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  1. I think this is their best chance of showing him off. If they kept him buried, there’s less of a chance someone will want him.
  2. This is why I was hoping for the Cozens for Kasper trade to materialize. Sure, it starting over with a younger player, but it’s sort of like a do over for the Cozens contract.
  3. The best we can hope for is if Jarmo would like to come (and put up with Terry). That said, he was the BJs GM for 11 years. And it took this long to see success. Maybe he learned something over the years.
  4. That’s usually the kiss of death. After seeing what happened to our other “can’t miss” younger players, I really can’t muster a lot of optimism for Kulich. He’s playing very well though.
  5. Imagine that. A team with goalie issues early in the season went out and did something about it.
  6. Points are really meaningless here. This is not a playoff team. Playoff teams don’t win 2 lose 2 win 3 lose 3…. It’s constant up and down with more downs than ups sprinkled in. Too little too late. Unless they go on a win-streak equal to their losing streak, the season is finished.
  7. Can’t hit on all of them I guess.
  8. Let’s make this a real hockey trade. No shuffling chairs on the deck. Raymond for Power.
  9. I won’t look. As another poster has pointed out, I think we have a pretty good shot of winning this game.
  10. But we both know the end result. Like Groundhog Day.
  11. It’s not out of the question. It happens every single year for them.
  12. Don’t know why the poll is already closed, but the answer is obvious. They will go on a tear. Play 0.600 hockey and in the end, will miss the playoffs by 1-2 games. KA will say it was a learning year for Lindy and the team is well on their way.
  13. They let go of the Boogyman too. Maybe he can help our players grow some hair on their nuts.
  14. But at the same time, they are diluting the value of their clubs. If there were 5 teams, people would murder to get one. 50? Not so much. But I do see the appeal of immediate cash.
  15. He won’t hire a hockey guy to make the best hockey decisions for this club. He’s insulated by “yes” men. The thing is, the most competent hockey guy out there who is available is likely going to be an ***** and won’t put up with or know how to handle the meddling. That said, it’s Terry’s team. He’s allowed to do as he pleases, but don’t pretend winning is #1. It isn’t.
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