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Everything posted by jad1

  1. So when Kreuger walks out on the NHL again to join AFC Bournemouth in their on-going quest to skirt relegation and UPL is called up, Lindy makes his return!
  2. Seems like Krueger is a great guy based on statements from those who know him, but even with that, his NHL resume is thin on results. He hasn't coached in the NHL since 2013. He lead the Oilers to a losing record in the lockout season. He last coached a hockey team in 2016, three years ago during the World Cup exhibition. His hockey coaching resume lacks any sustained success, and after being delivered a bad break in Edmonton (admitted by even those who fired him), he walked away from the league, taking a position with Southampton in the EPL, who finished 16th out of 20 teams this season, avoiding regulation by 5 points. Considering that Botterill is probably facing the ax if the team spends any significant time this season at the bottom of the standings, you kind of have to scratch your head at this choice. He could have hired a 'retread' like Trotz, DeBoer, or Gallant. He could have hired a guy who worked his way up through the system like Cassidy. He could have hired a tough former player like Brind'amour. Hiring a coach from one of these types would give you a better idea of how things will play out. With Krueger, who knows what's going to happen. Is he going to be too much of a buddy to the players, unable to make hard roster decisions? Is he going to continue the endless roster re-shuffle, using analytics? Will he introduce a foundation and structure for the team's play, especially in their own end? Will he encounter difficult times, and walk away from the league again? This could be one of Botterill's last big decisions in his GM career. He decided to choose the guy with the highest risk, and maybe not the greatest reward.
  3. Yeah, this happened in the idiotic scene where Dany legitimizes Gendry as a true son of Robert Baratheon, which technically makes him king of Westeros. So Dany, who wants Jon to lie about being a Targaryean to ensure her claim isn't encroached upon, basically adds another legitimate claimant to the throne. She could have given Storm's End to Gendry without legitimizing him, like Geoffrey gave Harrenhal to Janos Slynt, but the writers decided to go full stupid here. Oh, and they left a coffee cup on the set. Then they double down and have Gendry propose to Arya. This entire series is built on the idea of arranged marriages. It's the DNA of the show, and every major character has been impacted by it. In keeping with that DNA, if Gendry wanted to propose to Arya, he should have arranged it with Sansa. She would have probably said yes, as allying the North to the Stormlands through the marriage of a younger sister is a politically smart thing to do. It's literally the same alliance that started the show. But something like that would take writers who still wanted to write a GOT show. These guys seem to be auditioning to show-run Gotham.
  4. While show has a definite Stark bias, the books don't, and they aren't mostly about the Starks and Targaryens. The show feels like it's a hero-journey story with a Lord-of-the-Rings type ending. The true king defeats evil to save the realm. Jon seams like he's the main hero so far, which is why they've started to shade Dany. That's also why the show has now evolved into a who-will-live and who-will-die analysis. The writers pushed this the last eposode with a bunch of fan-service before the battle. The books feel like they're going to have a similar ending to the original planet of the apes ("You maniacs! You blew it all up!"), where the characters believe they are being heroic, but drive humanity to it's destruction. Anyway, somebody should tell those Northern rubes that if you're fighting an enemy who can raise the dead, you shouldn't hide everyone in the crypts.
  5. I don't think they're telling the same story. Both stories are good, but I doubt they'll be the same.
  6. Agree that the books and show are different. The writers have played fast and loose with the lore in the books, sometimes to their benefit and sometimes to their detriment. The Dance of the Dragons is mentioned in the show multiple times, so it exists in the world of the show, but hey are picking and choosing the details here to make John more special for some reason. And for the record, the short story "The Princess and the Queen" is a part of the ASOIF canon and details the Dance of the Dragons (The Targaryen civil war, where the majority of Targaryen dragons were wiped out). In that story, Nettles, Ulf the White, and Hugh the Hammer are non-Targaryens who ride dragons. So the books have established that non-Targaryens can ride dragons.
  7. Not true. There were non-Targaryen dragon riders during the Dance of the Dragons (the civil war, not the book).
  8. I agree. This draft wasn't going to fix the team's immediate issues, so I'm looking more foward to Botterill using FA and trades to make the team competitive next season. Hiring the right coach is also key.
  9. Don't think it's rigged, just think it's a stupid idea to fix a non-problem that hurts a team's ability to build through the draft.
  10. It doesn't just screw Buffalo, it screws every team that legitimately needs talent to build it's roster.
  11. Another lottery where the Sabres drop back. This lottery scheme was a fantastic idea. ?
  12. I agree. The defense top six is made up of 3 first rounders (all drafted in the top 10), and 3 second rounders (Scandella, McCabe, and Montour). It's hard to imagine Botterill acquiring better talent than is on the ice right now. For example, Botterill paid a big price for Montour, and the defense actually got worse after the aquisition. The defense has a lot of bad habits in their own zone and maybe the team needs a dinosaur like Ruff or Trotz for a few seasons to drill fundamentals into the defensemen's heads.
  13. The defense is probably the area of the team where Botterill expected more. Risto is a 40 point defenseman who is way too mistake-prone in his own zone. Dahlin looks to be following the same path with defensive zone mistakes. Scandella is a Botterill acquisition. Further damming is that overall defensive play didn't improve with the acquisition of Montour. Botterill might feel that a better coach will get better results from this group. The fowards just need help.
  14. Montour has shown skill and talent, but the defense and team really hasn't improved since he arrived, putting up 8 points the last month or so. O'Reilly is a 75 point Selke candidate, the leading scorer on a playoff team. Imagine if Botterill signs a 75 point 2C this off season. How ecstatic would Sabres fans be? Hopefully Montour and the defense will improve under better coaching, but Montour for O'Reilly is still a big win for the Blues.
  15. After last season I was hoping I would never have to hear the words "draft lottery" again for the rest of my life. And yet, here we are.
  16. I agree with wanting a scoring 3rd line, like the the RAV line. Okposo, Sheary, and Mitts aren't going to get you that. Olofsson and Nylander with ERod might be a better choice for the third line. Casey and Tage are in limbo, both should start in Rochester next season. Thompson should be trade bait and Mitts should be on a short leash. Eichel, Skinnner, and Reinhart would give the Sabres a dominant first line. Botterill needs to build the 2nd line almost from scratch. Maybe Sheary stays there, but Botterill needs to find a couple of 20+ goal scorers at center or wing by trade or in FA.
  17. He definitely looks good. It would be great if he fills a top 6 forward slot next season.
  18. They should bring him back next season at the right price. 15+ goals, can fill in on every line, veteran with the right attitude. He'd be a good role player.
  19. NHL games? 200 games is almost 3 full seasons, which is too long to judge if a player has the ability to adjust to the speed of the NHL game. And Tage is half-way there, with un-promising results.
  20. Dahlin might be still getting used to the speed of the game, but he's 18 and put up 41 points this season. Tage is 3 years older and had 12 points this year. Not to be too harsh, but that's the difference between a rising star and a bust. And the extra weight won't help Thompson, because he's not a physical player. He's not a Carrier or even a Girgensons. The most disappointing thing about him is his lack of physical play.
  21. 106 games to get used to NHL speed? I think he has more problems than that. And entitlement is the only reason Thompson spent almost the entire season on an NHL roster this year. Botterill should find a GM who is similarly awed by Thompson's physical giftedness so he can package Tage in a deal for a player who can actually play NHL hockey. In other words, he needs to give Thompson the ol' 'Cliff Pu.'
  22. Here you go: Luke Adam: 90 Career NHL games, 15 goals, 11 assists, 26 points, -11 Tage Thompson: 106 Career NHL games, 10 goals, 11 assists, 21 points, -34
  23. Because the Pegulas have been consistent in firing coaches after 2 years (Ruff, Nolan, Bylsma, Rex) and in just about all cases, they've been right to do so. They make their mistakes when they hire the new coach.
  24. Good effort boys! Take Thursday off! (As if they need to be told to do that!)
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