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Everything posted by kas23

  1. Reminds me of this debacle: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-heidi-bowl But in this case, it’s Annie and not Heidi and you would rather see them than watch the Sabres.
  2. Someone said it in the Kane thread I believe. But this sounds like masterclass Adams. Leak something out there that signals we are looking to improve, but put a “not an intense” clause in there as an out because everyone knows it’s not going to happen. But, in case anyone missed it, he tried!
  3. But one of these statements is inconsistent with the others. I don’t understand how these 3 statements can be all true.
  4. Oakie has got to go. He’s a millennial Dad. We need a 1950’s Dad. He’s more acting like a big brother. We need someone to give these kids a kick in the rear. And, while I thank him for his service, Z can go as well. And I don’t want them replaced with Kulich/Rosen/Oslund types. I want mean SOBs. And while we’re at it, maybe package one of them them with Matthias for a mean SOB defensemen. We have a bunch of pussies on D.
  5. I don’t understand why was are paying so much money on defense with very little results.
  6. After the Blackhawks coverup and associated non-apology, this league has an image problem. They should be doing more to deter such behavior.
  7. It’s not like Tage was lighting it up. Put Mitts on the top line like we did at the end of last season. Be prepared to give him a large contract due to this move.
  8. If I were Adams, I wouldn’t give him one hot penny until he can get down to the gym and give me 2 pull ups. And I want him to go all the way up, not that cheating stuff.
  9. I think a better idea would be a Trade with Toronto to make EDM East. Would Draisatl + McD for Matthews + Marner be good enough?
  10. But wasn’t he a Sabres fan growing up?
  11. It is wild. And it looks like the NHL has only one in Scotty Bowman. So, why is this? I don’t think a SC or SB win precludes the coach from winning with another team, it’s just that such coaches are usually kept. I’m sure if a SB/SC winning coach was forced to coach for a different team once winning one, he’d likely win another one. But, usually these coaches, who are heavily dependent on their QB (see Belicheck) and stick with them until they are done (see Belicheck). Plus, coaching 2 different HOF QBs in their primes is very unusual.
  12. I get the spirit. Love seeing it in a player. However, his actions are hurting his team. It’s best he heals up quickly and gets back on the ice. Next time, he should check himself before he wreaks himself.
  13. Correct. I’m really trying to find a list of HCs with multiple SC wins and I just keep coming up with Bowman. But here is a list of coaches with SC appearances coaching different teams, so if other such coaches exist, they’ll be on this list:
  14. I believe the list of multiple SC winners for different teams is very short. Scotty Bowman is the obvious one.
  15. No NFL coach has ever won a Super Bowl for 2 different teams. It about 10 years old, but here’s a Tour de Force on repeated success of GMs in the NHL. Warning, it’s long, but the message is short: it’s rare to have repeated success and hiring a “proven winner” is very far from a guarantee of future success. https://iveybusinessjournal.com/publication/debunking-the-proven-winner-myth-in-the-national-hockey-league/
  16. Geez, Carolina is acting like one of my yo-yoing exes. “I hate you, but can’t live without you.”
  17. There’s many things wrong with this culture: ”Aldrich sneaked into the bedroom of John Doe while he was having sex with a woman, and tried to join the encounter. He made his presence known by playing with John Doe’s feet in the dark.” Let ignore the sexual assault for a moment but why exactly was John Doe having sex in the same area as Aldrich? Is having sex with women a regular activity at film reviews? My guess is that this behavior is probably more widespread than the sexual assaults
  18. It still needs some ALL CAPS words or phrases mixed in. Beliefs become facts when they are in all caps.
  19. Contract is looking horrible now. Much worse than Skinner’s at his Krueger nadir.
  20. No wins. Giving up 10 goals in consecutive games. Who are they tanking for?
  21. Ok. What about Tampa Bay? Sure, they may have added (no team exists that is solely drafted players - not even the Sabres), but wasn’t their core mostly drafted?
  22. Lol. Didn’t Briere want an equivalent of 3 1sts for him?
  23. Lots of talk about Mitts in this thread. People seem to remember him at the age of 22 and him playing like trash. But, let’s recall not just a year ago, Mitts was still playing like hot trash. His wingers were Jost and VO. He got real wingers near the end of the season and has been playing lights out since. Wingers matter. Not going to argue about not taking wingers away from CM or TT, but let’s not write off Krebs while his wingers are KO and Girgs.
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