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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. Hey if they hire me on as GM on the cheap, you want a coaching gig? Doesn’t matter if you can skate. Anyone know where I apply?
  2. Yup. This extends into the Amerks experience. They’re pinching pennies and it shows.
  3. D’oh! I thought I had been doing pretty good without my glasses!
  4. Weiner’s Gym PowerAids Betty Cracker Beengay Fjord Motors Page the Elephant Booing Starducks Zitcoin Fox Newts Pegula Sorts
  5. Had a lengthy conversation with the Ontario county water and soil guy while we were doing the perk test for the septic. Basically hanging out and waiting for water to drain from these holes in the ground. He started telling me about the Canandaigua loam on one side of the property vs the Honeoye loam on the other. Apparently the glacier stopped halfway through my property. According to the reports from the two wells that have been drilled here, I have 12” of topsoil, 12” of clay and 190’ of gravel/rocks all the way to bedrock. Need some rocks?
  6. I keep my topsoil for the taters under a tarp and there’s always a dozen or more snakes under there. There was a big fat one next this guy put he was too fast for a pic. Haven’t seen one chipmunk around here! I love it. Great use of reclaimed materials!
  7. Thank you. I am totally with you! I moved as many of mine as I could when we built the house. These peonies have lived a long storied life. They were my great-grandmother’s. My mother moved them to her property when her mom went into assisted living. I got them ten years ago and have moved them 3 times. I love having that connection to my past so we added some of her grandmother’s irises to “Fossil Rock”as well. We have two beloved pets buried here so it’s a fitting memorial. Look closely and you’ll see why we call it that.
  8. Thank you. Lots of work though. And the rocks! My God the rocks! I’ve retained the sides of the driveway with them, covered the under workings of the deck with them, gardened around them and built this retaining wall complete with stone stairs. Every single one those rocks were from the property and I have piles of them yet. When I dig a hole, no matter how small, I find more rocks!
  9. I built this to find a home for the single strawberry plant that my mother gave me before she passed. The mice gobbled them up pretty good last year but they come back and I’ve found a ton of little strawberry plots growing wild in the meadow so it’s working in accordance with someone’s plan.
  10. This is a North side berry garden. Blackberry and raspberry. The raspberries have a second crop at Thanksgiving just in time for a fresh pie. There’s a cat door in the basement widow so my two can come as go and kill off the mice that come for the berries.
  11. While I’m here... This is how I do potatoes, Adirondack Blue this year. When/if they grow enough I add a second tire and more soil. They’re balls-to-the-wall this year so... Take a sawzall and the cut the sidewall out of the tire so it doesn’t hold water and breed mosquitoes. Why pay to discard used tires?
  12. BTW, those crows haven’t been back since DoppleOgre went up.
  13. We have a family “compound”. Mrs iT and I have nine from an original 32 acre lot, her grandfather’s. My in-law’s house are some acres of woods apart from us. He had nine acres until “Papa” passed. (Really super awesome WW2 Vet). Her aunt (former Catholic Nun) lives in the original house. She’s a no-sh!t-taker so beware! It is at an intersection of roads so we all have driveways on different roads. I’m very handy, which my FIL isn’t, which his father (Papa) was (Union Carpenter), so I’m the caretaker of the entire 32 acres now. As far as the eye sees in those photos IS Baileyshire. Makes sense that I’d feel compelled to grow as much as I can and give it to all these less fortunate folks around here.....Eh?
  14. If you can’t return to Amazon I’m certain this guy would buy it from you.
  15. You were marketing this. Were you not? If you meant to be unbiased and point out extremist behavior, why market your intent like this? That is a direct quote of your entire post minus the link which I won’t repost because then I am promoting one side over the other. They’re all selfish little pricks. Why not say “selfish little pricks taking advantage of the situation to divide...”? The details are extremely clear to me.
  16. Haberno, jalapeño, cilantro...must haves. Those beefsteaks make unbelievable sandwiches! I did so well last year that I was able to give a lot of produce to the local churches to give out to the older folks that can’t git’r’done themselves anymore. I’ve expanded a little this year. Let’s hope I can get even more out there this year.
  17. You posted the link. You didn’t respond to a link someone else posted. You posted it. Why only point out the extremists to that half of the spectrum of wackos when they’re all equally guilt? You posted the link.
  18. I’ve trained many adult skeptics about PPE over the years. After I’ve had your full attention for 30 hours (I have no problem maintaining 30 hours of nail bitting lecture) you will certainly 1) Understand that a mask is low level PPE. 2) Your employer is responsible for PPE. 3) It is your duty under The Standards to protect your fellow worker and 4) Life is hard, we are a team and we do the little things so everyone goes home to a cold beer. The Standards are just the bare minimum too. I follow my own safety protocols when I’m on site. I assure you that they go above and beyond The Standard. Trust me. At this pointy in life I’m lucky to still be here. I’m going to minimize my exposure to Ironwork as best I can until I figure out how to get affordable health care as a 50ish year old. Then I’m “pulling the pin”.....an old Ironworker term for being done with it. Life is really friggin hard...
  19. Correct me if I’m wrong. Isn’t the subject about extremism? The article is about left wing but all the crazies were out there. Back in the day we called them out for what what they were. Assigning political denominations to extremists gives them more credence than they deserve.
  20. The story of human conflict. Truman incinerated 100,000 innocent lives in an instant and 100,000 more in the ensuing fallout. Violence is ugly in any form. I can say this for a fact as a man who has been involved in many violent encounters. I can’t stand to see it any more but deep down in there I still have the trigger to become violent. For a lot of people that were born into a violent environment, it is difficult to learn restraint. Very possible, very difficult.
  21. Well it is that time of the year again. I thought about a club but I doubt there’s enough interest for that so here we are. My wife planted the raised bed garden this year. We have kale and celery that came up from last years roots. The kale actually never died off. We had growth way back in early March. Today’s PPE was simple and comfortable! This little dandy is my irrigation station. My well water has a ph of 10 or higher so I run down to Bristol and get Canandaigua Lake water for the gardens. Under that upside down trash can is a jet pump with built in pressure tank. The banjo fitting for the tank is plumbed with pex through a back flow valve to keep the pressure on the tank. I just plug it into an extension cord and water away. The pool hose there also has a banjo fitting so I can easily and quickly flood the new trees in my little orchard. I’m trying a scarecrow in my unfenced garden in desperation. The crows have pulled hundreds of seedlings right out of the ground to get at that succulent endosperm. The popcorn and sunflowers were decimated so I replanted and put up the Ogre doppelgänger. These crows seem pretty smart so I’m hoping that this looks so much like a trick to them that they over-analyze and think that it’s a trap! I just need enough time so the roots are developed enough that they can’t pull them out. We leave you with the sun setting over Baileyshire.
  22. I’m too tired and also accidentally fell into the hot tub so I’m not reposting that link from my laptop tonight. It still works fine for me. I will share this link though. All of OSHA‘s news releases since Covid became a pandemic. I pulled it a few clicks into the link to OSHA’s website that I shared. OSHA really is our friend. https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/search?title_body=coronavirus&field_press_date_from_nrsearch=&field_press_date_to_nrsearch=
  23. That’s a shame. I just got home from class so after I’ve, eaten, showered and had a beer I’ll try linking it from laptop. I’m not having trouble with it but I did link from my phone. It’s a draft of what a standard for Covid-19 would look like. The notable part is how the standard lays out how OSHA’s hierarchy of controls would be used in the workplace. Top of the ladder) Administrative controls; can we rotate workers, have them work from home, etc. If not then) Engineering controls; barriers, distancing, etc. If not then) Substitution; this doesn’t apply here. I wish there was a less dangerous virus to substitute with! There is a lot more to all of this obviously but the same requirement for the employer to train employees and provide the PPE is there as it would be for any hazard. If anything needs an OSHA standard it’s Covid in my opinion. Our economy relies on workers and with them all sick or too scared to go to work we are up sh!t creek without a paddle. Another reason to read this standard. It clearly states that cloth face coverings are NOT PPE. If this standard were law then everyone going to work would be trained about what the masks are doing and we would be able to all be on one page about a course of action. Unfortunately there are a lot of senators that don’t want this to become a standard. For some reason. I’m in a similar mind frame. I’ve seen too much “ugliness for no reason” in this world for me to get too riled up about dying. For me it’s the contagiousness of this thing. In my understanding Corona viruses are usually pretty nasty but not too contagious. If this were to go completely unchecked, what kind of outbreak would we have? I had a good friend my age that suffered a major heart attack a two weeks after being exposed to a bridge inspector that had the virus. Coincidence? Maybe. Who wants to be first in line to find out? He was never tested and now a lot of people that were in that crew are nervous they’ll be next. We are where we are. We need to figure out how to go forward from here.
  24. That unique mask I’m wearing in my pic is an AOSaftey Pleats Plus. They no longer make them. The downside of the mask is the condensation that builds up inside, making it difficult to breathe through (part of the reason N95 construction masks have an exhaust valve). I’ve only encountered this problem with the hands on training where I’m working up a sweat and breathing heavily. They were designed for the job site so they fail on that account. Lecturing in front of a class, it was ideal.
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