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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. If you don’t live in Rochester you wouldn’t know that Kodak has been a chemical manufacturing site for a long time now, and have had many contracts with the US government. There is an extensive underground complex there and a nuclear reactor was removed from that site a few years ago. Kodak Park is massive and the stories I have from having worked in there on and off for decades would blow your mind. This really is the stuff they’ve been doing there for years. I haven’t seen the specifics of the deal but there have been many federally promised deals here in Rochester that never seem to materialize. I’m sure it’s not political though?.
  2. Me too. I pushed a sore tendon in the left shoulder doing heavy military presses. Everything was holding its own until I fell and caught myself and ended up with a full thickness tear. Fitness is a drug and should be treated as such IMO. Also, they would be fishing my lifeless body from the water had I attempted that. Very impressive.
  3. You’re in Rochester if I’m not mistaken. I did all the bridge repairs at St. Paul, Clinton and Joseph Streets when the train station was being rebuilt. I spent over twelve months in that neighborhood and I know it well. The first thing I want to say? Those people I met there were some of the nicest, most hopeful people I’ve ever met. The second? Those folks don’t deserve the poverty they find themselves in. In that entire area between the river and the 590 there is only ONE chain grocery. The TOPS next to the McDonalds on Upper Falls Blvd. Have you ever been in there? The produce section is smaller than the Big M in my little white hick town. There’s lots of food baskets in that neighborhood but they can’t handle perishable (healthy) foods. All too often McDonalds becomes their best option for a meal. It is very damn political and I think everyone that doesn’t sympathize with these folk suck. Go hang out in the hood for a spell. Not only will you not be injured, you’ll see good people working hard. So easy to judge them from a distance and if you do judge these folks for where they are and what they eat then shame on you.
  4. I was pinned between the border and the Adirondacks. I grew up on forty private acres intermingled with a million of them that belonged to the public. I am fortunate. The wild dogs are yipping and calling each other. The crickets are louder than my tinnitus. It’s a nice night. And thank you for the compliment.
  5. This patch popped up on the compost pile I had meant to use but it pulled its own through the drought and thrived. We’ve eaten two zucchini/something hybrids that were delicious. Large diameter, very short, no seeds. Grilled the hell out of them. These look like a pumpkin/buttercup. I’ll enjoy them whatever they turn out to be. We love everybody here at Baileyshire.
  6. I grew up tied to the land and the bounty of the seasons. There is a deep spiritual meaning for the methods I use here as well as practical ones.
  7. I’m tired of the disjointed bag of rag tags. I’m starting to think that this is the only thing that I really give a rats @ss about. In that sea of botany the melons eventually overtake things. That’s by intent. The peas are spent, the beets don’t give a ***** and peppers rise right over it all. I learned about the sea of green technique from an old master of mine. He taught me well.
  8. Don’t those suckers lure the ants? Made that mistake once with peonies outside the kitchen window. Also. JFC. Is that your hot tub?
  9. Eyes wide open.
  10. I’ll bet Inky Jr is as happy as a boy could be.
  11. Just one reason I do all that hard work.
  12. You should see what’s written inside the job site sh!thouse. Directed specifically at the certain minorities that are present on site. I write my name and trade in there and denounce their BS. Come on over and say that sh!t to the Ironworkers you ***** coward.
  13. Only one of those corona viruses on that list is the one causing the pandemic. #7 That is why they are linking it. It is the one that is prevalent. They don’t want to confuse people so they’re leading you in the right direction. I’m guessing the focus is on a vaccine for that one, the one that is causing our pandemic but what do I know? As for the frequency of vaccination, how can we know until enough time has passed to have enough data to even judge how long immunity lasts. Unfortunately the CDC, from which you’ve linked, doesn’t receive the data any more. I won’t say where it goes now for obvious reasons. BTW. NIOSH, CDC, all great resources. Tried and true regardless of what the twitter monster tells you. Their stats have helped me convince many a young person to wear the PPE and be safe. Thanks for linking to them.
  14. And a dart is thrown at an empty wall. The fearless can still know angst. Instead of being consumed they can master it and operate freely within its realm. True story.
  15. And I wish that I had eyebrows but we play the cards we are dealt. Also a post besides the one that was moved disappeared last night. Correctly or not, I assumed it was you.
  16. You say this as though you have definitive proof that they didn’t. Do you have proof? Asking for a friend. I agree 100%. It’s actually just the opposite innit? I’m assuming SS isn’t one of the 501(c) organizations and that it is run for profit. I coincidentally am in one of those organizations (under 501(c)(5)) but I’ll get back to this in a moment. Don’t you think that as moderator of this for profit site(allegedly)you should not share the fact that discussion of racial bias(which mostly happened in the thread created for it) pisses you off? Forget about Ogre the poster for a moment, what about Joe Lurker or Suzy Advertiser? When someone (like myself) shares some inside info that a particular word or phrase is found to be offensive by minority groups, they are sharing facts and attempting to modify behaviors. You might see no problem with ‘tribal’ but when it’s used to shine a negative light on folks that believe in masks, then it is used in its darkest definition, to paint a certain group as unintelligent and in need of another superior group to help them understand. As the main representative of this site, don’t you agree that you should not share those thoughts? Again forget about the regular poster. What about those other two groups I mentioned? In today’s newly emerging culture of advertisers’ boycotts, don’t you think they would see negative imagery like this coupled with the main representative moving and deleting random posts(oh you’re a Deleter for sure, twice for now so far but hold tight, I’m getting there) and be turned off from spending their advertising dollars here? I would imagine the fight to retain advertisers is getting pretty competitive but I’m not going to tell you how to do you. Now for that Deleter status. You deleted a post I shared where I stated my belief that Labor Unions are good for this country(there’s my 501(c)(5) not for profit status for ya?)and the best way to reach a strong middle class America. If it was political it wasn’t just moved, it was deleted. Poof! Just like my post last night where I used the knowledge of all my years instructing minority peoples that the use of the word ‘tribal’ in a negative light should go bye-bye. Poof! Gone in 30 seconds! I won’t make that mistake again. I’ll instantaneously memorialize this so that if it is deleted again, I can give it new life, as many times as it is deleted. Let people have all the facts and let them decide. Lurker and advertiser alike. I’ve done nothing but speak my mind here. My message is solid. If my tone pisses you off then that’s on you and a sure sign that you should look within before looking without. IMO of course.
  17. I predicted this from day one and my FIL kept asserting that it could never get that bad. Now he’s lost faith in bipartisanship(he’s a longtime politician that made it the basis of how he lead). If even a small amount was applied to the wound at the onset of injury we most likely wouldn’t have as severe an infection as we have now. (Both literally and metaphorically)
  18. This is the pretty damn low. Stand up and show everyone just how petty and unstable you are. Reminds me of how my little brother would knock the Sorry board and all the pieces on the floor when he got sent back to start. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/17/politics/white-house-portraits-clinton-bush-trump/index.html
  19. I’m switching between phone and laptop and lost a post somehow. This sums it up though. https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/spring-2001/the-trouble-with-tribe
  20. So far the fishing line fence is working. I planted a TON of popcorn thinking I’d get an eighth of it. Now that I’ve seen what cross breeding can do, I’m slightly nervous I may not exactly end up with heirloom popcorn. We’ll see. I planted it tightly together so none of the local corn pollen would have much of a chance.
  21. I bought a handle of tequila a few weeks ago that is down as low as my expectations.
  22. FTFY?
  23. You’ve used this term too many times. What is your intent with using this specific word? FYI, it’s widely seen in the Native and African American communities as a signal that they are seen as less intelligent, less able to make good decisions for themselves. For example, the Tribal police are seen as the lesser police force (even though they are policing their autonomous lands). Not really a good word to be using in the context that you’re using it in right now. IMO of course.
  24. This squash plant came up in the middle of the popcorn from seed that had dropped from last years crop so I let it go to see what I’d get. Pretty weird. Yellow and bumps like a summer squash but obviously shaped like an acorn squash. Obviously those two are in the same species so I looked it up. Cucurbita pepo. Do I pick it like a summer squash or let it go like an acorn? Maybe save it for seeds and see what I get next year?
  25. Is it more difficult to buy a fitted hat without being able to put it on your head first? Bald guys need to try a hat on before purchasing. What’s the percentage of bald sports fans?
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