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Everything posted by jad1

  1. That's difficult to believe when Patty claimed that Pegula offered him the GM position, but he turned it down because he felt he didn't have enough experience. The reports sure made it sound like PLF was given free reign to build the front office structure, but it seems that he didn't understand his own role in that organization.
  2. See, nothing to worry about. :thumbsup:
  3. If that's the case, PLF should have hired a GM who was more in-tune with his vision for the team. If this wasn't caused by a personal issue, like health concerns, it speaks more to PLF's inability to be an executive for an NHL team than Pegula's ability to be an NHL owner. .
  4. That's really the point. Kovy is Alexi Yashin Jr; all flash and no heart. It's not worth the eye-candy if you have to keep guys like Gerbe, Ennis, and McCormick in the pressbox every night. It's beyond me how Jersey could justify his contract, especially after getting swept in the 1st round last season with him on the roster.
  5. All right, I have to complain about this whole Mark Sanford thing. The affair itself doesn't bother me. Sh#t like this happens. The hypocrisy of a staunch conservative who has criticized the affairs of others doesn't bother me either; claims of hypocisy are a dime-a-dozen in politics. I have to admit as far as affairs go, this one looks to be fairly impressive. He wasn't paying a hooker or shacking up with a young staffer with self-esteem issues. He wasn't sleeping with a wide-eyed-wonk who worships politicians like rock stars. And he wasn't trying to hook up with a dude in a men's room. When it comes right down to it, scoring an Argentinian mistress is right up there with scoring Marilyn Monroe. I mean this guy looks and acts like your boring uncle, but he's tapping some carn-i-val tail. We don't know what this woman looks like (and maybe it's better that we don't), but an Agentinian lover sounds pretty hot. What does bother me is his whole reaction to getting caught. In his own words, Sanford spent the five days he was AWOL "crying" in Argentina. All I can picture is Sanford standing outside an apartment house in Argentina, holding his boombox over his head, playing Peter Gabriel songs. They're even releasing his pasty love letters. Unless you're Shakespeare and you write in iambic pentameter, your love letters (if you hazard to write them) should never be made public. No matter how good you think they are, they just make you look like horny dork of a teenager. And why the hell did he have to miss five days of work over this thing. C'mon, there are people with the swine flu who miss fewer days. When it comes right down to it, have the affair if you must, but when you get caught, be a f'n man about it.
  6. I guess all us Sabre fans who stuffed the ballot box knew what we were doing!
  7. A couple of guesses: 1. The colors on the NHL logo used to be black and orange, now they are black and silver, so they finally updated the refs uniforms to match the new logo colors. 2. Silver looks better than orange on RailCam (make that RAAAAAIIIIILLLLCAAAAAAMMMMMM)
  8. Too bad that his mic got busted, because one of the ass-hats in the booth could ask him if the red light was giving him a sunburn. :lol: I haven't seen a goalie get shelled like that since I watched Darren Pang get bombed in an old-timer's game (he was mic'd up too).
  9. Yeah, I don't want to blame them for that tool of a rink announcer. But here's an idea, let's not give a player a bag of potato chips during an in-game interview. And how about announcing who assisted on a goal. (Nice assist Danny.)
  10. Yeah, I've had it with Vs. This whole production is an embarassment.
  11. As Heatley proved in last year's playoffs. :doh:
  12. Here's to a season without any 'moral' victories. :beer:
  13. It seems like every poster on that board is a middle-aged soccer mom. If you asked them what the left-wing lock is, they'd probably sit you down and serve you a peanut butter sandwich.
  14. Ruff has been playing 3 and a half lines this year, it and it looks like it has been by design. He seems perfectly happy with playing the 4th line to wear out teams in the first two periods, and going almost exclusively with the top 3 lines in the 3rd. It's hard to argue with that plan, considering the Sabres lead the league in goals and points. So it was never a question of Stafford or Paille being better than Peters; that's a no-brainer. It's a question of the rookies being better than the top six wingers; because who do you sit to give them ice time in the 3rd? Even when Ruff has benched a top six winger, Gaustad has filled in well. So, like Roy and Pominville last season, Paille and Stafford are getting big minutes in Rochester to start the year. Now that Max is injured, the Sabres will probably need some goals from the 4th line, so bringing up both Stafford and Paille, and benching Peters makes sense. If and when the Sabres get healthy, however, I wouldn't be surprised to see the rookies back in Rochester and Peters back in the lineup.
  15. Definitely something for Ruff to chew them out for in the film room. Not neccessarily a bad thing after a win! :D
  16. The Sabres actually won the overall faceoff battle tonight (30-26), but did lose some key ones. I don't recall how many of those key wins were by Brind'Amour. Lindy might have gotten a little greedy on that last 5-3, playing Pominville at the point. Tallinder or Campbell might have done a better job of picking up the trailer (Commodore) on the goal. I liked the way they played this game too. The 4th line controlled play in the first period, the RAV line looked unstoppable, and Miller made some big saves. I'd say that this was a 'gritty' win.
  17. I agree with you. The Flyers win was a clinic, but you'd have to be slightly delusional to think the Sabres would be able to put on another clinic against the defending champs, especially since we blew our noses in their rag on opening night. And that last goal was disappointing, but it should keep a burr under Miller's saddle, and he always comes back strong when he has a burr under his saddle.
  18. Yep, for a while there it definitely looked like the Canadiens were more opportunistic. Combine that with the Sabres ineptitude on the power play and the third period calls against, things were looking pretty bleak. Bleak for any team BUT the Buffalo Sabres. This team just never quits. It's a beautiful thing to watch.
  19. Man, aside from 1971, May 25th really has sucked for the Sabres! Tell the team to spend the rest of the day in a padded room. :lol:
  20. I have been reading these, but after this comment, maybe I'll stop. :unsure: Oh who am I kidding. I wish I could quit This Day in Sabres History! I can't wait for May 18th to see how we should "reward" Ryan Miller! :rolleyes:
  21. The Sabres had a two-man advantage? Was Koharski reffing the game? :lol:
  22. It looks like we have some more demons to exorcise tonight! LET'S GO BUFFALO! Reclaim May 11th!
  23. This will always be my lasting memory of Lindy as a player. After taking the cheapshot, he turned on Smith like a doberman attacking a ham. Smith taped the 'knob' of his stick about an inch or two below the butt end. The unpadded edge of Smith's stick cut Lindy on the cheek. Ruff wasn't the only victim of Smith's jabs and the league mandated that all goalies had to tape the entire butt end of their sticks the next year.
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