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Chris in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Chris in Syracuse

  1. It seems there is no hashing out with Murray. He has hung Nolan out to dry before. Nolan needed a center and Murray said no. Kaleta had to play center which he hadn't in years. I can't see how any good coach would want to work with Murray.
  2. Showing commitment to winning isn't just firing a guy because he may not want to work with him. That shows that you're willing to sell yourself to a name. It's not about loyalty to a person, but to a plan. Why is that any different than intentionally finishing last two years in a row. We are selling ourselves and have been for two years for McEichel.
  3. The topic is a what if scenario. Show Mr. Babcock our commitment to winning is greater than loyalty to anyone. If you are going to fire Nolan and try to make him a scapegoat, fire Murray as well. He may have hired Babcock years ago but to tell Babcock he has no authority in personnel seems less attractive. Let's see, most money and most control. Eichel/McDavid. Kane. mmm?
  4. I did not know that. It seems in sports coaches want more and more power. GMTM seems to have a system where he has complete control of personnel and allows coaches to coach. I am not sure Babcock wants that.
  5. I was thinking if Babcock is available he may want control over the team or at least GM. Make him highest paid is a given. Would you fire GMTM? Tell Babcock he can hire whoever he wants or be a GM and coach. I say let's start fresh and rid ourselves of two miserable years of losing. It may be the only way to get a great coach.
  6. The Sabres are a bad team by design. Thank You Pegula/Murray. Last night proved that Arizona is better and deserved 29th place. Why can't we commiserate with the team and coach who have been set up to fail. Cheer them on, root for them to play their best. They are not to blame. Pegula/Murray and the NHL for designing a lottery that encourages Tanking are the villains in this sad story. Cheer for Arizona and Edmonton, but NOT when they play Sabres and certainly NOT at home wearing Sabre gear.
  7. Currently 55 in Lafayette California!
  8. 3-0 is bad but not awful. I feel sorry for Lindback. He has now lost 7 in a row. Welcome to Tankalo!
  9. Actually I left Syracuse years ago. Living in SF now. I was just being a little defensive enjoying a win.
  10. I am going to enjoy victory and root for them to win every game. If they win the lottery great but integrity first.
  11. Is it time to fire Nolan? 13 games in a row. How much more before we are forced to make a change.
  12. He assembled this offensively challenged train wreck. Tim Murray is a disgrace to the NHL.
  13. It is so frustrating! I hate Tim Murray.
  14. I feel bad for Macarov. Last year was the same situation. Your reward for playing well is a much smaller paycheck!
  15. Do you ever think that TM was talking up Bennett so highly to hide the fact his # 1 is Reinhart. The old pump up the other guy to free the one we want routine.
  16. I think the conditioning is on the players more than staff. This guy is more than capable of coming up with a more strenuous routine. He has been here over 20 years. That gives him at least one year warning to improve his program before dismissal.
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