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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. It was one game guys. Not a very good one, but ONE game.
  2. Спасибо!
  3. I'll drink to that!
  4. I think I'm going with collarbone, too (like I have any idea).
  5. I'm thinking that, too, or lower left arm.
  6. Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/13/497780610/bob-dylan-titan-of-american-music-wins-the-2016-nobel-prize-in-literature
  7. That looked like a "set play" as they say in the soccer world
  8. No, it's even worser. 4 pts/2 periods = 6pts per game x 82 = 492. Feel better?
  9. Gotta hit him.
  10. Both Frank Zappa and Mona Lisa would approve of this post !
  11. And now for a reality check... - we're 22 minutes into the season - they're playing the Sens who suck - the Leafs look lousy in the D zone - the Leafs have 0 points in the standings
  12. 15 minutes into the season - my inner Don Cherry (we all have one) says you beat the Leafs by hitting them, hitting them hard, and hitting them often. They've been good in the O zone, and complete sh!t in the D zone.
  13. Yeah, Zip City is from Southern Rock Opera. Their album The Dirty South is arguably just as good (maybe better).
  14. Sticking with the Americana theme... The Drive-By Truckers from northern Alabama. I'm not a lyrics guy, but this is a fantastically worded song.
  15. Wow. He's not happy. My fave quote: Trump is a marvelously efficient acid bath
  16. I've been following this site for the last 3 prez elections (maybe 4?) -> http://www.electoral-vote.com/. I'm quite sure it's not perfect, but it's looking at things from a state by state basis, and it has a really good track record. It seems to take a lot of polls into account. I will defer to TrueBlue on how trustworthy it actually is, but it's painting a bad picture for Trump...
  17. Yeah, that's me, too. Water and beer. V8 at lunch maybe twice weekly. You know that friend you have (we all have one) who has one drink and starts saying stupid stuff and slurring, etc? That's me with caffeine. I simply can't handle it. If I have one cup of coffee, I'll get nervous and tense for hours. I won't eat or sleep for 12 hours. Awhile back, before I finally acknowledged this inability, my girlfriend brewed a pot of coffee and I was putting some kind of flavored cream and sugar in it, and it was really good, so I had 3 or 4 more cups. I've never had a bad LSD trip, but that must be what it's like. All I could do was rock back and forth and grind my teeth and say "Make it stop" over and over again.
  18. Hillary won the coin toss! It's fixed!!
  19. No. You get two terms and that's it. That rule went into place after FDR.
  20. Well darn. I had every intention of watching the football game tonight. Now I have to watch sh!tshow part two.
  21. Figured I'd continue the music discussion here (even though the Awesome thread is a great place for it, too.) Josie mentioned Americana there. It's hard to have a conversation about Americana without talking about Uncle Tupelo.
  22. You and nfreeman are right. If someone doesn't like Dylan, fine. But anyone who disparages him, does so with his or her credibility in the balance. Sure he was meandering a bit in the 80's and 90's, but I bet anyone claiming that has not listened to the albums he released in the last 20 years, Time Out Of Mind onward are really really good. Oh, yeah, and Entwistle was astonishing - "Lead bass". Keith Moon may have been absolutely the most gifted drummer ever. Roger Daltrey was also all-star team material as powerful singer. Pete Townshend's lyrics are magic.
  23. I won't say it's over, until it actually is, but he is definitely losing, and losing momentum. The only swing states he's winning in now are Iowa, Missouri and Ohio. New Mexico and Virginia and Pennsylvania don't even feel like swing states anymore. He is even losing in Arizona now. You alluded to it earlier. There doesn't seem to be any viable path to win the electoral college barring something unthinkable.
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