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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. I’ve had this issue occasionally on my iPhone. When it happens I swipe up from the bottom left corner of the screen (on my 13, can’t remember for other models) and just close my browser app, open it back up and everything loads just fine. Hope this helps.
  2. I would wear a burlap sack full of raisins and razors if it was necessary. Life is too hard and short for me to worry about daily comfort. A good <anything> Ironworker adapts to the surroundings. . The goal is to retire at 55 and live the life that I’ve dreamt of, but considering this fact, I’m addicted to suffer at this point so I’d probably do something extreme like crawling on my knees from coast to coast.
  3. I’m all over the map. I come in business casual but have a suit and a set of ironworker field clothes in my office. You never know which way the day will go. Tough spot . In I am. Hats. Many do I wear.
  4. Don’t know what you’ve got going on, bro. I ain’t never met a dress shirt that I can’t rock like a super model. 😉 Polos though….those ***** collars could ruin someone. I only wear USA made gear and Akwa is my preferred choice. Collars are right on the money. They pile but if you don’t act like a caveman you’ll get some mileage.
  5. I’m 100% done with my MIL. My FIL finally stepped up to tell her to chill but that sack of “can’t” couldn’t. She is so much less than my own mother was that I can’t even look her in the eye. My mother was calm, smooth and strong. Endless and righteous. She organized women’s groups in the 80’s the help other women. My MIL has never done anything for anyone. She has been blessed with the comforts of wealth but does absolutely nothing to pass it along. I despise her.
  6. Trust me, Rochester is attracting far more interest in industry than Buffalo. The population of Rochester lags Buffalo by 50k or so but if some of the projects being studied actually happen then the Flower City will become the dominant WNY hub. Hub. That’s a hint at the project in mind. The county is investing $3 million to study it. Major expansion of everything. Even without that one project, there are a ton more on the books. The whole supply chain issue was an eye opener/potential money maker for a lot of entrepreneurs and the ROC is right in the right spot at the right time. So who cares what anyone else thinks 😉
  7. He was unleashing it a lot in the playoffs. I really think that he had been working on the hockey part of his game and his boys are just now beginning to drop. I expect a lot more aggression.
  8. Funniest, most likable guy ever.
  9. I took my six year old nephew to an Amerks game and was paralyzed with indecision when he ripped his pants down to the ankles at the row of urinals. ***** it, I decided, and ripped mine down too! *not really but it would have been awesome!*
  10. Seriously? This isn’t how you do it?
  11. If I were to drink enough, squint my eyes hard enough, that Avalanche could possibly be a fluer de lis. Je me souveins.
  12. Star Wars has always been for kids. The toys, lunch boxes, underwear. The only adult SW underwear that I've ever seen were "The farts are strong with this one". Nothing serious. SW is about fun. Does anyone think that the dude that went to comicon in the homemade Darth Malgus costume is expecting to be taken seriously? I love it because it is fun. Analyze whatever aspects suits your needs but if you are looking for a darker adult themed SW experience play the games. Anything made for the general public isn't going to be anything more than what you have. To highlight the great fun that SW has brought the world....
  13. Too bad for you. Carry on in your manly world of manly things, you manly man.
  14. It’s a decades old thing, BTW. Vader dies. Maul dies. They all die at the end of their stories. Have you seen how Maul dies in Obi Wan’s arms on Tatooine in Rebels? Satisfied that Obi Wan was training the boy that would avenge them all? I’m guessing that you haven’t. It was thoughtful and touching, the process, beautiful and fulfilling. I see nothing cheap and I don’t feel cheated as a fan. I’m sorry that you do though.
  15. It had elements (is Easter egg the right term?) that were from other Star Wars stories. The slice in Vader’s helmet was just like the one that Starkiller delivered in the Force Unleashed series. There were obvious parallels to the duo’s previous fight but the best part for me? Obi Wan pommeling Vader’s respirator. An attack on Vader’s respirator is something that’s only ever happened in the comics and it is EXACTLY how Sidious killed Plagueis, by damaging his respiratory aide. The series did a lot to undo the bad mojo from the last trilogy. Smart to include the EU, it is. More of that they include, I hope.
  16. “The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” Lots of Sith used the dark side to live through gruesome injury. Maul was lopped in half and lived to find his way to a cybernetic body. Tenebrae influenced the galaxy for over 1,000 years. I thought the series was fantastic. I also loved Mando and the bobf. All them! Give me more!
  17. I ordered a cast iron chimnea from Home Depot online a few years ago. It was pricey, $400+ but I’ve scrimped for decades. They called when it was in, I picked it up, awesome chimnea. Very happy. Two weeks later I start getting phone calls all throughout the day, every day. ”You’re chimnea is in.” Every time I tell them “I’ve already picked it up.” After two full weeks of this nonsense I finally tell them “Thank you, I’ll be right in.” I show up at the online place and tell them “I’m here.” “Oh good!” They say. “We’ve been waiting for you!” I wait a very long time for them to look for it. Nervous glances at me from the desk. I smile with excitement. ”Uhm, Sir. We can’t find it.” By now I’ve soften in my stance and reveal that I’ve had it for weeks and had begged for someone to stop calling me to come get it. They were ready to get me another $400+ chimnea because they can’t manage simple things. How do they recover? Inflation of prices? I kid. Or maybe not.
  18. I’m walking out of the store the other day and an old lady (75+) stops and watches me walk all the way across the walk. Once I’m all the way past her I hear, very loudly, “Mmmmmm, now what do we have here!” I wanted to run away as fast as I could.
  19. The sheen perhaps? An artisan at work? Those that perform commercially haven’t had the experience. But in long standing human tradition, you bury it along with its glory, always certain that there will be another.
  20. Out in the country one is not bound by those constraints. We have to haul our water sometimes but damn it, we pee wherever we want to.
  21. Serious stuff. My father had his stroke at 53. I’m glad she’s in good hands whatever it is. Most of us older folks have been in the Pegula family’s position multiple times and recognize how difficult it is. I’m praying for the best possible outcome for all of them.
  22. They were good too. The Bills (and the fans) have mojo.
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