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Everything posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. I broke my ouija board after I asked it if the sabres would make the playoffs last season and it kept going to "h" and "a" over and over "hahahahaha," I thought it was broken....jokes on me
  2. Das Dutch, schmoke and a pancake indeed...Where did that come from?
  3. I'm a certified Little League Umpire, I threaten to duck tape the bat to the kids hands. Some places have a local rule that if a bat is released and strikes the catcher/me they are called out. I had a senior game once where they were trying to pitch out and walk a batter, well the pitch came a little to inside and the batter fowled it straight back into my crotch with no catcher block it. Thank god I wear a cup or my offspring would have dents in their foreheads. I threw up and had to switch with the base umpire after walking it off for 10-15 minutes because I couldn't crouch anymore. it counts because I want to hear the story :)
  4. So I'm curious Sabre Space, what's the worst injury you've sustained playing sports? Not necessarily just in hockey, but in any athletic endeavor? Mine would be breaking my ribs playing travel hockey (either Bantam or Midget level). Pile up in front of the net and I came down on someone's knee like an upside-down "back breaker" and broke one rib, cracked two others and bruised a bunch of stuff. Worse part was I thought I had just got the wind knocked out of me so I played another shift, got checked by a shorter guy (I'm 6'3") right in the midsection and blacked out due the pain. My dad was a coach at the time and everyone told me he was over the boards and on the ice before the ref even blew the whistle (legal hit so play continued for a bit). Let me tell you breaking ribs is horrible, you use muscles that agrevaite ribs injuries for everything. Breathing? Hurt. Coughing? Hurt. Laughing? Hurt. Getting up from a chair? Hurt. Going to the bathroom? Hurt. No comfortable position to sit (especially in the chair desk combo things that schools have). Also had to sleep in a Laz-z-boy for the first couple of nights cause I sleep on my side and that hurt, so I was in pain and sleep deprived. I don't recommend it.
  5. I play an indoor men's league at the Sports Garden in Henrietta, in my opinion the diving/acting is the worst part of the professional/world game. Just look on YouTube for videos of players getting hit in the arm (or not at all) and reeling back clutching their face in a death throe or ragdolling limbs every which way clutching their shins on a fair challange only to pop up after the whistle. Don't even get me started on the magical healing properties of the "sports spray," slide tackle apparently broke an ankle? Good thing we have this magical canister of spray so this guy can pop up after a few minutes of trainer attention and a drink of water ready to take the PK that he was just awarded for his Oscar winning performance. I broke a toe on a awkward save (I play goal, ball came off the back boards awkwardly and already down I stuck out my foot last ditch to get in the way of the shot and toe'd the ball the same time as a full shot by the attacker) played the rest of the half ~15min and only realized it was worse than a sprain/jammed toe when I fell going to refil my water bottle at half. Couldn't put any weight on it, and it was already the size of a kiwi and purple. No screaming and acting like I just witnessed my family murdered with a machete just a "sorry guys" and a walking boot for a couple weeks.
  6. I've cast my stones and bones and they have predicted a regulation LA win by a two goal margin
  7. Congrats! I've seen some of your work on here and I'm impressed
  8. On a lighter note: Having to steer clear of social media because of not watching the current episode of your show (currently it's this weeks Game of Thrones that I haven't had time to watch yet) and having friends that insist on discussing each episode in full spoiler fashion across Facebook, Twitter and G+ And on that note pre-finals week at my schools being such a crapshoot that I haven't had time to watch Game of Thrones or any of my other shows. I thought I wouldn't dread finals now that I'm teaching, nope, it's worse. On a different note: the Raymour and Flanigan guy that came out this week to tell me (after I called over a week ago) "yep that's broken" and that they would call in the next 2-3 days to schedule a time to pick my love seat with a broken support up. It'll be almost 3 weeks from the time I called before they even begin repairs. Thats not including how long repairs and the return trip will take! Platinum protection plan my arse.....
  9. Will he accept one kidney? Reasonably well taken care of and only 28 years old; willing to do direct transfer or have it medically stored and shipped. I can make my own travel arrangements. :onlyslightlysarcsticbutnotreallyifforrealilldoitbutnoseriouslyimjokingsortoffsmiley:
  10. The Kings were inches away from winning (or at least sending to overtime) three times last night. The two incredible how did that not go in puck on goal line chances and the ringer off the crossbar by gaborik that had Henrik beat. I must also mention that I saw some of the best *textbook quality* hip checks last night. Overall it was an exciting game last night and now I want to see a home LA win.
  11. That's awesome, nice to see some fellow players...as for student of the game, I know exactly what you mean; even when I took a hiatus from playing I still kept up on the news from the industry As for 'cocker vs mag, I've always been in the why not both camp...I want to own a lvl10 Karta bodied mag soooooo bad it would go great on the peg board next to my 'cocker (which I now have to convince the wife to let me anodize): The below picture is awesome: And congrats shrader I hope you get the position, and I love being surprised (in a good way) about a previous employers review/recommendation
  12. The feeling of suspense then relief of airing up a paintball gun that you have been teching/working on for awhile and having it hold air and cycle. Currently timing an old autococker that I'd pieced together from various sources. No leaks, no chopping, and no short-stroking after a 6 month project - F'n awesome feeling. Leaks bad, silence good. I hope this makes sense to someone else on here...OTHERWISE: ordering something online and coming home to see a parcel on your doorstep.
  13. Damn you Weird Al your songs are so catchy I can never hear American Pie with the right lyrics in my head thanks to you ALSO, I blame you iTunes your shuffle makes random songs get stuck in my head
  14. Heard on the radio that a school shooting type incident (think they were including multiple injury stabbings and such) happens on average every 8 days, or almost once a week in the US! That's alarming...more so because I'm actively working in schools and trying to get a full time teaching position Just had a bomb scare at one of the schools I work at last week, they brought in the dogs to do a locker sweep and everything. Yeesh....
  15. It's open to walk ons right? Right? I still have a chance!
  16. Brett Hull has firmly cemented that realm in my sports life...
  17. I like video replay, especially being handled by an neutral element outside of the arena. It's getting the coaches involved beyond skating over to tell them what the call was and it being final that has me on edge. The first time a quick face off win goal is waved because the opposing coach challenged something on the previous play minutia before the puck was dropped I'll be done with this proposed system.
  18. I'm going with Rene Robert or Danny Gare in the mid-to-late 70's....so almost 40 years ago? I don't have the google savvy on my tablet to find the answer. I'm sure I'm not going to like the answer and I'm also sure it was before I was born ('86).
  19. I voted no, only because there wasn't an "it's way to early to see what they are actually going to do and what calls they will allow a challenge on" option. With that said I can't wait for the first ref to get pegged by an "errant" red flag thrown by a coach. :sarcasmsmiley:
  20. I think they should report on jerk factor. The amount/how quickly that they can change their acceleration. "We proudly select..** ***....due his high jerk factor.
  21. I hit this the other day, didn't find out till I got home that it was probably the "BB Bandit Scare" as you call it. I'm not on 390 for work often, usually just 490 and 31/31F but the other day a student cancelled on me and I took a different route. There were 2-3 cops cars up on an overpass, a SUV and K-9 UNIT SUV on the shoulder and a helicopter down the way (although that might have been the news' copter). Thought it might have been accident but there was only one (non-police) car on the side of the road with no visible damage when I got up there parked just past the overpass, lady was talking to an officer off to the side. . I'm with Ink and want to shout to these drivers: IT WAS A ROCK FROM A TRUCK :wallbash:
  22. Went to a friends house over the weekend he had Miller High Life, I've been drinking my homebrews and crafts for so long I forgot how much I like the Champagne of Beers We used to get it in college because it was 55$ a half only 5$ more than the Milwaukee's/Keystone and so much better
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