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Everything posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. About the only thing he does well is to make sure al the sponsors get plugged, at the expense of the action, but hey New Wave is more important than the first 20 seconds of the powerplay. Ennis needs to be a healthy scratch for a game. Missing the net on that shot is unforgivable. I'd rather reward Foligno for his hard play lately then see Ennis out there.
  2. MSG feed jumpy for anyone else?
  3. How many times is ROR going to come up big? YES!
  4. We are leaving Ullmark out to dry, he must have gone post to post four or five times on that sequence prior to Taresanko of all people getting a chance.
  5. Reinhart got to the one spot on the ice to score that goal, excellent hockey sense! God I hate Dunleavy, I always seem to get him when I'm stuck on radio and even tonight watching on T.V. he just distracts from the game.
  6. Rob Ray just had a Hurr Durr moment.
  7. Ryan O'Reilly just got robbed. Puck luck needs to come back pronto.
  8. This could get ugly...Shame on you Ennis
  9. Let's Go Buffalo! We survived the first minute!
  10. That leaves such an ugly taste in the mouth
  11. Foligno playing an excellent game tonight.
  12. and there goes ALL the life in the building
  13. It's about time for a coaches challenge to overturn our equalizing goal :bag: EDIT: oh god I was kidding, please no
  14. ROR is a machine! there is life in the building again as well
  15. I can say this about the officials at least they are being consistent with their blatant ignoring of penalties. They heard me!
  16. Wow that was the missed check of the year
  17. Dallas is doing a really good job of getting sticks on shots so they get deflected harmlessly out of play
  18. Ennis used to look quick now he just looks like he's spinning the tires and going nowhere, he needs to get out of this funk.
  19. Come on Franson, do better
  20. Bogo with two nice shots there
  21. Minions doing their job again
  22. Make the trapezoid rule on steroids, don't let goalies touch the puck completely out of the crease. That should increase scoring because the ogre goalies will have to make up for the more open net because they can't cut off the angle as well. #jokingbutserious
  23. I've played hockey competitively for 20+ years. I started playing hockey before I even have solid memories of it. There are pictures of me learning to skate with a metal folding chair for support. For 10+ years growing up in Geneva, NY I played in an open air rink within a slapshots distance from Seneca Lake. I remember games where your breath froze to the cage of your helmet and pucks shattered on goal posts. I also remember practices where we had to skate laps to lift the fog. I remember our first trip to Canada and playing teams 2-3 years younger than us and loosing horribly. I fondly recall scoring a Hat Trick in the finals of a Tonawanda or Skaneateles tournament. I remember when we put an ice bucket full of liquid soap into the hotel Jacuzzi/hot tub that same tournament and the fire department had to come to clear out the resulting "sudsageddon." I remember getting dressed in the back of the family van because my dad went one exit to far on the thruway and having to get carried into the arena cause I had my skates on as the team was taking the ice. I remember driving home from some late game through a blizzard and thinking it looked like going into hyperspace in the Millennium Falcon I played all through high school then college. I played in an adult league while going to grad school. I haven't been able to play in the last three years and I feel like a part of me is absent. This game has been a huge physical and sentimental part of my life and watching the Sabres play evokes many of the memories that I hold of playing. Some people upthread have nailed it; like the instant feeling you get when the puck leaves your stick and you just know it's going in, the beauty in a saucer pass across the goal on a 2v1 or the special kind of nerves you get when facing an open net shot in a tied game. It's very much a romantic thing for me. I took a class in college on poetry from languages other than English and we talked about the Japanese idea of "yugen" in a nutshell it's the appreciation of beauty and art, the power to evoke feelings that are inexplicably deep and too mysterious for words, rather that the ability to state directly what something means and Hockey embodies that to me.
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