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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. I get a discount on my health insurance for being a non-smoker - 10%. I get my health insurance through my employer. I quit smoking 10 years ago, but I smoked for almost 25 years. I think people absolutely positively should be given a discount for not using tobacco. It's not fair for tobacco users to run up the costs of healthcare with no repercussions. As for the "enforcement", that one is pretty easy. If I tell my insurer I'm not a tobacco user and then I try to make a claim that involves medical treatment/analysis that shows I'm all jacked up on nicotine, my insurer will deny my claims as a result. I'm no lawyer, but at least to me, that is a real and tangible risk, especially here in NC where insurance companies have traditionally been very powerful. I'll put it this way, when I smoked, I had no intention of ever lying to my insurer about that to save money.
  2. Maybe this Richard Cheese cover (Nirvana) will cheer you up (or seem very appropriate). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvEwLfRGcT8
  3. Yeah, baby! I love Richard Cheese. That guy makes me smile!
  4. Metaphors be with you!
  5. My brother is a Leafs fan. He is the wrong brother.
  6. I actually had to wait in line 20 minutes, the longest wait ever for me in this precinct. Still, no biggie.
  7. Sorry, I'm late to this thread, but Brad May's glasses are reminding me of Bubbles.
  8. I have no input on the car situation, but stay frugal kid. You'll be glad you did. I just got my 97 Accord inspected and oil-changed today. Got charged $15 for getting it inspected late. Totally my fault and I'm a dummy for letting it happen.
  9. I miss Pat Moynihan. My dad used to call him "Old First of the Day". If anyone commented on a drink in Moynihan's hand, Moynihan would reply, "it's my first of the day!"
  10. Yes, you do. You'll be glad you did!
  11. From what I read it's definitely not happening until spring. The setting is winter so they can't/couldn't start filming until around now. They need snow.
  12. Season 3 of Fargo will be here soon. I'm 99% sure it will be a blast!
  13. Here's my take. Imagine if not a single person had a Hillary bumper sticker on their car, or a Hillary sign in their yard. Some people supporting Trump would be lulled into a false sense of security and not vote as a result. As for Sabres bumper stickers, I have had this conversation with my car. My car is fine with me being a Sabres fan, but sometimes I go to Carolina Hurricanes games in my car. My car is definitely NOT fine with me leaving it alone for 2+ hours in the Canes parking lot with a Sabres sticker on it.
  14. To keep Medicare and Medicaid costs lower, and to keep national productivity higher. People pay more taxes when they are working than they do when they are on disability.
  15. That's one reason why I don't do bumper stickers or yard signs. The other reason is I don't believe either will change anyone's mind.
  16. It's not so much blood as bleeding.
  17. That is cool and that's what I like to hear.
  18. I read the Haidt book and I'm glad I did. It is very objective and insightful. Edit - Thanks, Claude for inspiring me to read it.
  19. CNN is reporting 40 million Americans have already taken advantage of early voting. Here in NC, and I'm sure in many other places, those who have already voted have had to wait for hours and hours to do so. God Bless each and every one of them for sacrificing a whole day in many cases to be counted. The vast majority of these people are living paycheck to paycheck, and they would not have had the luxury of spending an entire day out of work on Tuesday to be counted. Me? I live in a relatively rich, very GOP precinct, and I will walk in on Tuesday and vote a straight Dem ticket (and love every damn minute of it), and be back home LITERALLY within 10 minutes of the time I left my driveway. I am not exaggerating. When we find ourselves in this situation where the disenfranchised are being so obviously discriminated against, how can an objective patriotic person who loves this nation not come to the same conclusion that Marsellus Wallace did in Pulp Fiction after being raped... There is nothing more American than voting. There is nothing more fascist than trying to prevent voting.
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