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I knew Blind Melon and liked their music, then Shannon died and I lost my ear for their sound until my life had a catastrophic change. I had suspected that my live in fiancée was up to something. I had bought a car for her drive to the classes that I was paying for, trying to help her get her head out of her ass. It's one of those scenes where she was very good at BSing. Some people fallback on that(SSer X, I'm looking RIGHT at you). Once I discovered that she was driving past the school to a bar to hook with random dudes while I babysat her little girl, I has had no choice but to take my car back and kick her out. I let her stay long enough for her mom to find her a place(she was that kind of screw up), I gave her all the furniture, dishes, everything that they would need there......I was soooooooo ***** distraught to lose that little girl from my home even though I had no biological connection to her. I had something far deeper than that. I came into her life at 4 years old and quickly became her rock. She was glued to me, I was the first person to make her feel safe. I had her for 8 years and was the only father figure she had beyond the one decent grandpa. My life had fallen completely apart when I made that decision....The moral of this song is simple, when life is hard, you have to change. This song bought me a sliver of solace that I built on everyday. Maybe its a good time to have another listen and remember those days, even though they were God awful hard. I'm sure there are SSers that would see me as weak for my thoughts on this. In fact I KNOW they would because they've already shown us all how they view anyone who hasn't had their exact experience with life. "It's easy" they'd say. They're full of sh!t...and as my pop, Fred, would have said...."its clearly up to their ears, and the rest is toilet paper." RIP, Fred. Glad you aren't here to see this sh!t show we have going on down here.
Mother *****in hard!
It isn’t though but I’m running out of gas to get through to you. 6010 runs on straight polarity and 7018 runs on reverse polarity. So you’re either flipping the polarity switch or, if the machine is not equipped, swapping ground and stinger. 6010 runs on waaay less amps and in most industry settings, 60 series rods are not used. Ironworkers use 60 series on deck welding and pipe fitters use it for root pass in any non-backed weld. Like a pipe. We wouldn’t use it for root because our welds need to meet seismic standards and 60 series rod is only good for 60,000 lbs/square inch where 7018 is good for 70,000 lbs/square inch. Entirely different methods for root pass application and for drawing out the weld pool too. I would have to know all of this and document it if I were writing a weld procedure(which I am sometimes required to do). I would have to note that I used a different process. See? I did. I know all of their trainers as well. We collaborate at times.(psssst, they have a four year program too). Look dude. I’ve been doing this for close to 30 years. I probably have spent 600 hours of my time in classrooms over the years not to mention the countless hours of my fun time learning everything that I can to be the best GD trainer that I can. I care about the other poor schlubs trickling out a living. That extends beyond my trade. I’m well known by many tradesmen just by virtue of my OSHA trainer duties. Why wouldn’t you want to listen to what I have to say? At the very least, why wouldn’t you have at least approached me with a better level of civility? You attack me and attempt to be condescending with the attempts to suggest that I don’t understand what’s going on in the machine and offer to walk me through it, and when I say “OK”, so that I can assess YOU’RE understanding, you defer. Look. You’re welds might look pretty, or they might be gorilla welds for all I know. I’m not going to dispute or contest that. When we are getting technical, though, I’m going to go all in because I am MORE than ready. I worked my GD ass off and am willing to share what I’ve learned to help people, not judge them for finding themselves in a particular situation at a particular time in their life. Now, I’m done too. My serious congratulations on getting people into our programs.
BTW, the reason a multiple process machine can do what it does is because it has an IGBT. An isolated gate bipolar transistor. It’s a ceramic semi conductor that does the work of the inverter(inverting the alternating side of the sine wave) and the rectifier(stacking those sine waves into something useable). If you were to crack open the case on an IGBT machine it would look eerily empty. The large coils that did the work before are replaced by a tiny semi conductor leaving a whole lot of extra space for the necessary components for the other processes. I never disputed that it wasn’t possible. In fact I asserted that any SMAW machine could power all the other processes, with extra equipment, which the IGBT provides the extra space for. If you are in fact teaching in a trade school then you OWE it to the students to educate yourself about this stuff so you can deliver it to the students. But now you know so please pass the info along.
Just so everyone not named Hank can walk away with accurate info, the FCAW process and the GMAW process(mig) are not the same. https://prezi.com/t5xnrs_t_xtk/the-differences-between-fcaw-and-gmaw/ My apprentices train four years. One ENTIRE year of welding. You were done soon after you started.
*shakes his head* Flux core wire is totally different from mig wire. The flux that provides the shielding gas is at the core of the flux wire. It has entirely different properties. While all mig machines can be configured to run flux core, not all flux core machines can run mig. If it is going to run flux core then the smooth mig drive wheel needs to be switched out for a knurled wheel or the wire won’t feed to the tweco. Like I said, I appreciate you bringing up welding but it is a little disrespectful to fail to acknowledge that there may be a higher level of welding that you are just not familiar with. I’ll wait as long as needed for you to explain how that MP machine is able to do that while the standard SMAW machine is NOT. BTW, I’m very familiar with MP machines. I even own one. I don’t use it as often because I also have a separate machine for each process that I keep set up for THAT process so I’m not constantly swapping out parts. Congrats on getting two people in the door to a Union trade though. You can be assured that they will be receiving the advanced level of training that a trade school can not provide.
MP stands for multiple process. That machine was designed to do that, it is unique and specialized and comes with a VERY specialized price. By all means, walk me through it. How does it compare to a Lincoln k1297? That is a SMAW machine that CAN’T run all the processes. You tell me why. I know why but I’m guessing you don’t. What prior training? They went to a trade school. Anyone with a GED can do it. It's The trade school was the prior training. NOW they are prioritized in an apprenticeship program. So with the four years of apprenticeship training and, how many years of trade school, they will finally be able to earn that decent living that we both seem to agree a Union trade brings. You’re full of *****. I’ve asked for proof of several unconfirmed statements by you and you stick to what you know(or think you know) and dodge around the unanswered. I’m officially done with you. You’ve done more than enough make everyone else’s argument for them and expose your lack of knowledge. There really is nothing else that can be accomplished here.
And they’re ALL hiring. Every single one of them. It’s a matter of the ranking process as I’ve described. The fact that the two you reference were ranked higher due to prior training only proves MY point, that it isn’t as easy and there are far more hurtles than you care to acknowledge.
Find where I said that there wasn’t jobs out there in my text that you quoted and highlight it for me. Oh you can’t? Cause I didn’t? Strike three, bub. Can’t answer the tough questions yet blah blah blah.
You have to be accepted into the program. Let me explain to you how that works(because I’m involved with it. An organizer or Apprentice coordinator has to have a set monthly day(by law) to accept applications. They can’t accept one in advance as the government deems that unfair. Out of all of those accepted applications that said Coordinator has to rank the applicants by experience and prior training. They are then only allowed to hire apprentices in that specific order(again, by law and if you don’t think this is fair, then talk to the conservative anti Union lawmakers that made this a requirement). It may take him many years and several attempts to get into the program. The call was made for journeymen, not apprentices. There are strict rules that vary by local but they all have language that limits the ratio of apprentices to journeymen. This is to prevent an apprentice from being forced into a situation that he is not yet trained for. It’s for safety. You can try to argue all of this stuff with me but you have absolutely no idea who I am and what I’m involved with. You just keep making yourself look like an even bigger ass every time too. Like I’ve said already, I keep my mouth shut when I lack the knowledge or even suspect that I lack the knowledge. You should give that a try.
If you’re referring to the fact that an IGBT machine CAN run all processes, that is a half truth. To switch from SMAW(what you’re calling”stick”) to the FCAW process you’d need the entire “suitcase” apparatus that holds all the inverters and the roll of wire. How can I just unplug the stinger and attach a “hose”(it’s a weld lead)? Where is the wire coming from? There is no tweco handle on Earth that’s 200’ long. I don’t think there are any that are over 10’! There are some machines that have that capability but that machine is as proportional to a standard SMAW machine as a pen is to a crayon(you started the write implement analogy, not me). The other big difference(as if the necessity of extra equipment wasn’t enough) is that the SMAC runs on constant apms whereas FCAW runs on constant voltage. HUGE difference. If you didn’t already know this then you obviously haven’t used both processes. The MIG is not interchangeable with FCAW. The only similarity is with the fact that both use rolled wire as the consumable. I own a FCAW machine that can NOT run MIG as it doesn’t have the fittings for the argon. There are also different requirements for drive wheels. The TIG process as well needs extra equipment to convert an IGBT machine into a TIG machine. Just because you used a machine that runs SMAW doesn’t translate directly to the other processes. I can ***** go on and on and on and on and on. Do yourself a favor and study up a little before you go beating on your chest. I’m a reasonable person that’s smart enough to keep his ***** mouth shut when he doesn’t have the knowledge necessary to intercede. I’m not willing, though, to let someone spin their wheels on a topic they have a passing experience with. That’s doesn’t do the topic justice. Also, where are those stats in regards to high demand for specifically trained welders?
. Since you've mentioned this twice now with absolutely nothing to back up your claim, I'm going to call BS. Prove me wrong. This is one of the fields that I train people in so I can offer my two cents with authority. First off, when you are trained as a welder, you are trained in a specific welding process(SMAW,FCAW,TIG,MIG etc). These processes are not the same in terms of training or equipment used. The other variable involved with training to be a welder is in the type of weld groove that you were trained on and the weld positions that you have successfully passed the testing for. Example: I hold a SMAW certification for 3G and 4G for groove unlimited thickness. That takes a hell of a lot more training than someone with a SMAW 3/8" 2G fillet cert and that is even in the same weld process. If want certs for FCAW(which is also frequently used in my trade) I need to take another course in it's entirety. They also come with a huge swing in wages paid for that process. So if someone took your advice and went to someplace like the Arc an Flame Center, and got a certificate of completion, they would still be vastly UNDERTRAINED to make anything more than a $14/hr starting level job with no benefits. That person with the certificate of completion would then have to undergo a training course that could certify them through the AWS in a specific process with the specific parameters of the process that they are training in. That takes $$ and time so maybe they need PSE in the meantime? I appreciate that you used welding in your argument but you didn't do your homework, friend. Isn't that your big gripe about the under employed? They didn't try hard enough? I'd be satisfied if you could prove to me how welding(the higher level of welding where the sustainable wage comes from) is in high demand. I don't want stats on the entry level $14/hr gigs. Show me the numbers on how people are getting that living wage. I'd be glad to incorporate your argument the next time I am recruiting high school aged people for my trade. Go ahead. Tell me things about my trade that I don't already know.
I challenge you to prove this to me.
So you made your decision on your current trade at 40 years old and you're going to disparage the major an 18 year old picked? Do you go around the local playgrounds and shove little kids off the swings because you're older than them? I like the reference to six figures, anyone in a Union trade pulls those numbers AND walks away at 55 years old with a $4G/month pension and with an annuity that tops most 401k plans. They also eliminate the ogre of burden(no relation) that student loans bring. Do you pay the favor of your reward forward by training OTHER people to prosper in the trade or do you just post cynical commentary on how they're obviously wasting their lives? Hint hint... I do the prior. I'm grateful to live how I do. Not a lot of folks have the modest standard that I do. I would feel like an Ogre if I let my fellow human down like that....just saying.
I finished up The Outer Worlds a while ago. It was interesting. I agree with @LTS' assessment of the combat. It was pretty much just hack n whack. It was boring enough that I let my companions handle it and stepped in if they needed me. I'll probably go back to a few key moments and replay the other alternative. I moved on to Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I've never played a Creed game before but this is just about the most awesome RPG I've ever played. I got it for $15 on Live Gold thinking it was a crap shoot if I'd like it....and I don't like it......I friggin LOVE it! The only complaint would be that the quest types on message boards start to repeat if you hang around one town for an extended time but the next time your back there's fresh stuff. Combat is similar to Fallen Order but not as challenging. Sailing the high seas with my merry band of hooligans singing all the way. Riding by horse along olive groves, feasting the eyes on the ancient Greek art. The available world is massive. This is a must play game.
And anyone that is off work without pay can apply for NYS unemployment like every construction worker does, cause you ain’t getting 52 weeks a year ever.
I don’t think the workers at the arenas are unionized. Ticket sellers have a union, ushers are in with the ticket takers union, stage hands union for lighting. That’s how it is at BCA. Concessions, janitors, store employees and probably most of the box office staff, etc are not. I’m not sure what Terry does in Buffalo. The thing with unions though, they aren’t “The Union” as in some indoctrinating force.........Unions are the men and women who are members and pool their resources for the collective good. They’re people who value their labor and are demanding a bigger piece of the pie, a more equitable piece. Most unions do have some sort of hardship assistance. When you’re put in charge of your own fate and bargain in numbers for your conditions, you tend to make intelligent choices like that. Well, most of the time.
And college isn't the savior you're making it out to be. I have four people in my apprenticeship that have college degrees. One of them has a masters. Now they're adding a four year apprenticeship just to have a career with a decent wage and benefits.
Wow. People are under employed because of life choices now, eh? I dropped out of college not because I'm a dolt and made bad decisions, those bad decisions were made for me by a high school guidance councilor that didn't send my transcripts along in time for my financial aid to kick in. Losing my aid disqualified me for the equal amount in scholarships that the institution was giving me. That and many other stories told around the country over years and years. Sure, YOU were lucky enough that you didn't have to spend your college age years working full time to help a family that was dealing with a dying parent. It's very elitist to assume that everyone is coasting into view from your perspective. FTR I did end up pulling myself up by the bootstraps, now bend over so I can kick you right in the ass with it.
In my younger carefree/LSD days I had a particular experience where I was simultaneously experiencing the entire kaleidoscope of emotions while holding one finger on the pulse of my existence(basically trying to not lose my mind). I had an enlightenment of sorts, connecting my staked claim on reality to the fate of that of the smallest sub atomic particles , agreeing with happiness about the light and consoling anger in the darkness(and about the darkness). Suddenly Nikola's assertion that we are the light and pain is an illusion and how it's all a symptom of being cut off from it, was real.(Nikola didn't say the part about pain, that was Maynard). I know it seems like a distant rambling and it may be, but it was all very real and it changed the course of my life, may have even saved it. Anyways this song takes me right back. I couldn't find a version with lyrics so I pasted those little buggers. Reflection Tool I have come curiously close to the end, down Beneath my self-indulgent pitiful hole Defeated, I concede and Move closer I may find comfort here I may find peace within the emptiness How pitiful It's calling me It's calling me It's calling me It's calling me And in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping The moon tells me a secret, my confidant As full and bright as I am This light is not my own and A million light reflections pass over me Its source is bright and endless She resuscitates the hopeless Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting And as I pull my head out I am without one doubt Don't want to be down here soothing my narcissism I must crucify the ego before it's far too late I pray the light lifts me out Before I pine away Before I pine away Before I pine away Before I pine away So crucify the ego, before it's far too late To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical And you will come to find that we are all one mind Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable Just let the light touch you And let the words spill through And let them pass right through Bringing out our hope and reason Before we pine away (pine away) Before we pine away (pine away) Before we pine away (pine away) Before we pine away For non-commercial use only. Data from: LyricFind
This is my favorite old song about going out drinking. There was this old hillbilly bar up North a few miles from my house called The Blue Doll. It had this big old neon sign of a pretty little gal in a blue dress. My Dad would take us boys with him sometimes and I can remember this blasting on the jukebox.
Those guys shaking his hand looked freaked out as I would be. I would decline but I’ve always been a little skeeved out by germs. I did a big project years ago where 200+ guys all had to scan their hands on a single scanner for access. I used hand sanitizer every time and people busted my balls until an illness infected 150 of them. They all followed my lead after that.
It’s real easy see. Its like the wise man said(may he rest in eternal peace): “you put your left leg down, your right leg up, tilt your head and finish the cup...“
When I am ill, as Trump obviously was at his presser, I spare others the grief of deciding whether they want to risk my illness or not by not extending for a shake. I’m very polite. I gesture about the cold that I am showing symptoms for and greet them accordingly. I live in a very handshake heavy world and folks are being sensible people and adjusting, not for individual well being, but for the greater good, just in case. He’s just trying to stand by his original statements and is spreading whatever the frig he has.
What the HELL is he doing shaking everyone's hands?