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Everything posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. UNGH...things dealing with fingernails and toenails give me the heebie jeebies...I'd be easy to torture... On topic: I recently got S Health for my Galaxy S4 calibrated and have recorded my Intake/Expenditure of calories and monitoring my protein. My main sources of exercise are Hockey, Road Cycling, Golf (always walk), Paintball and general walking for the day (includes walking the dogs and work). By the end of the summer I want to be able to bike to my parents house, a hilly 26 mile trek. Currently averaging 10 miles a trip.
  2. And now it's in mine, NES emulator here I come... On a game related note, broke out the Rock Band set the other day and A7x Nightmare has been in my head since:
  3. If dancing ability was an indicator of hockey ability then I'd be....well I'd still be playing on a B-level Men's Hockey team *silent tear*
  4. Something smells fishy...Rover's Morning Glory (morning radio show here in Rochester) had a few people call in, one a fellow soldier that went out on the recovery missions (different unit didn't know Bowe personality) said why in the hell should this deserter see his family again when 6 service men will never be able to see theirs because they had to go out looking for this guy and got killed.
  5. I just want an entertaining series. I'd like to see LA take it in 6 or 7 games. 7 would be awesome for the accomplishment. I don't want Bailey getting the Youppi! Treatment: http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=721426&navid=nhl:topheads
  6. Thought the attached was relevant :-)
  7. I've never minded crowds, I do get annoyed when it takes forever to get a drink cause the bar is packed. I especially like crowds when there is music playing live and everyone is enjoying it, or the vibe of a packed sporting event. Both have similar group "hive mind" energy going on. Went to a Wolfsburg vs BVB game when in Germany and it was packed and awesome, I was like two rows up from the locals drum pit. Some tattoos I find add to a woman's attractiveness, my wife has thin vine going from her foot to ankle and I think it is very tasteful and looks awesome. My best man at my wedding has a rib tattoo that looks like someone pealed back the skin revealing the muscles, veins, and such and it looks amazing it really fits his personality. It will no doubt look awkward when he gets old. Most tattoos that would prevent a person from a job as a bank teller I dislike; face, hands, neck included. Any tattoo of a face looks like crap, I don't care who has it or who it's of. I feel the same way about piercings, if it wouldn't prevent you from getting a job I probably find it attractive. I do have a fondness for nipple piercings, the simple bar type most of all. That said I have nether and have no plans to get one. Would probably get a "13" tattoed if I did though.
  8. I wish I had the capabilities to lager a beer, making a doppel bock would be awesome Most of my brewing has been from recipe kits, I found a saison du mont recipe but I'd be ordering the ingredients loose...might have to try it Everyone is all about beer pong might have to get back to some flip cup...left or right handed :) I'm all goofy when in comes to snowboarding both in stance and form...I'm better with skis, playing hockey translates over
  9. Figured this was a good as a thread as any to break out of lurker mode 1. Been lurkering unregistered for about a year, recently registered to lurk more and this is my first post. 2. I'm certified in 7-12 English and Special Ed. - I co-taught a 9th grade English class with the same teacher I had in High School. One of the most rewarding experiences of my life. 3. I've always had the number 13 in sports except one season in college hockey that I was 27 because a senior already had the number. 4. I like (bordering on obsessive need) to research any purchase over $100, often spending weeks comparing products or reading reviews on the Internet. Doubly so when it's an electronic purchase; PC parts are the worst. Golf purchases are probably second, either way it annoys my wife to no end. 5. My current position has me traveling the same amount of time that I actually work. 6. Writing on a vertical surface impairs my spelling to comical levels. This includes chalk boards, whiteboards, and the worst: SMARTboards. 7. I play left handed in every sport, except throwing a baseball/football. I write right handed. I hold my utensils like I'm left handed when eating. 8. I had at least five more when I hit reply that I've promptly forgotten. 9. I'm drinking the last of my home brew Hefeweizen while watching the game tonight. Would love suggestions on what to make to make next. I'm growing some cascade hops to use later this year.
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