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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. I’ve been wearing Duluth’s free range organic cotton boxer briefs exclusively for years now. I randomly bought a pair to “splurge” but realized instantly that I’ve been wasting money on underwear all these years. Happy grundle=Happy life.
  2. Ogre


    His positive attitude is the flavor that’s been missing. It’s funny that you mention this. For a long time I’ve been pondering the possibility that flavor was a major driving force in the evolution of ***** sapiens. The other human species had a lot of the same environmental influences, signs of culture and may have even cooked food but would they have eventually developed cuisine? The amount of effort involved in human food prep for no reason other than taste has fascinated me since childhood. Some family’s have rich traditions in their food. Heirloom recipes intrigue me. None of these guarded secrets are revolutionary. Minor tweaks to the same dish yet we horde them like wealth. It’s interesting to consider how vital our tastebuds were to our evolution. Or not. It was so long ago that I can’t remember.
  3. It’s a sentiment if you share it and a sediment if you bury it. Or… I knew a fairly smart guy that, when something wasn’t completely out of reach, would say, “it’s possivle”.
  4. Ukko Pekka Letitgoin. Am I doing it right?
  5. It’s like Pepsi flavored cream soda. I bought the tiny cans because I drink soda very rarely. The wife likes it so the rest won’t go to waste. You really need to have it with ice cream. It seems like it was made just for that.
  6. But did you try it with ice cream?
  7. I rarely drink soda but when I do…. Only a few times a year but I saw this on the shelf. Sofa king good!
  8. Peppers are good for you no matter how you get them into your body. Giggidy.
  9. One of my padawans was badly injured on site yesterday. Deep lacerations but thankfully nothing is broken and there’s no nerve damage. He’s fortunate that he wasn’t crushed to death. I have been sick to my stomach since I learned of it. I am responsible for insuring that they are trained in the ways of the force (of gravity). I am staying for Monday evening’s class and I have a wide range of safety scenarios that we will be walking through. Staying safe is always #1 priority. Save the heroics for your personal life. Don’t bring that ***** to my job.
  10. 31 years in this trade. I’ve dodged death more than I can even remember. Seriously. I am constantly being reminded of the reckless bravado of my youth by the guys my age (and by all of the aches and pains). I’ve spent the last 13 years devoted to leading and teaching while still dodging death. I find myself in this newer leadership role and GD am I tired. Sick as well. Sick and tired. I know waaaaay more about certain people than I care to know, but I need to know. My ass aches and my head hurts. 5 more years of this insanity and I can retire. God, please help me get there. I keep getting emails for burial insurance. Is that some twisted omen? Someone put a GD pillow over my face.
  11. Brown chicken. Brown cow.
  12. My plate runs over and I nab a snippet that inspires the zen that I seek, it finds the deep memories, rich with the lessons that have propelled me. Coincidentally, I stepped into the *****. It’s like not a G. Downey, burning bag of ***** moment, but I did see a bit it on my shoe. Maybe we should let this thread be a tell all, a guide to the youth, a signal and a sign. We could enlighten the younger ones. Life is very hard for the poor and disenfranchised, but it can also be hard on the affluent, especially if they are not prepping their young for tougher times. IMO, of course.
  13. WTH is wrong with a thread invoking nostalgia in a poster? It’s an OT thread with the seeds to do just that, after all. I’m sorry, but I really do not appreciate you’re sentiment here.
  14. My grandfather was a logger and cut to supply the pulp mills on Cornwall Island. When I turned 12 it was my turn to be his apprentice. He would drive the logging truck up around the corner where my mother couldn’t see and let me drive from there! He felled/limbed the trees. He skid them onto the logging road and I took over from there. I skid them to the dock, cut them into 4’ lengths and loaded them by hand. I ran a Jonsered 910. That’s one hell of a saw. (I almost missed out on my apprenticeship because the next older brother cut his leg badly with the saw so my mother had reservations, but she wasn’t going to deprive me of a good lesson) I ate the Liverwurst sandwich that he made me for lunch and shut my damn mouth. I soaked up every single move that he made and every single sound that I ever heard come from him. I loved every single second of it. He drove the loaded truck back. He would hand me his pipe and strike anywhere matches, though, and had me fire it up for him. Still love the smell of cherry cavendish. When I die, his face is the first one that I want to see.
  15. I am heartbroken for Kim. I obviously don’t know her but from every description of her from her daughter, we are of the same cloth. i especially noticed the warnings about slowing down a bit but when you are an energizer bunny by nature with an overflowing plate, that is just what you do. To think about the horrors of having all of this desire-to-do without the capacities to do it sounds like hell to me. I am hopeful that this is not the case for her. I pray for you, Kim.
  16. Employing, Training, Organizing, Dispatching, Recruiting, Solving disputes, Mentoring young people. Lifting people out of poverty into a strong middle class. I had just come from the VA. We were invited in to clean up a mess left by the less trained. The sheriff greatly appreciated it. FTR, I greatly appreciate what he does as well. The level at which I appreciate his kind financially was reflected by the supplementary stickers. Nothing special to most.
  17. I was pulled over by a sheriff this morning for speeding. 69 in a 55. (Giggidy) I immediately admitted my guilt. He took a good look at the supplementary stickers by my registration. He asked if I had been working. I gave him a look, I said “We’re always working.” He smiled. Told him last site I’d been at and the wonky reason why. He said “You’re all good. Just have to run your license to make sure you’re not wanted” with a grin. He gave me it back and then said “Keep up the good work. We’re all behind what you guys are doing.” Then I tried to recruit him! 😎 (btw, this was a short, bright moment in my bay-***** crazy job, which is also my 25/7 life until I resign or retire!🤪)
  18. Beane and my hopes.
  19. Neither Dorsey or Frazier had an answer. The game was literally over after the first drive of the game. I’m not wasting precious moments of my life on these bozos next year.
  20. I lost my father nearly 7 years ago. Today he would have been 77 years old. He was tough as hell. He worked his ass off. He was a hard nosed father. He made certain that my ass got kicked on a regular basis. He was smart, charismatic, kind hearted, quick witted, funniest guys ever. I use his colloquialisms daily. After these many years, the sting of his hand has faded. I’ve forgiven those moments when his anger made me fear for my life. After all, life IS hard. I forgive you, man, because those difficult moments have set me up to become a true force. I have real influence in my city. I have enormous levels of confidence partly because I’ve inherited those genes from him, but because in all of those difficult moments that I had with him, I learned more and more about myself, how deeply I exist. At birth, he gave me his first name as my middle and I am so much like him. Serendipity. I forgive you, man, and I love you.
  21. Tua gets his egg scrambled for the third time in the matter of weeks and the fins’ fans are crying foul. Apparently it’s an NFL plot to stop Tua from becoming MVP even though he tapped out himself this time. Tua, JFC, it’s just a game! It’s not worth the diminishing mind! My poor wife struggles subtly with her head injury every day and I, in turn, struggle with her. Take the ***** money and run, kid, before everyone around you suffers too!
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