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Everything posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. Masrcus? What a bad goal on Reimer....
  2. With every passing game I'm disliking Ennis more and more. He just keeps getting smaller and more ineffectual in my mind. and boo!
  3. Clearly ROR's stick didn't break so it can't be a slashing penalty. Has nothing to do with it being Crosby and 20' from the puck. Read the rule book. /sarcasm
  4. looking at that Risto hit again on Sportsnet: Other than the puck being 10 feet away and never coming close to the Pens player, it doesn't look like the head was the primary contact on the hit. Should bode well in Ristos favor.
  5. He has just looked...small...lately. hasn't won battle and can't get any purchase on the ice
  6. The goatheads were the best jerseys we wore. The goathead redone in blue and gold would be awesome. The turd burger jersey wouldn't have been that bad without the grey and with the captians' "C" and numbers in the right spots.
  7. I hope to never see Eichel in a fight. That said, if it must happen, let it be part of a Gordie Howe hat trick with the goal being the game winner.
  8. If Eichel is shackled to another cinderblock winger Dan shouldn't make it past the weekend.
  9. Moulson just missed the net by 10 feet. Ugh. get him off the team
  10. If Bylsma shackles Moulson onto Jack every shift I'm done with him. Tied at 3, you have a player on a umpteen game point streak and you give him a semi-formed brick as a winger. AND SON OF A BITCH FRANSON
  11. I think a big contributor is the amount of playing time that Risto and ROR get on a daily basis. With the Philly game and the back to back this weekend Risto has played a full games worth of minutes. That's not a recipe for success. In the Philly game thread there was an excellent post comparing the special teams use of the Philly D vs ours. Risto played both PP and SH while the Philly D was decidedly one or the other.
  12. I'll take a friday night game with sub 10$ prices like last nights. The team is a hot mess but Eichel v Bobravsky would be cool to see in person. Unstoppable force against immovable object both being on hot streaks.
  13. Playoff odds down 0.7 to 0.2% per SportsClubStats
  14. Trade picks, Ennis, Moulson, Girgensons and any one else I've given up on that wasn't shipped to Vegas all to get 1.5 top 4 blue liners. oh and a new coach, can we trade DD for a Dman? I'd even be willing to keep some salary to sweeten the deal.
  15. I think combining several ideas here and having minor and major 2 min penalties would be interesting. Minors are identical to the current system - two minutes and wiped on a goal. A 'major' 2-minute would be the full two regardless of goals scored. Still have double minors and 5, 10 etc. Delay of game - minor 2 Elbowing - Major 2 etc.
  16. Kulikov with 36 games played is at a solid 2, yes 2, points. Lehner is one point behind him, LEHNER. I for one thought that he would produce more than that. We need several top 4 D-men. Several.
  17. Nice post Randall, I've long been against dump and chase hockey. Dump-ins are definitely useful but not as a primary method of entering the zone. The only exception is on teams that have top4 cycling play in the league (hint: not the sabres). We have speed and guys with good hands (Eichel, Kane, Reinhart, Ennis, etc.) carry-in and stomp on the brakes and look for a trailer rather then dump if the outside isn't available.
  18. Get rid of the trapezoid - why punish goalies with good stick skills? There has to be a good middle ground for interference on dump-ins. Last year's touch and be called and this year's no-called-nigh-tackles are the ugly extremes. Make well timed hip checks a thing again. Remove offsides challange or make it 1 min review TOPS. The delay even when correct kills the mood. Make the front of the blue line and the vertical space above the line onside. It makes more sense to me. All highsticks should be two minutes unless intentional. Blood rule is weird. Playing the puck to yourself with a high stick outside of the offensive zone should be legal (provided the puck is the only thing you contact). Reduce the bulk of goalie equipment. I'd even allow a larger blocker if the shoulders, pants and legs are slimmed down. Hell give them a knee-hockey mini stick while we're at it. Open the door a second later (at actual zero not before) and let players half out of the penalty box play the puck. $5 dollar beer price cap and allow it to be served third period. Bring back the pickle with the beef on weck.
  19. As much as I like him, Ennis is becoming more and more expendable in my mind, between output and health issues. Would not mind seeing him included on a trade. Moulson is meh, Vegas fodder. Foligno, I think is okay when he is played in his spot (3rd line). Bailey has been a pleasant surprise to me, his speed and corner mucking deserve a spot. In last night's game, the first time in a long time that I remember of a D-man getting up in the play backfired and cost us a 2v1 that was nearly a goal. Several times it seemed they were missing passes and/or being blown out pinching at the wrong time. Besides drafting, who is available for us to acquire? We in all likelihood need TWO top 4 or a top 4 and two top 6 D-men...yuck
  20. It's funny because NHLofficials.com has the following: Rule 46.13 (Jerseys) states:A player who engages in a fight and whose jersey is removed (completely off his torso), other than through the actions of his opponent in the altercation or through the actions of the Linesman, shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty. The rationale behind this rule is to prevent player from using different tactics where they would get their jersey off during a fight to gain an advantage over their opponent. On top of getting an advantage in the fight by having their jersey removed, there is also a safety factor here to prevent a player from pulling his opponent jersey over his head and feeding him while his jersey now blinds him. In the 90’s, Buffalo Sabres enforcer Rob Ray was well kwon for using this tactic during his fights. Ray's jersey and shoulder pads would quickly be shed due to his opponent's clutching and grabbing and his opponent would no longer be able to clutch and grab him giving him an advantage in the fight. Since then, a new rule was added in the Rulebook to prevent such tactic. Every NHL player’s jersey now have a “tied down” strap in the back that player are required to attach with their pant’s belt to prevent the jersey from going over the player’s head during an altercation. So, when a player engages in a fight and his jersey is removed because he was not properly “tied down”, this player is to be assessed a Game Misconduct penalty in addition to his fighting and other penalties incurred on this play. bold emphasis mine. Reminds me of the curfuffle the tucked vs untucked jersey rule in our beer league caused. Anyways, good riddance to Peters, never liked him
  21. One thing I really like about the first goal was the 5-6 pass cycle going on in the corner and along the sidewall. It's simple hockey like that tires out defense and leads to drawing penalties or in this case grindy goals. Love it.
  22. I'll never understand why blood is the determining factor in a high stick penalty...
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