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Everything posted by Stads

  1. I wanted to fight my dog and have sex with a paperclip so pretty close?
  2. I have never done cocaine, but I think I experienced a natural version watching that game. I was wired for a few hours afterwards
  3. That's what ended my marriage. I posted extramaritally a few too many times
  4. If you widen that out a touch, is Lankinen on there?
  5. Helped us win by being so horrible playing for the opposition. "Bring him in" was rife with sarcasm
  6. That might be the nicest compliment he's received this year
  7. Any goalie that can help us win is aces in my book. Bring him in!
  8. Odd choice of words for this topic
  9. Well it's getting late. Probably should turn in for the night
  10. I'm off work tomorrow, so I'm in this for the long haul tonight. Let's make this a game boys!
  11. If you take away Subban and Dell's crappy numbers, Sabres' goalies are 22-23-8 this season
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