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  1. Sorry, don't have time to go through this thread, but I'll simply say, there is a right to privacy when dealing with a health concern, and there is a delicate line one must walk when attempting to pry out information on something such as this. Understanding there will be speculation in the wake of updates, it's incumbent on those in position to provide updates to do so. That still doesn't make speculating to be OK, or for some in this instance, to post unsubstantiated rumors of hearing something from someone's uncle, who heard it from a nephew, who overheard it at a Wendy's drive-thru. The truth will eventually come out, one way or another. We weren't told every time Ralph Wilson had a setback or was hospitalized, either. This doesn't mean I don't check. I do on occasion. But there is only so far a reporter can go, and usually it comes with verifying or discounting rumors. Otherwise, we wait. When the Pegulas are ready to provide an update, we'll have one. jw
  2. I spent a lot of time before that reading in on this community to see if there was any value, while happening upon GoDD's posts. GoDD's posts provided a lot of value, in a comical way. You seem to have taken upon that torch. Always quick to snark, just like me, but more often than not, generally wrong on content. But of course you would be resistant to having me join in, because it's quite evident my presence here provides a threat to your believed superiority in wanting to control the narrative and conversation. I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. Then again, looping through all the ***** directed my way by the likes of GoDD and you, none of it has really been proven true. And yet you keep on going. God bless.
  3. It's a valid question in that it makes some sense from a pure analytical perspective. But there's more than goes into that, and much of it coming from the Fleury end. Buffalo has previously been on his no-trade list. I'm not sure if he wants to come to a team with "mere" promise, as opposed to an actual contender. He's moved around enough over the past year where I think he'd prefer to be closer to his family in Vegas. As much as it makes sense, I think the chances of his arrival are low. I could be wrong.
  4. Because there was the unlikelihood there would be a clear answer on this front, or an answer in which Adams would merely say they'll get there. I asked a similar question a summer ago, and it went nowhere and, in the end, the Sabres got above the cap floor. I don't spending $20 million is going to be too big of a lift this offseason. And I think it's best they stay closer to the floor at this point then start throwing money at players. The future is bright, but expensive, and that has to be taken into account if this core is going to continue being together. Two and three years down the road, there's going to be some difficult decisions going to have to be made if the team maintains this trajectory. jw
  5. I truly think the mind is wanting but the body unsure. He's gone through a lot in his career and this would be a great way to leave the NHL on a high note. He lives in Florida and I'm not sure if he wants another season being away from his family. Then again, the lure of one more season is there, and the Sabres would surely jump at the chance of bringing him back. All that said, I think it's best for both sides to move on. It's all about UPL next season, and UPL has an injury-riddled past, meaning the Sabres may have to rely on someone else to play 40 games. Is Anderson that guy? I like him. But in the big picture, I'm just not sure he can hold up. jw
  6. PA got this one right. Yes. I'll admit to searching this one out, but gal-darn. Where's Freezing Cold Takes when you need them. hahahahahahaha With all due disrespect. jw Lordy. Look at this mention in the same thread. Dammit. Me getting something over PA. Unicorns must exist cause this never, ever happened. Ever.
  7. Yes. It was Harrington. But it was clear Kevyn wasn't going to go anywhere near that topic. It was actually his only bad answer of the day. The Sabres need better messaging on that issue than "just tell us and we'll fix it because we might know what needs fixing." That said, PSE is on high alert to not rock any public funding boats these days given the favor they got from Hochul. Stay tuned is a better answer. But they couldn't say that. jw
  8. Yup. As I scrolled through a thread, I couldn't help but notice PA's comment, which led me to making a post. I hadn't thought of PA until PA's post reminded me of the reason why I don't post here. I've noted in the past how a limited few number of posters here make it difficult to hold a conversation simply because they have some grudge against others or a view that makes it difficult for others to challenge. I see some of those few posters still have that tight grip on this board, otherwise, you wouldn't be here defending them. Thanks. This is correct. But why spoil the roll the person's on.
  9. We really miss your insights on this team. In any group you are always going to have a deleterious faction that would rather engage in personal combat and disparagement than discuss the issue at hand. That's become a frustrating and aggravating feature in all communication platforms. Sadly, the more respectful norms of yesterday are not the same rambunctious norms of today. 

    This is going to be an interesting offseason for this team that has some expectations about it. We could surely use the ear of someone who is closer to the building and can hear the whispers that are coming out of the closed doors. 

    For us here, an infrequent visit is much better than a complete absence. 

    John C

  10. Every time I think of coming back and commenting, PA goes and reminds why not. I swear, I live rent-free in PA's head, given how triggered they are every time my name is mentioned on this board. jw
  11. Based on current schedule, dependent on Olympic Break, the Sabres season doesn't end until April 29. Even if Michigan plays in the Frozen Four, Power would have more than enough time to make the jump and get in some NHL games with Buffalo.
  12. and you’re a troll. so, cool, now we have that out of the way.
  13. I made the conscious decision to rebel against those who bitched about not being able to get their hairs cut because of the coronavirus pandemic. And I've stuck to it. If that makes me look like a bum, it makes you look far smaller for being appearance driven. Oh, right. We don't get to see what "Kong" (really, i'm having a discussion with someone who calls themselves "kong," fart my life) looks like so we can poke fun at all his/her blemishes. Good lord. jw
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