I'll take this seriously later, but here's what I comically envision:
Interior, Terry's office, day
Kevyn Adams knocks on the door and sheepishly enters. Terry sits at his desk and motions for him to come over
Terry- "Kevyn, my good man, how goes it?"
Kevyn- "However you think I should feel sir. I really thought my impassioned press conference would rally the troops. The palm tree line was good, right?"
Terry- "It was certainly...something. You said on the phone you needed to discuss something with me."
Kevyn- "I wanted to talk again about the cap space. We could really use it to..."
Terry raises his hand and gently places his index finger on Kevyn's pursed lips and makes a light shushing sound
Terry- "I don't care if the losing streak reaches 15. You do not touch that MONEY! You're a good boy and have served me well. Do not bite the hand that feeds. I can have Karamanos in here tomorrow protecting the status quo. Tread lightly. By the way, that Kozak loan to Rochester is costing us $40 for the Uber trip down the 90. I expect that money on my desk by the end of business today. "