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Everything posted by RayFinkle

  1. Darcy continuing to play the fiddle while Rome burns.....you can't just cross your fingers and hope for the best when you're a bubble team who lost their best player. Gerbe ain't the answer right now.
  2. How big a boy are ya?
  3. I almost died on the way to work this morning. Well, actually I can say for certain if I would have died, but I likely would have been dead or serious injured. I was driving on the interstate cruising at a comfortable 72 mph. Traffic was a little heavy but we were all moving at a good pace. My exit was coming up in about a mile and the truck in front of me was moving slow so I decide to merge over into the right lane, which was wide open. I just started my merge when a big ass deer carcass becomes visible. It is laying right on the dotted line between the lane I'm in and the lane I'm merging into (I could not previously see said deer carcass before I attempted the merge as there was the large truck in front of me). I realize I have two options, plow into the deer carcass at 70+ mph, or attempt to quickly merge back into the lane I was coming out of. I chose option two. As I swerved back into my original lane, I overcompensated a bit and my car hopped and it literally felt like my right wheels came off the ground. The car, out of control at this point, and I shot through the original lane I was in and went halfway into the lane on my left. I jerked the car back to the right and thought for sure I was a goner, as it was totally out of control. When the right wheels made contact with the pavement again, they squealed and jerked the car to the right, hard, and I went halfway into the right lane. I pulled it back to the left at which point I was able to regain control of the vehicle. I honestly thought I was done.
  4. I need to pee but I don't feel like getting up.
  5. People who complain about missing games when there was an invention called the SLINGBOX.
  6. I hate giving work to this guy who works under me because he wastes time all day and comes in an hour and a half late on a regular basis.
  7. 13 hours from Rachacha to NC with only 2 ten minutes stops? You must drive like my Grandma.
  8. There is a thread over at TBD about current and former WNY males who have never eaten at Mighty Taco. How is that even possible? I can't wrap my mind around the concept.
  9. Why are you upset with Time Warner? Your neighbor cut your line and they showed up when they said they would. Sounds like some displaced anger.
  10. I found the perfect house this past weekend, absolutely loved it. Then I went out to the backyard and saw the creek which runs through the middle of the backyard, cutting it in half. Drought conditions down here and it had 8 inches of standing water in it. Must be a fun time when it starts raining.
  11. $ If they went strictly old school, folks could dig through their closet for their old school gear. It still bothers me that after the huge fan base they built, they slap the fans in the face with these unis, oh well. GO SABRES.
  12. I was wondering the same thing. maybe they are confused by the purple helmets.
  13. Who the hell does Quinn think he is kidding with those third jerseys? Those weren't a planned part of the uniforms this year, I guaratee it. It doesn't even match LOL, wtf.
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