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Everything posted by BagBoy

  1. Maybe "Moderators" like freeman don't belong here.
  2. I cannot even imagine how you can advocate your bs with a straight face. I beg you and the other mods to allow us (me) to put you on ignore again. BTW - you need immediate psychological attention. Not psychiatric attention, but psychological attention. I don't think you are crazy or particularly dangerous, but you are utterly ***** clueless, and you profoundly need a reset of some kind. Humor me. Go see a psychologist, be honest with him or her and get back to us with the results.
  3. Brian Johnson (AC/DC singer) has a show where he hangs out with other rock stars from back in the day. The clip below is Nick Mason (Pink Floyd drummer) driving Brian around in Nick's Ferrari 250 GTO. Apparently Nick bought it in 1971 (?) for around 35,000 pounds. He still has it and now it's worth 40 Million pounds. Yes million.
  4. You will never catch me on a skateboard, but I have found the Skateboarding in the Olympics to be absolutely great. The competitors are all so young, male and female both. Couple that with the fact that you "win" with only your best run, no matter how badly you may have bombed on all your other runs. The result is you have everybody absolutely going for it, and that makes for great entertainment. But the main thing about these Skateboarding events to me is the comradery of the skaters. These kids all want to do their best, but they don't give a rat's ass who "wins", because whoever it is that wins is a huge pal of theirs. The zero sum logic of 'if you win, then I lose' just does not register for these guys and gals, and it's very refreshing.
  5. I had a mouse issue once just like yours. It took me awhile to figure out that it/they was/were getting in through the dryer vent. YMMV.
  6. As much as I dislike wearing masks because of the current status quo, I think I might never ever stop wearing masks in public indoor places for the rest of my days. Why should I stop? It's a minor inconvenience to me. In spite of all the people refusing to do what's best for society, that's not enough of a reason for me to not do what I can and should morally do to protect people (including myself for fux sake!), especially when it comes to my loved ones and friends. Lots of sensible people in Asia are way more familiar than we are about how bad these viruses can get. They wear masks without a thought. That is the mindset that we in the west need to get to. Here's a clip from Apocalypse Now that seems especially fitting to me...
  7. King Crimson, ELP and Yes come to mind.
  8. The timing is right for Pink Floyd to hear this pre-Dark Side, but there was no tripping involved. The original Pink Floyd line-up of Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason was an astoundingly heavy psychedelic drug consuming entity, but it was due 100% to the intake of Syd Barrett alone. Syd was basically taking acid/LSD every single day, in large quantities, among other things. Everyone else in Pink Floyd, including David Gilmour, who replaced Syd, never had any use whatsoever for any kind of drugs. I read Roger tried pot once (back when it was 5% as strong as it is now), and had an anxiety attack. Stoners love Pink Floyd, but Pink Floyd were never stoners, not even remotely. Here is one of my favorite Syd songs...
  9. Don't sweat the 51 years. Thank your lucky stars for your 24-year old. The mothership has been here far longer than we have! Here is Eddie Hazel at his finest...
  10. Here is the latest vaccine doses per 100 people - by nation - map from CNN. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/health/global-covid-vaccinations/ USA is at 100 which is #4 in the Western Hemisphere, with Uruguay 128, Chile 127, Canada 117. Elsewhere, UAE 164, Iceland 137, Israel 127, Qatar 121, UK 120, Mongolia 119. The USA needs to get more competitive about this *****! USA! USA!
  11. Excellent point per the bolded. mRNA research began in the 1980's. And thank goodness it did. Not only that, but mRNA research is making significant strides in effectively battling cancer.
  12. I don't ever recall any reports whatsoever of health authorities saying "we knowingly issued XYZ untrue statement because we thought it was best for public health." Can you provide some examples?
  13. Per the bolded, again I disagree. Those who were stricken by Covid, who had every opportunity to get vaxxed in advance, and willfully refused to do so, are not victims. It is not so much a matter of divine punishment to me, as much as it is just simple Darwinism - survival of the fittest.
  14. I very well may have seen your friend play. I lived in Winston-Salem (NC) then and was a big Polar Twins fan. The Polar Twins wore all yellow at home: jerseys, pants and socks - all yellow, and they looked pretty cool! There were apparently no limits on stick curves in that league also. I was too young to get the Macon Whoopee underlying reference, but who cares? It was a blast!
  15. I get your point, but I disagree. AIDS victims in the 90's, if given the chance, would have flocked to where vaccinations and/or cures were available in droves.
  16. Sorry if I'm twisting the original intent of this thread, but I am just as interested in how the NHL employees who are getting paid to crunch analytics data rank. Who is doing a great job and why? Who are the laggards and where have they failed? I'd like to have a feel for who's who as long as Uncle Terry is still doing the hiring.
  17. ^ and grit.
  18. Let's not forget the 2006 Canes and Oilers.
  19. big mistake
  20. Thank ***** God that all this heat is just an anomaly, and climate change is just a liberal plot to make the world socialist.
  21. Just saw a hilarious SportsNet commercial with a quote of "self reflection requires shiny surfaces."
  22. So MLB has been concerned about reducing game lengths for decades now, and now they want to stop play and check pitchers every inning? This is NCAA-level stupidity.
  23. So true. Odd man breaks for the Bolts were plentiful in the 1st period. Kevin Bieksa is doing commentary here in Canada and kept saying the Isles were "cheating" in terms of team defense. Tampa's alleged "cheating" is much more productive than the Isles' version.
  24. I just read an outstanding article about the Savannah Bananas baseball team. They are turning the baseball ballpark experience completely upside down and just about everybody loves it... https://www.espn.com/mlb/insider/story/_/id/31589713/the-most-fun-at-ballpark-mlb-learn-savannah-bananas
  25. Absolutely correct. BS BS BS.
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