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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. They could be in a 31 way tie for second by the info you shared. If you want to make a point, be transparent. Just friendly advice. Yet you site it as evidence. Where the hell is the Sasquatch emoji when you need him?
  2. AND, in that sample, we are only number 2 because of the alphabet šŸ˜‚
  3. This means absolutely nothing. You are only showing 4 of the 32 numbers! Hey, I have some property for sale really cheap. Very nice. Great location. Iā€™ll show you 1/8 of it before we cut the deal.
  4. Hi! Just popped in from Crazytown for a quick visit. I loan a brand new Chromebook to all of the apprentices at the start of the semester for our training. ā€œJoeā€ was a recovering addict when he came aboard. The day after Chromebook assignment, Joe disappeared, months ago. I was forwarded a text from Joe, to me, the other day. Forwarded because he didnā€™t send the text to me, to me. ā€œI know I havenā€™t been in touch. Iā€™m in some trouble, BiG trouble, but I am safe in &$@&@. Iā€™m still interested in work.ā€ Iā€™m paraphrasing because Joeā€™s message took me a while to decipher. Heā€™s gone. Lost cause. Ordinary Iā€™d demand the return of my property but I like being alive and not slaughtered by your angry drug lord. JFC. Keep the ***** Chromebook and lose my ***** number! Have fun, everyone. I need to get back to Crazytown. They need my help.
  5. I headed out to do some shopping today. It was pouring out and I had an umbrella. The Salvation Army bell ringer was out there though, doing a good thing. I asked him if he was taking umbrellas as a donation. He laughed at first but the serious look my face communicated the message. ā€Oh! You mean for me?!ā€ ā€Ya dude, you want it?ā€ He was super grateful. I was wearing a Bills cap so he admitted that he was a Cowboys fan but was smitten with the Bills right now. Good people all over if youā€™re willing to look for them.
  6. I know the argument is about the validity of the call but thatā€™s a sub point for me. For the last ten years I have been preaching that calls are going to be BS against us for a while.The team just needs to be good enough to shrug them off and win despite them. They are doing that now. Look at the uncalled holds by the Patā€™s D, didnā€™t matter. We won. And weā€™re getting healthy as the rest of the divisionā€™s health degrades. Play smart and the bad calls mean nothing.
  7. Thatā€™s no excuse soldier!
  8. Just doing his Jobst. I know how much you love weak Dad jokesšŸ˜‰
  9. I could literally set you up for life and people just walk away. I use this example in my recruiting: Start work at 20 years old, work 35 years and retire at 55 with $4,270/month for life. Plus the $500k in your annuity and enough medical supp to pay for health care until federal retirement age. Plus the personal savings from all of the OT and DT. They toss my flyer in the trash. GD fools.
  10. Wuts up, cuz?
  11. I appreciate @Weaveā€™s sentiment greatly. We need to look out for our workers but we are in a serious demographic drought. We need more people to work. One of the many hats that I wear is Organizer/Recruiter and it is hard to find people. Our industry is exploding, we pay $62/hour and I struggle to find people willing. Itā€™s hard and the jobs require OT and no one wants to put in the investment. Multiply that wage out over a 70 hour week, then add in OT and DT. Thousands/week and I struggle to fill jobs. How ***** sad is that? I leave a link about our Demographic Drought. Itā€™s a pdf so you can print and share if youā€™d like. https://www.economicmodeling.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Demographic-Drought-Bridging-the-Gap.pdf
  12. I couldnā€™t wear any of those. Iā€™m not tall and lanky enough, or at all. My suit drop is at 12. Skinny suits? No way. My ass is too muscular. Too great of a risk of moose knuckle. Shirts are a problem as well. Iā€™m thick in the shoulders/arms/chest so a shirt measured to my lengths is way to short when I do anything but stand with my hands at my sides. I get a slim fit with a size up in the neck and sleeve. It works well enough.
  13. There werenā€™t many in attendance but those that were here were able to see a good game. Jody Gage was out signing sweaters and being the good guy that he is. Good people in the non season seats around us. My ads are strolling on the ribbon wall. The season ticket member lounge serves Casamigos. Then we win with 2 seconds left. Winning makes me feel like a winner. Giggidy.
  14. Speaking as a man that has the ability to flip the switch, thatā€™s what happens when you flip the switch.
  15. Fast forward to October 14, my ass in my seat. LIVE HOCKEY! Giggidy gig.
  16. Sir, my friend. We both know the truth.
  17. Yes. Three wrongs donā€™t make a right. The neurologist made ā€œseveral mistakesā€, then McDaniels put him back out there with the lie about his back. No decent human being serving as coach having seen Tua in that condition would put him back in. I donā€™t care if Tua begged. You have a responsibility as coach to protect your players. Then heā€™s playing a few days later!? That scene of him all knarled up was tough for me to see. Thatā€™s a significant brain injury. No acceptable excuse for me. McDaniels doesnā€™t belong.
  18. He was just fired for making ā€œseveral mistakesā€ that Sunday. https://www.nfl.com/_amp/nflpa-terminates-unaffiliated-neurotrauma-consultant-involved-in-tua-tagovailoa- I wonder if accepting a brown envelope was one of those ā€œmistakesā€? MIAMI -- The unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant involved in clearing Miami Dolphinsquarterback Tua Tagovailoa during the game Sunday against the Buffalo Bills has been fired after it was found he made "several mistakes" in his evaluation, sources told ESPN.
  19. I disliked McDaniel before the Sunday game when he put Tua back in. Now I absolutely abhor him. Hollow words. Hollow man. ***** you. Let the kid have a chance at a livable future ffs.
  20. Mrs. iT had surgery this morning to remove one of the plates from her face. The screw retaining it was placed through the tear duct, causing a 24/7 leak in that eye. No fault to the surgeon. She is the most awesome human on planet Earth and performed beyond expectations. This particular break was were it was. The screw needed to be there and the tear duct needed to be blocked for the bones to heal. The plate and offending screw are out. The tear duct has been ā€œroto-reuteredā€ (quoting the surgeon) and a stent placed to keep it open. If she keeps up this tough-assed-son-of-a-bitched progress then Iā€™ll never be able to look a complainer in the eyes ever again. Sure, Iā€™ve had gruesome surgeries in magnitude to her, but she isnā€™t an Ogre like me and she is thriving in her new ā€œroleā€. Tough like me. I love this girl.
  21. Negative. OSHA doesnā€™t have a standard for heat and if anyone tried to argue that the General Duty Clause in both the 1910 and 1926 Standards would cover this it wouldnā€™t work. The players are not employees. They contract independently so OSHA has no authority. BTW, a heat standard is in development but since the administration was created by an act of congress, mountains need to be moved to create a new standard. The political will to do so is the unfortunate truth. Occupational Heath and Safety has always been a partisan issue. Truly sad and sadly, true.
  22. Donā€™t panic, Jeremy.
  23. I wore my Bills gear on the flight home today because I was down to my last clean pair of everything and this was my warmest option. And Iā€™m proud to wear it too. I was approached by a Denver International cop while eating breakfast. Just stood there over me for a second then gave a big smile and said ā€œGo Billsā€. Turns out he grew up in Kendall and flew out for Mondayā€™s game. Super nice to hear his tales from the game! Then Steelers fan at the next table needed to tell me how he never misses a Billsā€™ game. ā€œTheyā€™re so much more fun to watch.ā€ Everywhere in three airports today, ā€œGo Bills!ā€ The girl on the train at DEN. The dude leaning on the wall at JFK. ā€œHey Bills!ā€ I look over. ā€œYou guys are going to be hard to beat!ā€ (You just know that heā€™s a Jets fan) The lady at the bar who is from California but lives in Rochester who is falling out of love with the 49ers because Bills. Itā€™s a fun catch phrase when itā€™s positive. The TSA guy with the fist bump. ā€œGo Bills!ā€ The mafia is everywhere.
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