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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. BTW Weave. I respect and value your opinion on most things. I'll only speak fervently about the limited topics I feel a kinship with....
  2. My chronic pain can't differentiate between coping and relieving....My research(private as it is) confirms it.
  3. Spinal fusion L5/S1. Surgical repair to left rotator. Surgical repair right rotator. Surgical repair left acl. Surgical reconstruction left foot in particular 5th metatarsal. Skin graft right hand.... I respectfully disagree with you sir. I'm a expert in pain.
  4. We are drug tested often. Guys beat themselves silly over a lifetime of building bridges, hospitals, hockey rinks, etc. They need something more than ibuprofen to ease their pain and make it through tomorrow. If they have a script for a particular pain med then they pass the test. The doc doesn't prescribe weed. It cheap. It's not addicting. It eases their pain. Legitimize. Legalize weed so someone can self medicate past tomorrow without a narcotic. Most guys I know would prefer to smoke rather than have a pill. You're probably spot on that it won't do a thing to counter Oxy. I'm guessing most people are smart enough to to not give their own urine anyway. So if you LIKE pills you will in fact still do them. My point is(since I was clearly not clear) the natural medicine would probably be the best first script. If that doesn't help the pain then move on to narcotics. Limit exposure.
  5. I took Oxy for a couple days after my spinal fusion(L5 to S1). Oxy was awful(and I've had my fair share of drugs)so I've never understood the lure. The doc prescribes Methadone but the folks I've known "need" the other. They start freezing the Tylenol out for a better buzz. Yada yada heroin. We won't as an organization kick a man when he's down. We will send you to rehab. You get clean and we will forget the rest. I've yet to meet someone who can kick heroin(or pills) and finish their career. The worst for me are those guys back from Afghanistan. Served like a hero but are hooked on junk. One of my favorite apprentices just never came back from rehab. Sad....
  6. ^ I've always had a tough time with eyeball measurements in cooking. I've ruined enough dinners to stumble upon brining. I don't do beef that way unless it's a "less expensive" and normally tougher cut. Chuck, brisket, etc... I grew up on a beef farm though. My dad would FLIP if you did anything to it but cook it! I won't grill pork or chicken without a soak in brine. Like I've said. I've ruined enough dinners. A quick Google will give you an easy recipe.
  7. Qwk. What you are doing for Gramma is awesome.
  8. "Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of the government. The history of government is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of government, not the increase of it." Woodrow Wilson.
  9. This should be in the Awesome thread.
  10. Amen!
  11. Pill popping is getting out of hand. Everyone with ten or more years in my trade lives with chronic pain. Those pills mess their minds up. I'd rather work with a guy who smokes weed any day over a pill popper. They'll get you killed. I see it in the apprentices. Once you've started cold extraction you are one step away from smacking your veins up. Self medicating will never go away. IMO removing weed from the prohibition list would help.
  12. Not surprised by Samuels-Thomas. Couldn't stay on his feet. Never cared for Sundher. I am a bit surprised by Dalpe but oh well. He was never going to be a reliable call up. On to the next guy.
  13. Big fan of Kurt. I remember the day he died. Huge humble talent IMO. The unplugged brought me around to the Meat Puppets. We used "Shine" at our wedding reception. "In the middle of a battle is a little of the way you talk...and you shine...." It seemed to fit us.
  14. I buy supermarket meat. It's ok. I grew up in farm country so I know what specific animals you'd find on the shelves. I'm not saying it bad. It's just not a prime animal. You pay top dollar for something that was bred for meat. Not some old milker that couldn't get up anymore. I do remember those home grown steaks though. I thought I was some poor kid at the time. Stupid me.
  15. 100% chance at a full recovery? It doesn't get any better than that, Bio. It sucks that he has to suffer. I'm sure he will be better than ever. That's what those old dudes do. My dad is not only still chugging along after a dozen "you should be dead" issues...He's flourishing! I am sure that your dad will be feistier than ever. A 40 min commute is nothing. Jump on that offer. I drive that much or more to the site, to drive 40 mins or more to the hall to do class, and 40 mins home. Hell. I drive 40 mins to watch the Amerks play. No cheese is better than processed cheese. I eat my sandwiches dry. No cheese. No mayo. I am an odd one though.
  16. Sh!tty week. A man was killed on our site Monday morning. He drowned in the GD river. He wasn't in my trade but was a union brother. Wife and three young children. I can't go into detail. The younger workers were pretty shaken up. I realized how desensitized I am to this type of tragedy. If anyone would like to donate to the family there is a go find me. I can't give any details but you can call the Carpenter's union hall in Rochester. They will give you the info. Thank you George W for pillaging OSHA. We working class folks don't deserve to stay safe. Profits before people. It's sad that you only see OSHA on jobs anymore when someone gets killed. Be proud of yourself George. You rat F'ing bastard!
  17. Their beef is perfectly aged. I have it sent to my folks. My father raised and butchered a beef every year. He was careful to age the meat enough. He appreciates the effort involved. Their product really is worth the premium.
  18. Welcome to the ranks soldier. Congratulations.
  19. Maybe he's a grower and not so much a shower? Maybe if he got the first pick we'd see the full name?
  20. In your opinion is that common practice? The insiders making their name that is? Maybe sensationalizing something they've heard? Would they make something up all together? It would change how I receive info if that's the case.
  21. Well man. It was a rough day. I'll save that for Thursday though. I got home from work a little early today, put on a pair of big boy pants and headed down to the local blood drive at the church. My first time. I was nervous but IMO a phobia is no different than an addiction. I've kicked a few habits in my day and I decided that today I was going to kick the sissy habit. I filled that sucker in under three minutes. Turns out I have a talent for bleeding. The little buzz it gave me was just a bonus! I'm guess I won't have my normal number of beers tonight.
  22. I will call him "Burning Eyes". That is the look that one gets when someone has "flipped the switch". Absolutely needed on the squad. I've liked this guy from day one. He is a jacked up Energizer Bunny.
  23. I admire your commitment to sacrifice. Peace. Bio. I am glad that you have two opportunities. You are one of the most thoughtful posters here. I am confident that you will chose wisely. Good luck!
  24. Thanks man. I've known lots of family and friends that have needed them. This makes me feel a bit guilty though. I have the same blood type and have always wanted to give. I am just a giant sissy when it comes to needles. I was butchered by a nurse with an IV before my spinal surgery and haven't been the same since...How long was the process? I'm inspired now to kick that phobia.
  25. I can honestly say that I've never considered splitting my brew into two secondaries. I brew 5.5 at a time which gives me two cases. I can dry hop in one and finish or do whatever in the other. You've given me a new angle full of new possibilities. Thanks.
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