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Everything posted by DeleteThisAccount

  1. color me unimpressed. it took you 45 minutes to put that together? i post once every 6 months as you say, and yet ... jw i mean a denmark reference? too poor to buy a vowel? c'mon, i thought you cashed in on a reputation of calling me out. oh right, there's probably no money in that. unsure why you switched to all caps. as in, is this supposed to mean something to me? "FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY!!!!" because if that's some inside joke, well, you don't need to share or explain. i'll simply accept it for what it is. ummm but i like the fact that the Sabres struggles are somehow my fault. credit where credit is due. also, wanna point out, i don't get paid for posting here either. hint: it's a message board. or, at this rate, should i say, bored. and you wonder why i show up here once every 6 months. i mean, look at you. you've spent years calling me out. and when i confront you, all you can come up with is blather. i expected far better. well, there ya go, the board's all yours for the next 6 months.
  2. amazed that you've been able to keep this audience captivated from your bully pulpit. i'm quite shocked they haven't voted you prom king just yet. or is it queen. i'm sorry, i never get that stuff straight, or is it crooked. i've been called clueless by schleps more passive aggressive than you. quite pleased to see that you've been able to keep your one-bang-band of a hand moisturized through this process. i'm sure the viagara folks have been left impressed. and wrong again on the gin reference, but geez, you being wrong is as predictable as it gets. keep blowing. jw oh, and by the way, bring it. sonava ... c'mon collect a thought. i'd say half a thought, but you're accustomed to that. how bout a word? buy a vowel? how 'bout i spot you a letter? let's start with F? (sigh) is this thing on? and i'm really starting to doubt that you love me. unsure about the ... "but i ask questions" part of your post. it seems more apt to suggest you make accusations that your behind can't hope to cash. geez. still nothing. at this rate, i just might call Larry Quinn to see what he's up to, just for kicks. at least i'll get a response. drane still on dialup? i got more out of Terry today, as this goes. this is quite impolite, dwight. either that or he's attempting to "drane" my patience. i mean, geez, someone's already posted in the "holland tulip" thread. need i repeat that: the holland tulip thread. this retort better be reeeeeeeeeeeaaaally good. but no pressure. i'll accept an "oh yeah?" "yeah" at this point. just keep my mom out of it. that's all i ask. and my wife. she has to put up with me to begin with, so there's that cross to bear. i've got a third cousin, though, who you could pick on. he's big on posting on message boards, and such. i think he goes by the handle of "the ghost of dwight ...." oh, yikes.. look at me, red-faced and all. i mean, there really can't be more than one of you, right? right? bill, please. and ... now! nope. _ ? ~ :flirt: and don't you forget it. come to think of it, dwight's response to my post had absolutely nothing to do with my post. how shallow. and no, i didn't need to call Larry to confirm that. but
  3. this ghost of dwight drane must be having conniptions given that i might have more than one source with les sabres. he or she'll never admit to it, because he or she is a one-trick pony, and yet i seem to continue to confound his or her's deeply rooted biases that they've long surpassed the delusional. but what the heck do i know, given the disrespect. :P jw
  4. and yet, who's been my source on the Pegulas and Bills buy, mr. smart guy? please, continue to hold court over this board with the elipses and sure ... sures. pretty confident you can't pin me down. haven't done so yet, faker. jw
  5. for what it's worth, i understand the numerous comments knocking Drew given his inconsistent production. i will dare to posit that Stafford has been a changed person in regards to his outlook and demeanor since the purge took place in which Regier was fired in November. as several people have told me that there was a heavy burden on several players during Darcy's reign, no more did that weigh on Drew. his demeanor has been night and day since the change, and i believe it reflects in his on-ice performance. he's finally beginning to play to his potential under Ted and Tim. jw
  6. yep. that's what happened Dwight. Larry gave me this one. weird!? jw what's absolutely odd, is that the Ghost of Dwight Drane has enjoyed quite some time of holding court over this message board in suggesting he might know what's going on. i'd humbly suggest that, according to my sources, that reign just might be over.
  7. odd, that i got this one right. jw
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