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Everything posted by kas23

  1. If McEichel goes anywhere besides Buffalo, I want him going to EDM. He'll be great there, but he still won't accomplish much there. That's my biggest worry about losing him, having to play against him in the playoffs every year.
  2. They really should sell off some assets to try to keep Grigs and Armia up. I think their time has come and it wouldn't be detrimental to their development if they stayed. It would pay dividends next year.
  3. I have a better idea. Let's tank, keep all those players, plus add McEichel. Who's with me?
  4. Really? I'm starting the rumor now: Enroth+Myers for Mantha.
  5. I got 2 words for you: Darcy Regier. Don't under estimate the influence that weasel has down in that hell hole.
  6. Interesting there's a flu-like illness ripping through the locker room. I can just see it know: Terry: you know Joe, I don't like where this season's heading. Joe: oh, don't worry boss, I got just the thing to derail this.
  7. Tank on. Show them no mercy.
  8. Good news. Hackett can assume the role as Tank Commander. They should have him play 16 games just to make sure he satisfies all requirements.
  9. If it meant something bigger for me career-wise or a sizeable raise, I'd be all for it. This happens to everyday people all the time. A tank should be seen as an investment or saving for retirement, painful at first, but paying off dividends in the future. Or, what is says to me is that you need both. You grab you generational talent, and if he's surrounded by a decent supportive environment, the sky's the limit. If not, it can easily go either way. And, besides, all this talk has nothing to do with McEichel, as they are a completely different can of worms than just a 1st round pick. For example, no one's going to confuse Reinhart with McDavid.
  10. But where do you draw the line? There's an extremely fine line, some say none at all, between management trying to tank and management selling off all assets in a "rebuilding" mode. But the later seems to completely acceptable in sports and sometimes even desired. Is selling off your older but valuable players the same as tanking? Then there's the Andrew Luck argument. Do you think you can find a single fan in the Indy area who wishes they won a game or 2 instead of getting Luck? Are they all not true fans?
  11. If that guy, Nelson, ever wants to coach in the NHL, he'd better win and win quickly. If he doesn't agree, one conversation with Rolston might change his mind. This may be his only chance to shine. I think MacT just wants first-hand knowledge of who to dump.
  12. That's fantastic news! There's no way an interim coach is going to take it laying down. Should put some wind in the Sabres sails, but I think at this moment Darcy is making a Dr Evil laugh down in Mexico.
  13. Not with their current roster. It'll be tough.
  14. The Hawks are a completely different team without Kane as are the Penguins without Crosby. It's mind-boggling to be that people wouldn't want McEichel in exchange for losing over the next 4 months. I'm pretty sure the sun is moving, just not around the Earth. In fact, the entire Milky Way is moving.
  15. This may actually work out well for GMTM's plan. It's no secret he wants to move players, but he'll only do so at steep prices. This winning streak is driving up the value of the Sabres assets. And he'd be a fool not to take advantage of this.
  16. It's interesting that so many teams are trying to obtain one of our most underachieving players. Why is Stewart tied to so many rumors?
  17. I'm still firmly a pro-tanker. In fact, I would even say that anti-tankers are those that prefer losing. It's like saying you would prefer a Kane-less Chicago or a Crosby-less Pittsburg if you were fans of those teams.
  18. Correct. They were talking about Green.
  19. I don't think it's just the way the Sabres play that's going to determine their final draft order. There are teams that are going to go full on tank the 2nd half of the season. It's going to be fierce competition. Edmonton is already doing it. GMTM needs to make the appropriate actions *now* to ensure the tank.
  20. Pretty sure the fax machine was also infected too.
  21. That's what I like to see. I'm also hoping the recent poor effort by some raises their selling price and are shipped off ASAP. Edm is our most serious threat.
  22. Thing of beauty, isn't it?
  23. I think he meant they are on an 11 lossless. There's no winners in the CHL.
  24. I'll have to agree an insane amount of circumstances need to occur for life to happen. That said, our universe, and others, are so insanely, mind boggling large that I definitely believe there is intelligent life out there. Anything can happen, but I wouldn't wager we'll ever come in contact with them.
  25. I agree. But if we're depending on Girgs being our offensive spark for the foreseeable future, we are in trouble. This teams needs an offensive star if we are ever going to rise above a first-round exit.
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