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Everything posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. I saw this game going differently in my head, but I'm liking this second period.
  2. This line is making me happy!
  3. My god this is the most boring intermission ever, I want Rob Ray or at least a player interview with a non-english speaker anything would be better :(
  4. Very nice set up. Jealous as I'm watching on a stream with Edmonton calls.
  5. Even putting them back at the shooter would be better than putting them into the slot. He needs help from his D but he needs to help himself. This is going to be a long game if they score on every winger shot
  6. lucic and Lehner with these rebounds
  7. "didn't help the situation st'all" - Rob Ray *Sips Drink*
  8. are they EVER going to call a trip on Montreal?
  9. Matty! Must have smelled the Speyside!
  10. Choice time: Option one: Stick with the Arrogant Bastard Ale Option two: change it up for a Rorbach's Scotch Ale Growler Option three: Doomsday time and go with the Glenlivet 12 year? I'm sorta leaning toward three fingers...
  11. :w00t: - Pregame: It's hockey time :( - First: Okay they are getting their legs the last five looked good. :wallbash: :w00t: :censored: --Second: What the :censored: is this? Okay, that PP had some really good chances...AND I'm going with collarbone with Kane. Exact same way I broke mine playing travel. Why? Just why?
  12. But...but what endless ramblings am I going to lurk over when this is over! The conspiracies alone in this thread were 24k comedic gold, followed closely by the fruitless efforts of the reasoners and realists.
  13. Glad to see a bunch of other anglers (and some returning curious souls) in the Sabres community. I'm more in the Eastern Rochester to Western Syracuse belt do a lot of my fishing in Flint Creek (Canandaigua to Lyons), Erie Canal/Garangua Creek (Fairport, Palmyra and Newark), Irondequoit Creek (Manly East Rochester and Pennfield), various ponds and Seneca/Canadaigua Lake. Trout and river smallmouth are my favorite species to target but any game fish make me happy. I do a ton of fly fishing but also have spinning and baitcasting setups. If anyone uses FishBrain (a social catch reporting app for smartphones) i'm ohalfman, add me. It's a great resource to see where and with what fish are being caught in your region. Some catches this year are attached: A largemouth caught out out of the Canal near lock 28b on baitcaster throwing a blue/black jig with craw trailer; A smallmouth caught out of Flint Creek near Phelps on spinning reel using weighted tubes; and a trout out of Eyer Park (Irondequoit Creek) in East Rochester fly fishing off a "Hopper n' Dropper" nymph setup.
  14. I'm pretty sure there is a BIG difference from "the people of walmart" where they are "dressed" in public and someone takes a picture and someone taking a picture of you in a locker room and I'm sure the law agrees. Are they both kinda scummy yes, but only one is illegal.
  15. I expect him to be on the third or fourth lines and stomp on some unsuspecting opponents: and lead us to the playoffs this year
  16. Getting ready to head outta Rochester to go to the game. Let's Go Buffalo! Rocking the goat head jersey with the classic logo hat, deal with it :)
  17. and it gets worse, holy christ make it stop
  18. This is why you don't put COR on the powerplay. Ugh!
  19. He does not contain well, his go to move is to illegally impede with the off hand rather than move his feet.
  20. late to the party....watching on delay, I REALLY like those warm-ups. I would absolutely love seeing a variation becoming our new alternates. I think Sabres and green go excellent together. Awesome to see Bogo get some points in the G column on a goal that would make the Bandits proud. Even if it took 5 shots into the goalies chest prior. That first period was outstanding, the passing was the best part IMO. They seemed to have a sense where each other were on the ice and it lead to effortless breakouts and sustained pressure.
  21. Who do you think we could get for Bogo that wouldn't involve giving up someone that you would like to protect? I for one wouldn't mind Ennis in a package for someone, but would that be enough to get someone better than Bogo? Forwards: O'Reilly Girgensons Ennis Deslauriers Foligno Defense: Risto Pysyk Bogo (the rest are meh in my opinion) Goal: Lehner (is there even a chance of loosing Johnson if Lehner protected?) Same disclaimer about the young'uns being automatically protected.
  22. Anyone have video of the two penalties...the new NHL.com is infuriating to navigate? Every time I think I get it I get redirected to NHL.tv subscription page.
  23. What the hell was that call? Dammit I hate boston and that huge nose luck sack
  24. Ovie is just coasting with stick at waste level
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