valid responses that disagree with me, but I don't think pensions are a sustainable answer to taking care of retirees in either the US or Canada, at least not as they exist today. If you earn X number of dollars, do you really NEED 80% of X number of dollars each year after you retire until you die? I think the main problem (for lack of a better word) is that in general we are healthier, and live a lot longer than we used to. I voted for Sanders and am pretty much left of center. I don't want government leaving the needy out in the cold, but for those who have to pay pensions, be it sociopathic corporations, or sociopathic governments, it's simply not viable to do so with the numbers people expect these days. There is too much risk for the payers, and to do so would remove money from places it would be better spent, namely those who truly need it. I totally understand that pensions happened for a perfectly valid reason. But if they are going to continue to exist, they have to be modified in a way to make them sustainable.
  5. If you want poutine as it should be, go to Quebec.
  6. Cry Me a River as it was meant to be....
  7. "Taxman" was the furthest thing from a commie song (but George wrote it, not John).
  8. The politics thread is a microcosm of the discourse in the US right now. That is not censorship material. Okay, it's not pretty sometimes, but so what? Who is running this place, Putin? Besides, these discussions will just migrate here anyway (as they obviously have). There is no silencing it, but most importantly as I said before, we are adults here. This is not the kids' table at Thanksgiving.
  9. Oh for poop's sake, locking the politics thread is totally ridiculous. I don't think there was anything incendiary in there lately. We are fricking adults for Christ's sake. Who shut it down and why, and why wasn't this explained at the exact time it was shut down?
  10. That spells ROROE for our opponents.
  11. Sam with another sick tip in front of the net!
  12. No I just saw NBCSN post him at 6'4" and 244 at the beginning of the game. Hopefully that was just last year's numbers. Well I hope he's still 6'4".
  13. Lehner should NOT weigh in at 244, right?
  14. "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" is a really fun movie to watch on Halloween. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095444/
  15. I was skiing in Ludlow, Vermont and smoking pot and cigarettes whenever my dad wasn't looking. I thought he had no idea, even though his sense of smell is better than that of most dogs. I was 15 which is probably the worst age for the discrepancy between how smart you think you are and how much of a dumbass you really are.
  16. ^ You forgot curling.
  17. Claude, I like Mr. Edwards' solutions, especially the gerry-mandering one. But what is conspicuously absent from his list is anything to do with confronting lobbyist and Corporate control of politicians. I just don't think the evil 2-party system will be fixed by a 3-party system. It will just mean Corporate America owns 3 parties instead of two.
  18. I'll tell you what's awesome. It's October and we finally have weather that is humane, for lack of a better word. I haven't had my windows open in 5 months until now. This summer sucked from a weather perspective, but it's finally over.
  19. Throw in bobis and Deluca and we've got a HIT, baby!!!
  20. ^ Two dudes, actually...if not more.
  21. Also mice absolutely HATE the smell of mint. Get some peppermint oil and put it in places where you want to repel them. They won't go near it.
  22. I'm happier than a pig in schit, but you gotta give credit to Team Europe. They earned everything they got.
  23. Holy heck. Carey Price last 15 games with Team Canada... 15-0 1.05 GAA .962 save percentage
  24. Then I must be older than dirt, cause I'm older than this song...
  25. Also what happens if somebody successfully sues Saudi Arabia? How could the Saudis be forced to pay? Wouldn't it be just a symbolic but fruitless exercise?
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