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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. I would like tack on another oddity of this trip. The hotel room I have due to the cancelled flight has a full kitchen, including a dishwasher. Hyatt and full kitchen? Where the ***** am I again?
  2. I wore my Allen jersey on the way out to Denver because it was game night and I really need to wear it on game nights. Between the cap and the jersey, people have been stopping me to drool over our team. Dude at the liquor store had to stop me to show me the Billieve Beer they had just gotten. The valet was literally patting me in the back, thanking me for the pleasure of watching Allen play. (I told him that I only had a minor role in all) The bartender tonight says he can’t miss a Bills’ game because they are so fun to watch. Everyone loves us.
  3. When I googled the 16th St Market I learned that someone was beaten with a pipe there a few weeks ago. I was chatting with the valet while waiting for my Lyft (he was drawn to my Bills cap like a moth to flame) and asked him how long 16th had been like that. He said for a few years. He claims that it’s a band of derelicts and that last night they had tossed a big rock through a lobby window across the street. Later, while sitting at a bar in a hotel at the airport (because JetBlue) I heard these young women ask the bartender about things to do in Denver. She mentioned the 16th St Market to them but I felt compelled and warned those young ladies. I expressed that I didn’t want to discourage but felt that I needed to warn them about what to expect.
  4. JetBlue. I’m trying to save the fund some money and spend frugally. With the extra night in a hotel, I still saved a considerable amount. I am going to alert the trustees when I return that these travelings will be conducted as I travel normally or they don’t happen anymore. Did I say FU to JetBlue yet?
  5. My trip to Denver has been, odd. The trip out wasn’t terrible. It was late Monday and the delays afforded me chance to watch the game. (Feck yes!) Unfortunately the delays got me there at 2 am, then Uber let me down. I am lucky that another service has an app to Lyft you up. I’m at the downtown Hilton. This city is like a parking garage farm. If you don’t have a car parked in one of those numerous garages then you are stuck with hotel fodder or 16th street. Yesterday was ok on 16th. I definitely noticed the homeless crowd (crowd! I’m guessing they live in the garage farm) but it was 90 and the tourist travel was heavy. Today was 55 and drizzle and 16th was a nightmare of belligerence. The warning about “walking away” from people there became real. They obviously wouldn’t badger an Ogre like me but the young solo woman a few yards ahead of me was getting verbally hammered so I jogged a bit to catch up and pretended I knew her to stop these beasts. JC, I’ve seen and interacted with homeless all over this continent (Canada included) but this was very odd. I saw impunity.
  6. My Bostonian nephew likes trash talking the Bills but filled his fantasy team with them. “As a joke.” Yep. Sure.
  7. You illuminate an overlooked aspect of infrastructure in general. If you extrapolate the cost of vigorous maintenance over 50 years to simply keep a structure usable, is it not better to do average maintenance with the goal of building new every scheduled period? Example-NYSDOT is spilt into regions, each deciding on their own how to approach the task of keeping roads operable. The regions that focused on rigorous maintenance have faced the same end as those who have had a moderate approach to maintenance, the bridge eventually needs to be replaced. Why bleed the funds dry to extend the eventual? Plan accordingly and it’s cheaper over time.
  8. I agree with this statement except the last line. The inability to find men attractive means what now? You misunderstood my suggestion though. If you think THAT particular pic of the kid is hunky and it’s a poor choice on the Bills part to use it, then you should quietly question yourself. “Why am I so hell-bent that the Bills are in the wrong?” is the question, IMO. I wouldn’t suggest that you are secretly homosexual as an insult, as you did with me there, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being homosexual, transgender, straight, *****, bisexual, non-binary, etc. To suggest otherwise, as you have done, is offensive and I expect that you would be above that.
  9. I buried both of my parents within a nine month span, 2016/2017. $40G total and they had some pre-planning AND it involved cremation in both cases (which is the cheapest option, which is what they wanted being the humble, reasonable people that they were in life). I find your attitude concerning this to be distasteful. You once referred to me as a petulant child. This behavior is far and above. If you didn’t like the post, ignore it. To respond as you did is to expose your frailty.
  10. JC. That’s just a picture. If you find that hunky then you should quietly question yourself. He’s been around a month. Sorry they couldn’t get a photo of him looking like an ogre (lower case, no relation). The kid is an asshat and will be kicking a can down the road until he is incarcerated, no need for the Pegulas to follow him and help him kick it. They did nothing wrong.
  11. Sith eyes. Full of anger, hate and pain.
  12. My home for the next week.
  13. I’ve been avoiding her like herpes but I do my best to be a team player. I agreed to dinner. Ten minutes into conversation she throws her hands into the air and announces “I’m not going to say anything!” But, you just did. You’ve never done anything or have ever been someone. Why should anyone listen to you? Drink less and listen more. Read up on the topics that are being discussed. Drink less. Or just just stop. I will still bare the burden of her care but I don’t want to be around her or interact with her . She makes me feel badly.
  14. My neighbor up the hill has peacocks and while I was visiting the builders we would hear these cat-getting-skinned noises. They would all stop working in unison and I’d say “Oh that’s Crazy Margaret’s place. Seems funny that I haven’t ever seen a cat around here.”
  15. I appreciate the sentiment but I am as skeptical as a human could be. I pride myself on charitable works/efforts but have no problem saying “no”. After all, the word exists throughout languages for a reason.
  16. My job is beyond tough. It is flat out bonkers. 24/7 At any moment it could either crush your spirit or save your soul. And then you do it again tomorrow, every day of the week. I love my people, though, so I keep at it.
  17. It seems like there should a separate thread to me, based on the upper management’s desire to keep threads topic-pure. The Bills ain’t related to none of this nonsense.
  18. I use iPhone and use a free app, Compress Photos, or something like that. They are easy/intuitive to use. Share that *****. We have hard lives. We need to see nice things.
  19. Yes but….I’m still scary.😉
  20. My gorgeous evening drink is Casamigos/water/lime. My nightly drink is the same but with Recipe 21. I think that there is a very similar flavor profile for $80 less. Still ain’t no Casamigos though.
  21. I don’t know how I missed this. Now I want to eat shrooms and watch this dude for four hours.
  22. These little dick mother ***** that suddenly become tough guys when they’re on a motorcycle piss me off. This jizz bag is on my ass and flips out when I turn into the parking lot for my destination. Apparently that upset him. He comes flying in too like he’s going to do something, until he sees me. Surprise mother *****. I’m a jacked up mofo and I’d love to see how well you dance. He flew out of the parking lot with haste in proportion to his cowardice. Not every Silver Spruce F150 XLT is driven by an old man you chicken ***** bastard. I hope that you ruined your underwear.
  23. Mrs. iT is struggling. She has symptoms of a brain injury from her accident. She has nightmares. She starts awake with a jump because she dreams that a volleyball hits her face. She clutches me in the night because she has been started awake by a dream of another car accident. The worst was tonight in the hot tub. She’s just over there crying. I gently pry the reason out of her. A less-than-reputable promoter has been suggesting that she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She does. She handles all the Broadway stuff. She’s been doing this 25 years and no one has ever questioned her abilities before. The complaint? Now she’s doubting herself. Tears me up. She’s an intelligent woman. She has issues with short term memory now and it sinks her confidence. It shouldn’t. She knows her *****. I’ve coached her in the ways of the Force. I taught her a Jedi email trick. It made her smile.
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