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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. Mrs. iT started making replicas of the horizontally pleated mask I shared pics of a while back. Super comfortable. It’s not in production anymore so she’s whipping me up a few. The tinknocker’s apprentices have been making tens of thousands of the metal nose pieces for the masks so I’m picking her up a handful of them from the Hall to give them an even better seal. I don’t think there’s any more hibiscus fabric though.
  2. I would be concerned that “Floyds” has to much potential to cause people pain. I do like the sentiment though. I like the D.C. Metros. Has a nice ring to it and it makes sense.
  3. That’s your contribution to this thread? Non-whites were treated unfairly? Don’t you think that are currently being treated unfairly? When did I EVER say that whites have a racist virus? Show me where I predicted “casualties” and a “civil war”. Show me where I said that, *****. These are some pretty severe accusations. Show me where I said these things. You started this exchange between you and me. You dashed in to defend someone else from my words. I think if anyone is sitting back neutrally observing this they would find your entire exchange to be extremely thin skinned. 1) I have the balls to say exactly what I think. 2) I have spoken with the person that you think you were defending and they have no problems with any of our discussion, yet you keep blathering on about it. 3) The harder you push on me about this “asking for permission” thing, the more you make it look like you’re telling me that I don’t have permission to feel the way that I do! How ***** ironic! I have every right to use the language I did, either directed directly at an individual or rhetorically towards the universe(as is the case here). If you don’t like what I’m saying then here is my advice. 1)Stop listening 2)Leave me the ***** alone. I have just as much right to free speech as you do. NOW the only thing I intend on engaging you on from here on out is the question I’ve posed directly to you because your wording lead me to assume a particular thing about you and I’m curious if I’m right. Do you think that not-white people currently face bias in this country?
  4. She’s not only adopted hockey but she has some really good opinions about it as well. One of the reasons I picked Miller was his Olympic performance. He inspired a entirely new generation of hockey fans. My nephew was flopping all over the floor watching him play.
  5. The roller couldn’t handle the weight of the water. Those tanks are only 1/8” thick so it developed a leak. I plan on reinforcing the axle but there’s a lot on the plate right now. If you could brew enough of that beer I could most likely gather an army of Ironworkers to stomp that lawn flat. It would take a LOT of beer though (and they may end up on your lawn for an extended period). I also appreciate the clarification.
  6. And as if we didn’t have enough reasons to admire the man, Mr. Gordon Downey... https://www.downiewenjack.ca/
  7. Here is an excerpt from All Things Considered. If you’d take the time to participate, maybe you would realize something that you hadn’t considered before? https://www.npr.org/2005/08/21/4805434/1491-explores-the-americas-before-columbus
  8. I really like @TheCerebral1’s format so I’m going to copy it. •How/when? When I moved to WNY in 95ish. Still trying to like Colorado. The Amerks won the cup and I got all jacked up over WNY. Started tuning in to the Sabres and BOOM! Cupid had struck! •All time fav and why? I’ll have to answer within my time as a fan. Miller. The later years were rough but that dude... •Most exciting/frustrating? When I met my wife she knew nothing of hockey and I slowly turned her into a diehard Sabres fan. That was pretty cool. Most frustrating? Some random game around 2010 when I realized that all was lost. I stayed up late to watch a west coast game. Can’t remember who bumbled the puck but it was just so ***** stupid that I punched a hole I my door. I felt great shame and went to da box. I think I started Amerks seasons around then. I knew I would never act like that in public. •Improving the current team? Keep the Pegulas away from operations. They would be fine as owners if they let hockey people handle things. Trust me. The way they’re involved stinks like Aubut’s time with QC. He literally turned the fans interest off. Too involved and too much hockey in QC for people to care anymore.
  9. That battle with pneumonia I had those few years back kicked my ass. I had one of those lung function tests six months afterwards where they put you in the glass case and measure how much air you can breathe. I didn’t do well. I’m not blaming just the bacteria that ***** me up, I have a good case of silicosis, two significant exposures to asbestos and I smoked until I was 27. Lung disease killed my Pop. It was an agonizing death. Where your mask, Dude! Your another one of those posters that I like!
  10. No! I'm not going to let this thread be about you! Do you have something constructive to add? Hopefully @LTS doesn’t close this just yet. There are other posters that have insight to add and need some time to be able to do so. I am very interested to hear their thoughts.
  11. I never said I knew them well. I said that I am very fond of them. That is a fact. If you know my thoughts so well, then tell me which one of the two I am thinking is the one permitting my feelings? I recounted a personal experience in the Biased thread. Is that frowned on? When did I infer that I am the only one that has experienced oppression? Oh that’s right, I didn’t. These items coupled with the fact that every single time you’ve ever quoted me has been filled with negative commentary, forming the basis for my belief that you are anti-Ogre. Biased! (that one is a joke?). I’m sure Eleven and LTS are both glad you jumped in to defend them but I don’t think they need the help. They’re both very capable. Now, if the Bias thread isn’t going to share any solutions to the problem, then it should probably just close. I offered up a small step to healing the wounds(with the mascot thing), anyone else have a constructive thought to add?
  12. Aren’t you making an assumption about someone you don’t know with this? I don’t recall insinuating what others have gone through. When I say “my own eyes” I mean the two that God put in my head, not the two that ended up in anyone else’s head. If anyone one else here was present for the chaos that swallowed Akwesasne, Massena, and Westville in the late 80’s then I’ll let them step up and recount their own version of it. Again. Making assumptions about someone you don’t know. As a matter of fact, I’ve shared several PM’s with @Eleven over the years where I expressed my fondness. I’m sure if you asked Eleven, you’d find that he is well aware of the fact that I like him. The same goes for @LTS. A group of us had dinner and caught an Amerks game. We had a great time. I’m so fond of LTS that I even was willing to bring my lawn roller over to his house. Hopefully he recognizes the fact that I like him as well. So you didn’t want to get involved, yet you did. I would be grateful too if your involvement was more than piling on to share that you think that Ogre is bad. I get it. You don’t like me....but....IDC....thanks.
  13. With this thread title, I assumed the point was to discuss cultural/racial bias. So far I’ve received a history lesson (an inaccurate one at that) and an excuse for why white people are using caricatures of Native People. Emotion should be in this tread. Non-whites face discrimination everyday! Not just because of the color of their skin either. There has been a concerted social/economic effort to suppress the prosperity of non-whites. Every racist person knows that skin color doesn’t predetermine intelligence, and that eliminating white privilege would reduce their own influence and wealth, and that terrifies them. And wouldn’t you be emotional too if your kin were directly affect by that bias? The whole reason my family was even in a cycle of poverty to begin with is because they were not white. None of you can understand what I’ve seen with my own eyes. My great grandmother lived a mile from the barricades the People put across Rte. 37. The entire conflict erupted because the government was telling the People how to govern their autonomous lands. They were told they couldn’t have the white jobs, but they weren’t going to be allowed to have gambling unless they shared a cut of the profits. (That damn white greed that started the whole thing!) Trying being not white in the USA and see how much harder your life becomes.
  14. Let me start by saying I find it very bizarre that I’m being told in the Cultural/Racial bias thread that I don’t have to like the fact that there is a Cultural/Racist bias against Native peoples. FTR, I didn’t need your permission to feel that way. As for what happened on this hemisphere being a war, that’s a either a stretching of the truth or a regurgitation of the “facts” you have learned about it. A war doesn’t last for 400 hundred years. Before white intervention there was very little physical conflict between Native peoples because when there was conflict, it was settled much like conflicts between white kings by marrying members of the tribe. The majority of the fighting came as tribes took sides between European invaders promising them a continuation of their quickly eroding way of life. The tactics used by the white invaders were also vastly different than the way they fought their white enemies. For example, Andrew Jackson would start a skirmish with the Native warriors all while sending another unit back to the village to slaughter all of the women and children. That isn’t how war was traditionally fought. Portraying it as a war feels like an excuse to marginalize an entire race of people to me. Again, I don’t need permission to feel that way. To address your question about the mascot issue @Eleven, my OP was about my BIL seeing no problem with the use of Native American depictions used by white people. It apparently started all of this. To address your question @LTS, I find all of them offensive, especially when used by white peolpe. Yes, even the Blackhawks. They can say that they are honoring that chief, but the fact remains that they are profiting from the image. If this chief was such a great man, I’m certain he would rather be honored by the owners sharing a big chunk of their profits with his descendants, rather than slapping his caricature on a sweater. This sh!t offends me not because of my ancestors either. I am not Mohawk. My great grandparents were. Why do I feel so strongly then? I have a niece and two nephews who are Mohawk. They are young adults and they are struggling to break the cycle of poverty that their white cousins are managing to do. These caricatures and the negative image they portray are unfair to these people who are alive today that don’t look white. They are just as smart and able as anyone else (my niece attended Oxford) but the societal image of them is negative and it handicaps their efforts to succeed. Cultral. Racial. Bias.
  15. I hear you and agree 100%. A bunch of 1%ers got together to figure out how to maximize profit. We, the fan, should sip the soup and call it a meal. I’ve been following the AHL for years now. Good hockey without the need to hold my pinkie out whilst watching.
  16. In the racial bias thread I am being told that my ancestors lost a “war” so therefore they lost their right to be equal to the whites. In the course of losing that “war” (that was brought to their continent that they ended up on as a result of human evolution some 20,000 to 30,000 years ago) they also lost their right to dignity as well. Would you also accept a sports mascot with a racist depiction of a black man? How about a mascot depicting the typical stereotype of a Jewish person? How about a mascot of a fat disgusting white guy wearing a trucker hat with a cigarette in his mouth and stains all over his wife beater? It’s easy to sit back and defend what white people have done to other races. I’d use the term minority but the fact remains, white people were not the majority in this hemisphere. Now we are debating whether white people have the right to use a racist depiction of the peoples they have “conquered”. Give me a ***** break.
  17. I've been in love with this woman for the last twenty years. She is so friggin beautiful inside and out.
  18. There really is no comparison. There was an entire hemisphere FILLED with people. The first trickle of Europeans brought disease that wiped out countless lives. The subsequent waves grew in frequency and brutality. Conquering a hemisphere is a distant reality from conquering a region. Invading people that look like you is less scarey than invading people that look different. In that regard, how long did the conquering take? The culture you reference is a memory of what once was. That longhouse diorama you made in school was a watered down representation of what Native culture was, most likely to wash the sins of the perpetrators from memory as not to upset our delicate, white entitlement. Look at the history of this hemisphere.
  19. Tell me a comparable. An ENTIRE hemisphere untouched. Tell me again how my ancestors were so fairly treated. This is the sh!t I was talking about. White right.
  20. THAT ruined him? Luke’s biggest problem was skating. He couldn’t master his biggest problem so he never had a chance to work on all the little ones. Maybe he could have been an awesome NHLer?
  21. I watched Luke in Rochester. He was A hockey player. ?
  22. Not really. He hit Luke Adam in the head with stick and everyone thought he’d lost his mind. Turns out that Luke Adam sucked and Lindy was trying to knock some hockey sense into him. Am I right??
  23. Oh. My. *****. God! Twenty ***** thousand years of peace and prosperity snuffed out! The timbers were so high that an eagle couldn’t see the Earth (that’s why he fished the seas) Waters so full of fish that you could walk acrosst it (seen what I done there?) The culture WAS snuffed out! That’s exactly why they were marched off to land that was unfamiliar to them. TO CRUSH THIER CULTURE. But yup. You read a couple books. ?
  24. A vibrant, prosperous, self-governing civilization that maintains a perfect balance to protect the resources that supports generation after generation. Is it weird that we didn’t need prisons or jails? Manifest Destiny was a manifestation of evil that was so slithering that it was lost to time and human caring. It was a genocide on an epic scale. FFW to today and most people don’t know that Andrew Jackson (as POTUS) paid for scalps. It’s portrayed that it was First Americans that were scalping whites but it was the other way around. Dolla Billz for scalps. The buffalo were slaughtered to starve the People to crush their will to fight and then, yup, march you off to the scrublands. For crying out loud, the Mohawk are the Keepers of the Eastern Door and they were relegated to the poorest of land up North (pronounced more like Noort) bordering and crossing the Canadian border. Education is a funny thing though. You can’t teach something that doesn’t want to be learned.
  25. There is a very simple solution. I’ve linked several times to OSHA guidelines on Covid so you can easily find it. The mask is preferred but if health issues prohibit the wearing of a mask then a face shield should be worn. You can buy them anywhere around here. Can’t wear a mask? No reason you can’t wear a face shield then. The Dandy mart in Bristol has a policy that they follow and is prominently displayed in the entrance. “No shirt, no shoes, no face covering, no business”. They are some of the cutest old ladies you’ll ever meet too. Cheap Charlie’s in Bloomfield is really going all out. I haven’t been in since reopening but he’s my FIL’s first cousin so I’ve heard all about it. They have plexiglass dividers on the booths, tables and even between the stools at the bar! He also has a strict no mask/no service policy. A few folks have threatened to not come back and he said “see ya ‘round!”. I doesn’t matter about losing a customer when the no-maskers lead us into another shutdown. Some customers are better than no customers.
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